McGonagall seems to see the countdown of his life. The intense pain from the deep soul makes him just want to end it as soon as possible.

The Epee has come before us. As long as it falls, it will be over.

Just then, a soft white light suddenly fell on him.

As if a basin of ice water were pouring down on his head, Meg's mind recovered a little.

Then he saw the lovely figure in those soul fragments, kneeling by the bed, holding his hand, lonely, wearing a new skirt and smiling happily. MEG didn't know how long the process had been, as if it had been a century.

He saw that his body, which had just recovered to level 10, was reconstructed again in the lightning. It was no longer a baptism, but a rebirth after complete disintegration. The lightning engraved mysterious lines on the bones and left mysterious marks on the muscles.

He saw that his soul was torn and reorganized, and the two estranged memories were completely integrated into one soul, a stable and indestructible soul.

McGonagall opened his eyes, the thunder and lightning around him suddenly dispersed, and there was a vacuum around him.

"This... This is?" McGonagall looked down at his hand. His slender white fingers didn't seem much different from before, but he knew how terrible and powerful this seemingly ordinary hand was.

He has felt the power of level 10, but the power he has now is above level 10.

The original Tiandu sword, however, is smaller by a whole circle and more delicate, but it is still a heavy sword that ordinary people can't control.

There is a silver lightning sign in the position of the hilt. Holding it in the hand, it has a common feeling with the soul.

It seems that it is also reborn in the thunder here.

"Congratulations to the host, the God of success!"

The sound of the system sounded, unforgettable tonight, I do not know when has been cut into a good day.

"The gods?" MEG frowned, puzzled.

"Level 10 is the upper limit of the world. It's a natural God. According to the records of ancient books, the host was the only successful deity in Nolan in 100000 years. " The system answers.

If McGonagall was thoughtful, it seemed that Fengshen was just a breakthrough in the realm, but he soon thought of one thing, "have I finished your ultimate Fengshen task? Then you have successfully completed the task ahead of time. "

"I'm the kitchen god system! Do you understand the kitchen god system?! I'm here to help the host to be a god of cooking! But now you have been cut into a God by heaven, which makes me very embarrassed, OK? "

"How do you want me to explain to them? Am I worse than a thunderbolt? I still want face!!! It's hard for me to rejoin the group! "

The system suddenly roared with rage.

"Er..." McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly. For a moment, he didn't know how to comfort the system.

In an instant, MEG noticed the girl not far away.

It was a beautiful girl, half a foot above the ground, floating there quietly, looking at him.

Palm size face is as delicate as an angel, long golden hair is soft and loose, she has a pair of light green eyes, like the reflection of green leaves in the morning dew, bright and clear.

She did not wear clothes, holy white light fell on her white transparent skin, but life can not afford half dirty and beautiful ideas.

Lightning also spread around her left and right.

Octopus monster is still roaring and struggling in the thunder robbery. In the thunder robbery that has not been dispersed, there is such a beautiful and strange girl.

When things go wrong, there will be demons!

McGonagall held the sword, the thunder sounded, the next moment he had appeared in front of the girl, the sword with the sound of thunder towards the girl's head.

The girl opened her mouth slightly and looked at MEG strangely.

That innocent look, like a delicate rabbit, I still feel pity.

But McGonagall's expression did not waver. He knew what terrible strength the old dominators had and how they could

"Host, she saved you." The sound of the system suddenly rang out in Meg's mind.

The sword passed the girl's side before it was cut off, and it cut off dozens of Octopus whiskers.

"What?" McGonagall looked at the girl in front of her. She looked a little scared, but her eyes were still clear and clean. "System, who is she? Why are you here? Why did she save me? "

"According to the observation of this system, she comes from the old dominator. The extreme good bred from the extreme evil was suppressed, but it seems to be split by thunder.

Previously, the host could not bear the thunder robbery and was ready to commit suicide. It was she who helped you through the most dangerous stage. " The system explained quickly.

McGonagall recalled the most painful time before, the sudden cool let his consciousness clear again, just survived the most difficult time, it was her hand to save him.

MEG looked down at the broken golden eggshell on the ground, and suddenly thought of the golden egg she saw in the octopus during the last thunderstorm. It seems that she should have come out of that egg.

The power of thunder and lightning has begun to dissipate, and the thunder and lightning covering the seal area has also begun to disappear.

Octopus's breath weakened a lot, but eventually survived the terrible thunder. The broken tentacles in the lightning recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the scarlet eyes focused on MEG and the girl again.

The terrible low roar sounded again, with obvious restlessness, dozens of tentacles winding towards them, and the first target was obviously the girl.

The girl was a little afraid and approached Meg's direction. Her clear eyes were looking at MEG, as if she wanted to ask for his help.

"System, can I kill it now?" MEG asked, frowning at the tangled tentacles.

"The host now has the ability to quickly segment it, which is a very practical food processing capability. But with the speed of its recovery, it will kill itself before the host kills it. However, as long as the host is not exhausted, it will not kill you

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