There are many mountain tops, big and small, in the thunderstorm mountains. The place where the seal is located is just between the mountains, so the strongmen of all ethnic groups occupy one mountain top after they arrive.

There are more than 40 level 10 strong men in the Los Empire, half of them are magicians and half are flying knights, occupying the largest mountain.

Next door came more than a dozen orcs, who had lost a lot in momentum.

Although Oster was not convinced with his broken arm, he could only hold it when he looked at the strong man who was almost three times as strong as his own.

The top ten demons all sent strong sources. Although they didn't get together because they didn't deal with their aura, there were more than 20 of them.

Ten strongmen came to the troll clan. Because they were too tall, they were easily struck by the active thunder and lightning in the thunderstorm mountains when standing high, so they chose to stand in a depression.

Electricity is not dead, but it is not elegant after all.

The dwarves and goblins are a bit shabby, with only six strong men of level 10.

And the elves are only five ten strong, Helena did not show up.

However, everyone knows what happened to the elves during this period, so they didn't say much.

Ten of the ten strong men in the city of chaos came out. Three of them came voluntarily after hearing the call of the city leader.

The strongmen of the dragon clan came one after another. All kinds of dragons fell down and attracted people's attention. There were forty dragons, which showed the powerful foundation of the dragon clan.

Ten of randist's strong men stood by quietly.

The delegation of the state of the moon was also on the list, led by the king, but Barbara was not in the team.

In addition to the representatives of all ethnic groups, there were also some free people present.

For example, Crassus, Julian, and Irina, who are quite impressive.

"I heard Alex is in the city of chaos, too. Why don't you see him?" Kaohsins, the dragon of the storm, looks at Elena and asks aloud.

"Why, you want to fight him alone?" Irina looked up at him and asked with a sneer.

Cousins choked and could not help shrinking his neck. The matchmaker was not a good person.

It is the consensus of Nolan that the dragon clan is powerful.

However, the rise of the Los empire in the past 100 years has made the strong people of all ethnic groups have different ideas.

Forty strong men of level 10 have been able to stand side by side with the dragon clan. What Qiao Xiu said yesterday is true. With the strength of the whole kingdom of Los Empire, I'm afraid they can push half of Nolan.

No one would have thought that the strength of the weak Terran a hundred years ago increased so fast that it was so terrible.

Michael came out from the bottom of the earth, looked at the strong people of all ethnic groups and said in a loud voice: "the mages of the array are still trying to build the array, but the old seal array is in danger under the impact of the devil, so you can only guard here tonight to prevent it from breaking through the seal."

"If you want me to say, there's no need to bother. Let's put it out directly. There are more than 100 levels of ten here. One person can give it a second. No matter what it is, you can give it a second." Cousins didn't like it.

"That is, isn't it an old thing that has been sealed for hundreds of years? So many of us are afraid of him?" An abyss demon echoed.

Yesterday, representatives of all ethnic groups who had seen the devil's terror power rolled their eyes one after another. This kind of judgment is not applicable to that guy. A devil with the highest point of magic resistance and material resistance, terrible self blood returning ability, and extremely strong attack power can't be solved by simply adding up all the top ten.

"Cosines, put away your contempt. That guy almost killed me with only two tentacles. You know, he has thousands of tentacles and can recover all the injuries in a short time." Franklin said coldly.

The strong people of all ethnic groups are slightly discolored when they hear the words. Although they have already understood the goal before they came here, they still have full impact when they really hear the words from Franklin.

To know how proud the Tyrannosaurus Rex is, Franklin is one of the top strongmen in Nolan and has been famous for thousands of years.

Cousins opened his mouth, looked at Louis and Douglas, who were also calm, and finally closed his mouth.

The atmosphere in the thunderstorm mountains suddenly became a little depressed. The strongmen of all ethnic groups put away their contempt and began to arrange troops in the chaotic city.

The strongmen of all ethnic groups have reached level 10, but their attack means are different. There are magicians and archers who are good at long-range attack, flying knights and soldiers of all ethnic groups who are good at close combat, giant dragons who are good at high altitude attack, Goblins who are good at attacking and killing, and forest trolls who are good at group control skills.

How to deploy the strong people of all ethnic groups, so that they can cooperate with each other and play a more powerful and effective lethality, has become a very important thing.

As the night deepened, bonfires lit up in the thunderstorm mountains.

The strong men of all ethnic groups have occupied suitable positions and obtained unified tactics.

Once the seal is broken and the new seal has not been completed, the mage of the array will withdraw from the battlefield for the first time. The real battlefield will be in the wider thunderstorm mountains, rather than in the narrow and closed caves.

"You go back to the city of chaos first." Rex said, looking at Connie kneading her hands by the fire.

"No, I'm also a woman who wants to save the world. How can I leave at such an important moment?" Connie shook her head.

"If you stay here, it will only distract the people who save the world to save you." Rex said without expression.

"Master, you are going too far." Connie looked aggrieved.

"Over there." Rex reached out and pointed in the direction of the city of chaos.

Connie stares at Rex's face for a while, making sure he doesn't change his mind, so she gets up and prepares to go back to town.

"You help to send her back to the chaotic city, to the Lord's house." Rex got up, took her to find a knight of the Lord's mansion, and told her.

"Master, I can really go back by myself." Connie looked helpless.

Rex smell speech again exhort A: "let the person of city Lord mansion send her to return to yard."

"Yes." The knight nodded seriously, with a look of loveless Connie toward the direction of the city of chaos.

That night, there were many sleepless people in Nolan.

McGonagall had a good sleep, but he got up early in the morning and left a note for the crowd. The egg and lean porridge was on the fire. He secretly rode on the silent purple Griffin and left the blue grassland.

All the way north, the ordinary creatures of all ethnic groups in Nolan still began their ordinary day. They did not know that in the center of the whole continent, a crisis had been brewing to the stage of breaking up.

The purple Griffin let out a long cry, and then fell into the thunderstorm mountains in the public eye.


The crowd looked at the man sitting on the Griffin.

"Critical! Devil crazy impact, seal barrier is about to break! The new seal array is only a little short of completion! You need to delay for the master of the array! " Just then, Novartis rushed out of the cave, looked at the strong man present and cried out.

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