After the successful robbery, the thunder robbery did not break up.

I'm in a panic.

Do you have any solutions?

McGonagall was really square and flustered at the moment.

And looking at the side of the same trembling, I do not know whether it is the sequelae of thunder chop or the same panic Octopus strange, he was a little pleased.

"Come on, octopus, you can fight this wave, and we will win! Ollie, give it to me MEG clenched his fist and began to give encouragement to octopus.

"Alex is still alive!"

People also noticed MEG flickering between the tentacles of the octopus. They marveled that he had survived in such a terrible thunder and lightning, and at the same time, he was deeply worried about the rolling thunder and lightning that had not yet dispersed.

"The array will be finished soon. Let's work together to block the octopus monster and let Alex come out first. I'm a little scared by the thunder." Krasu looked at Irina and said.

"I'm afraid he can't hold up the stronger thunder." Julian looks serious. Although he feels that Alex's breath is a little stronger than before, he doesn't feel that he really controls lightning. He is a knight after all, and even a level 10 lightning magician can't do it with such a powerful lightning.

"I'm afraid he can't even stop himself." Elena's eyes can not hide anxiety, but still remember McGonagall's advice before, not rashly.

Outside the grottoes, the powerful people look at the thunderclouds spinning wildly in the sky. The thunder comes from the thunderclouds and breeds great terror.

The previous five thunder robberies have been frightening, but now they contain the potential of destroying heaven and earth, as if to bring down the anger of heaven and earth.

"What did Alex do? Is he going to kill the devil

"We can't bear this terrible thunder, and Alex can't bear it. Does he want to sacrifice himself for Nolan?"

"The spirit is really admirable and moving."

With emotion, the strong retreated a hundred meters for fear of being robbed by the thunder.

"Lead the thunder to split yourself, Alex. I'll see if your life is really harder than the devil." There was a sneer on Joe's lips.


McGonagall really didn't want to sacrifice himself. His biggest wild hope was to sacrifice brother octopus.

But now it seems that the situation is not good, the natural disaster is out of control.

Although the octopus monster was also flustered, Gu couldn't help raising his Octopus beard and taking a picture of MEG. He seemed to have realized that it was this hateful guy who caused this terrible lightning.

McGonagall's epee turned over, his foot moved, and his body shot like an arrow. He cut his sword on the octopus's whisker without dodging. On the edge of the sword, there was a silver sword, which was introverted without losing its sharpness.

The edge.

The simplest and most effective basic sword skill.

Epee pick, cut in the octopus beard above.

Originally tough Octopus whiskers, but now like tofu, they are easily cut off by MEG.

McGonagall raised his eyebrows. Level 10 is really different. Whether it's power or control of sword skills, level 9 is completely different from level 10.

At the moment, he has a perfect fit with the Epee in his hand. I have the long sword in my hand.

On a whim, he cut off some Octopus whiskers.

That's good.

Octopus monster eat pain issued a roar, but did not wait for it to do anything to Meg, the new thunder is coming.

Ten color thunder robbers fall from the sky, just like ten color dragons dart out of the crazy revolving robber clouds.

Within tens of miles around the thunderstorm mountains, all the thunder and lightning were almost evacuated in an instant. The dazzling thunder light flashed half of the sky, and even the light of the sun was taken away.

Even in the city of chaos, I noticed the strange phenomena of heaven and earth tens of miles away.

Ten thunderbolt dragons with the power of heaven and earth burst into the grottoes.

MEG and the octopus stopped at the same time and looked up.

Ten terrible thunder dragons burst out from the top of their heads and fell on them at the same time.

They seemed to be in the same place and did not try to escape.

"Done!" Jonas received the pen, surprised, the new seal array lit up, out of thin air raised a translucent curtain wall, the octopus monster will be rich again.

Jonas's body was suddenly pulled back by a force out of thin air, leaving the seal range in an instant.

At the same time, ten terrible thunderbolts fell on the octopus and MEG in the eyes of the people in the grottoes.

The terrible thunder and lightning, each with a diameter of more than three meters, contains the power of terrible thunder and lightning.

The ten strong people on the scene can be sure that any lightning can make them fly away, let alone be hit by ten lightning at the same time.

Ten colors of thunder and lightning fall in the same place. The whole seal array is shrouded by terrible thunder and lightning. The dazzling thunder and lightning makes people unable to look directly at it. The terrible power makes the strong people who have retreated to the entrance of the mountain dare not rush forward.

"The devil... Should have died?"

After a long time, a magician asked in a low voice.

In fact, he didn't finish what he said, which is more likely... But we are not willing to mention it.

The new seal array has been built. Alex has completed the task of delaying time. No matter whether the devil is alive or dead, Nolan's urgent need has been solved.

Unfortunately, in such a terrible thunderstorm, Alex is also doomed.

"Mr. Alex!" Dexter looked at the scene, could not help rushing forward, raised his hand to sacrifice the crystal ball, ready to help.

"This lightning is very strange. It will attack people in a certain range without any difference. If you attack now, you will only set yourself on fire." Julian stopped him and said in a deep voice.

Irina shook her head at him, too.

Dexter looked anxious, but he knew that both of them had an extraordinary relationship with Mr. McGonagall. They didn't help Mr. McGonagall, and there must be a reason to stop him.

In the thunder and lightning, the octopus roared and danced its tentacles madly, and MEG was in a frenzy.

The feeling of soul being torn is tens of thousands of times more painful than the cell breaking on the body. It is the pain that can't be avoided with emptiness. It hits the soul directly.

McGonagall felt that his soul had been cut into innumerable pieces. In his vague consciousness, he seemed to see many memories of the past, including his birth, growth, some people he met, some things

In addition, he also saw many horrible pictures between heaven and earth, such as huge eyeballs in the deep sea, headless corpses floating in the air, and broken corpses in the endless abyss

The pain and psychedelic scenes in his soul made his spirit fall into the edge of collapse.

"It's better to end like this..." McGonagall's shaking hand held the epee. Although it was difficult, as long as he mastered the power properly, he should be able to chop his head and end the pain.

The new seal should be done, and his mission is done.

The Epee rose slowly and fell towards his face.

At this time, the golden egg in the octopus body was split out of the body by a lightning, and cracks appeared on it, and then it broke completely.

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