McGonagall, driving the purple Griffin, just landed. Before he could adapt to the attention of the public, he was interrupted by the voice of Novartis.

This morning, the octopus monster was about to break the seal, half a day earlier than expected.

However, the strong people of all ethnic groups are already in place. When they sweep away, they have the illusion of a ten level race all over the ground.

A blockade has gathered 90% of the top powers in Nolan, and there is no "Ding" in Nolan! Emergency mission trigger: ask the host to help seal the octopus monster. Mission success: you will get an octopus series menu! Mission failure: use octopus to stab a whole body

Just then, the sound of the system suddenly rang out in his mind.

"Well???" "I'll go with you," McGonagall said in a deep voice as he thought of the full eyed Octopus beard

Then he strode to keep up with the people who had begun to enter the grottoes.

"Alex, you don't want to kill the devil directly, do you?" People were surprised to see MEG, the last one to jump into the cave. As a knight, Alex should not have the ability of long-range attack.

People quickly through the channel, into the seal cave.

The wall has been removed, leaving only the thin array barrier, which is about to collapse under the impact of the octopus monster. Many cracks have begun to spread on the barrier, which may break at any time.

The theme of the new seal array has been completed. Thousands of complex runes are shining like stars in the sky.

The tired array mages stood at the entrance of the mountain, watching the cautious Jonas and other three top array mages in the field, starting the array.

The scattered runes are linked together to turn the seal array into a truly complete array. This is the last and most important step.

It seems to feel the threat. The octopus Freak is crazy and impacts the seal array. Its tentacles are corroded by the seal barrier, but it can't stop its crazy impact.

"Avoid the new formation, attack the octopus monster and stop it from attacking the seal!" Krasu roared, and a fire dragon rushed out of the master's staff and rushed towards the octopus monster.

Julian didn't say much. He recited a mantra in his mouth. The temperature in the sealed array area dropped suddenly, as if it was covered by ice and snow. An ice broke out from above, entangled with the fire dragon that rushed into the array, and ran into the octopus monster.


With a roar, the octopus raised more than ten tentacles and wound them around Bingfeng and Huolong.


Without waiting for the tentacles to fall, the ice and the fire dragon collided.

Extremely hot and extremely cold collision, instant explosion.

The center of the explosion was full of flesh and blood, and the broken tentacles fell to the ground.

And the octopus monster was also repulsed by the blast wave, and the momentum of the forward rush stopped immediately, giving out a roar.

"So strong!"

The powerful and the mages who have not yet left look at this scene, and their faces are frightened.

With the joint strike of the God of fire and the Lord of frost, the terror power is no longer the sum of two level 10 strong men.

"Is this inspired by Amy?" McGonagall is picking eyebrows. The combination of ice and fire is Amy's specialty. It's ice and fire lotus.

Krasu and Julian joined hands to attack the octopus monster, causing certain damage, which made the original strong people excited. They also sacrificed their magic and skills to launch the octopus monster. Dozens of powerful magic and enchantment arrows flew towards the octopus monster in the middle of the seal array.


The octopus monster seems to be completely enraged, making a piercing sound that makes the eardrum tear. Countless tentacles originally coiled under the octopus monster's body dance at the same time, just like a wall of tentacles.

Magic and arrows fell on the tentacle wall, like a stone thrown into the sea. Except for hearing a little noise and breaking a few tentacles, they could not cause any substantial damage.

"What a terrible defense!"

"Its tentacles are reborn!"

"It's coming out!"

The faces of the strong changed dramatically. They had never experienced such a great disparity in strength, and they had never seen such a powerful opponent. Seeing those surging tentacles slapping the seal barrier full of cracks, they felt powerless.

"Five more minutes!" Jonas, sweating, cried out. He was walking with a pen in his hand. The golden source liquid had hooked up a series of runes, and most of the array had been lit up.

"It's too late. Let the mage retreat first and lead this guy out to fight again!" Julian sank.

"Go With a wave of novan's hand, the mage who was standing outside the cave was coerced and thrown to the direction of the cave.


The seal barrier is crushed by countless tentacles, and the ancient array that has lasted for countless years is completely broken.

The three human magicians who are close to the seal array are instantly photographed. One second before hitting the wall, they are transferred to the entrance of the mountain by Novak's space magic.

"Everyone back up!" Novartis roared solemnly.

A group of strong men began to retreat towards the entrance of the mountain.

"Cover me!" McGonagall, who watched the situation reverse in an instant, drank deeply to Irina and Julian, who had not yet retreated, and rushed to the octopus monster with his sword.

"Brother octopus, let's go through the robbery together!"

McGonagall looked at the countless Octopus whiskers that had been sent to him, grinning and pointing his sword to the sky.

"Lei Lai!"

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