"It's hard."

Trapped under the octopus's tentacles, McGonagall is numb and unable to move.

Although brother Octopus was honest enough to block most of the thunder robberies for him, he didn't realize that the octopus was a conductor. After the thunder fell on the octopus monster, it transmitted to him indirectly.

Fortunately, after the thunderbolt penetrated the octopus monster's body, it was like passing through an octopus shaped resistance, and then fell on him. The power was just right, which not only achieved the effect of dredging blood vessels, but also avoided the tragic consequences of directly killing him because of the excessive lightning intensity.

After two successive cuts, the octopus monster, who did whatever he wanted, finally got a little counseling. Thousands of eyes turned around, staring at the top of the cave, and did not dare to move for a moment.

The black sludge on the surface of the octopus has been decomposed by lightning, but after being electrified by three thunderbolts, the surface of the octopus turns black and looks a little funny.

In the hands of this Octopus monster, the people who eat shriveled one after another look at this scene. While they are happy, they have more questions about Alex.

It is well known that Alex is the most powerful knight in the history of the world, with the powerful strength to fight with the dragon.

But what he shows today is his powerful lightning control ability.

I don't know where the thunder and lightning came from, even the incomparable devil was stunned.

But what they care more about now is whether Alex, who disappeared, is still alive in the terrible thunder robbery.


At this moment, the strong men of all ethnic groups waiting outside the grottoes, looking at the crazy rotation of the ten color clouds in the sky, all look suspicious.

The terrible thunder and lightning that had fallen one after another before hit a dark pit in the middle of the crowd.

Moreover, they can make sure that the target of the lightning is not to hit the ground. If the lightning passes through, the target may be under the ground.

The only inference in people's hearts that can cause such terrible lightning is the devil.

I just don't know what's going on under the ground, whether the new seal array has been built, and whether the devil has broken the old seal.

"The seal has been broken, Alex is fighting the devil!"

At this time, before shooting down, the five thunderbolts turned into a five color thunderbolt, which was as thick as the octopus's head.

Thunder with lightning, accompanied by Octopus strange ear piercing scream, five colors of lightning almost pouring into the body, even the internal organs are illuminated by lightning, countless Octopus have to unconsciously throw around, smash the rocks, cave shaking, as if to collapse at any time.

In time, Julian props up an ice wall only one person high, blocks Jonas and the new formation behind the ice wall, and makes the octopus slide smoothly over the ice.

Meg, who was surrounded by Octopus whiskers, was not so lucky this time. He had to rely on Octopus monsters to carry the thunder.

In addition to the thunder and lightning that penetrated the octopus' body and fell on him, a five color thunder and lightning like a long snake actually bypassed the octopus, passed through the gap between the tentacles and blasted on his head.

Thunderclap, like an axe from the head, and then turned into countless small axes, cut the cells one by one, smash, that kind of extreme pain let him out a long cry.

It's a repeated process. Lightning travels through his body. Every part of his body is repeatedly broken and recombined.

Even though McGonagall has experienced nine thunder robberies, the nine thunder robberies in the past add up to no pain and suffering this time.

He even has the impulse to take out a fat headed fish and stab himself.

But now he has lost control of his body, not to mention taking a knife, he can't even turn his head.

He widened his eyes, trying to find something to attract attention.

Then he saw that there was a golden egg in the body of the octopus monster illuminated by lightning.

"What's that?" McGonagall's eyes are growing wider and wider. Is the octopus egg raw? But even Nezha had a difficult labor for three years. This guy has been sealed here for countless years. Is he constipated even when he lays an egg?

Before McGonagall could see clearly, the pain of his body suddenly disappeared, and the octopus monster's body was back to normal.

McGonagall clenched his fist, and his body was filled with unprecedented powerful feeling. At the same time, all the fighting skills that level 10 can use and play to the extreme in his mind were mastered instantly.

"Level 10, that's the feeling." McGonagall's mouth showed a smile, looked at Jonas, who was about to finish the new seal, and took a deep breath.

Now, it's time to show his true strength.

Although the breath of the octopus monster was much weaker, it was still robbed after all. At the same time, it noticed that the new seal array was about to close, and immediately became manic. Dozens of Octopus had to be lifted up and smashed down at Jonas.


At this time, a thunder sounded again.

"Lying trough, how can there be any more!" McGonagall was shocked, his strength has been upgraded to level 10, this thunder robbery should be regarded as passing.

"The host's introduction of foreign aid is too powerful, so the way of heaven may judge violations, so it will bring down extra natural disasters!"

"The energy of this natural disaster is too large. Based on the host's physical quality and mental endurance, this system suggests: lie flat."

The system sounds.

"Can you lie flat?" Asked MEG.

"Be quiet if you can."

"Goodbye, host. Maybe we can meet again in the next world."

The system put up unforgettable tonight

MEG: shit!

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