The dazzling light illuminates the cave and the retrograde figure.

The strong men who retreated to the entrance of the mountain cast their eyes one after another.

Alex is powerful, but the combination of more than 30 level 10 strong men can't effectively stop the octopus monster. How can he stop it when he comes forward alone?


There was a loud bang between heaven and earth.

Over the thunderstorm mountains, a nine color cloud suddenly appeared, like a whirlpool, spinning rapidly over the seal, and electric thunder reverberated in the cloud.

"What is this?"

Outside the cave, the strong people of all ethnic groups are looking at the cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. Their faces are all changed. The lightning flashing in the cloud has terrible power!

With a loud click, a purple gold thunder burst out of the cloud like an angry dragon and fell towards the center of the circle.

At this moment, in the seal cave, the octopus monster, who was temporarily blocked by the holy light, fixed his eyes on MEG, who rushed forward alone. Countless tentacles were rushing to him like tides, smashing him in the face and drowning him in an instant.

"What is the boy doing?"

Krasu was shocked. His wand hit the ground with a heavy pestle. Two golden red fire dragons crossed and flew to the octopus monster, flexibly avoiding the external tentacles, and then exploded, trying to blow up a passage for Alex.

Julian also shot almost at the same time, the whole seal space was frozen, the cold air almost condensed into the essence, but it only slowed the octopus's action a little.

Irina's look was calm, but her eyes were shining with tears. The bright light rushed out of the master's staff again, following some space blasted by Krasu's fire dragon, trying to find the figure buried by countless tentacles.

"It's a pity."

People can't help but sigh in their hearts. A generation of legendary Knights fell, and they paid for their impulse after all.

At this time, a purple gold lightning penetrated the kilometer rock layer, appeared above the cave, and suddenly split on the octopus monster.

The irresistible Octopus monster with rolling tentacles was suddenly struck by lightning. The tentacles froze in an instant, and a trace of white smoke rose above his head, giving off a kind of burnt smell.

"Where did the thunder come from?"

Originally prepared to evacuate the strong looking at this scene, can not help but stare big eyes, a face of incredible looking at the action of stagnation Octopus strange.

They can feel the terrible thunderstorm power contained in the previous purple gold lightning. Although it is in the thunderstorm mountain range, it is thousands of meters below the ground. How could lightning strike the octopus monster so accurately?

"Rob thunder!" As soon as Irina's eyes brightened, she suddenly understood the meaning of McGonagall's words. She had seen such thunder and lightning in the endless sea.

"Don't be afraid. Our brothers share happiness and are alike."

A sound came from under the octopus's tentacles. With the light of the knife flashing, more than ten tentacles were cut into countless pieces, revealing McGonagall's safety.

"Alex is not dead!"

"Did he lead the thunder and lightning?"

"But isn't he a knight? When did you master thunder and lightning? "

People looked at the scene, excited and confused.

"This one... I seem to have seen it somewhere." The expression of a strong man of the terrible demons is a little strange.

"Mr. McGonagall is the chosen one." Dexter slowly put down his crystal ball and looked at MEG with admiration.

"Come on! Keep sketching the array, we may still have time! " Jonas took a look at the young man in front of the devil. Although he didn't know his identity, he was definitely a real warrior. His courage and strength might win them some precious time.


Octopus seems to be angered by McGonagall, issued a sharp roar, at the same time, countless tentacles to McGonagall beat hard, it will let this little guy pay for his arrogance.

The overlapping tentacles rolled in, but McGonagall fell into a trance, and Mu Li didn't move on the spot.

The powerful mental control from the old dominator makes his mind stop almost instantaneously. It's like casting a black cage in his mind. He even loses control of his body and can't feel everything around him.


Irina exclaimed, and a holy light fell on MEG through the gap between her tentacles.

As if the sun had torn the dark sky, McGonagall felt that his cage had disappeared. As soon as he opened his eyes, a tentacle had pressed his face.

His sword is very fast, but Octopus brother is too benevolent and righteous, and the thunder has not yet fallen on him. He is only level nine after all.

This means that no matter how fast his sword is, it can't stop cutting the octopus whisker.

Fortunately, he also carried a kitchen knife.

His kitchen knife is also very fast.

As the light of the knife flashed by, the barbecued tentacle broke and fell to the ground powerlessly before hitting Meg's head.

"If you are strong, you can be strong. The kitchen knife will teach you how to be a man." Variegated carp, make complaints about the long sword, and dance in the tentacles. At the same time, he is crazy about Tucao in his heart: "system, mine? Is there such a big delay? "

"It's possible that Tiandao is evaluating the level of intervention and brewing the appropriate lightning level." The system calms down.

"Take it easy. Don't send dad away with you." McGonagall shuttles between the tentacles and is surrounded by countless tentacles again. Fortunately, these tentacles are too thick for McGonagall to use when he is close to him. He can always find a place for him to dodge.

But the space is getting smaller and smaller. The octopus's tentacled eyes are not a decoration.

"Let's help him!" The strong people who were ready to evacuate saw this scene and returned to the cave again, ready to move.

"Don't do it, I don't know people!" Meg's voice came from the octopus.


There was another thunder. This time, three purple and gold thunderbolts fell from the top of the cave, each of which was more than twice as big as the previous one.


The octopus looked up at the thunder and made a sound of fear.

The crowd subconsciously retreated and watched the three thunderbolts fall.

The glare of thunder is more powerful than the holy light, and the void becomes a little twisted under the lightning. However, the situation of Octopus monster and Alex in the center of the thunder is still unknown.

However, these three thunders are really terrible, and they contain the power of heaven and earth. Even the top ten can only retreat and dare not touch the edge.

People are a little nervous staring at ray robbery center, five minutes has passed, but Alex is still alive? How did he lead to such terrible lightning?

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