When some passers-by saw the scene, they scattered. The eyes of the teachers and Dix fell on Luna. McGonagall left in a hurry. Riding his bicycle, Luna disappeared in the sight of everyone. Luna seemed to have known him for a long time.

"Yes, he is the parent of a student, Dean Haider. Do you have any questions?" Although Luna didn't understand why these people were staring at her, she still looked at Heider and nodded.

"Do you know his identity and residence?" Heider asked nervously after hearing the words.

"He has a restaurant in Aden square, at the end of the other end of Aden square. If you want to find him, you can find him there." Luna said with a smile and finally added, "Mr. McGonagall's food is really delicious."

"I really want to go back to cooking..." people were silent. They thought MEG was just looking for an excuse, but they didn't expect to run a restaurant. However, compared with running a restaurant, the former is more promising. The monthly subsidy is no less than 100 gold coins, and the average New teacher is only about 30 gold coins, How much can a restaurant make.

"Restaurant owner?" Dix was also a bit surprised. He thought Meg's identity might be special, even in the background of LoDo. He didn't expect that he was just a restaurant owner. How did he get a pass from President Novartis?

"MEG? OK, thank you Heider nodded and relaxed a lot. Now that he knew the location, he didn't have to worry about missing the young man. There were many things on the bike that interested him.

The black and elastic thing wrapped around the iron wheel, the iron chain that drives the rear wheel to rotate, the complicated gear set, and even the high-strength but very light material of the shelf almost overturned his decades of mechanical research.

He is usually known as the leader of the mechanical industry outside, but when I see McGonagall's bicycle today, I feel that I have been living in vain for decades, completely subverting his cognition. If there were no classes this morning, I would like to go to McGonagall to discuss it now.

Luna nodded and walked towards the school. She still didn't understand why Dean Haider was so interested in MEG. She suddenly stopped and muttered, "did they also find that Mr. MEG is a mathematical genius?"

"It's not right. Although the mechanical department has more applications of arithmetic, it doesn't have much research, and it doesn't need special talents in this field." Luna quickly denied herself. She stopped to look at the direction of the school of magic and continued to walk towards the teaching building. She wondered and said to herself, "how did Amy enter the school before she was old enough to go to school?"

"Dean Haider, have you made any new progress in your research?" When the crowd dispersed, Dix looked at Haider and asked with a smile. He was responsible for the special fund of the city Lord's mansion, and he was also responsible for the follow-up of the project progress.

"We have basically solved the problem of converting steam into kinetic energy, but how to transfer this energy to other objects, or even replace horses and other animal power in our life, this problem has plagued our team for a long time." Haider shook his head and looked at the direction of Aden square, with a smile on his face. "But I saw a lot of desirable things on the bike that the young man just made. If he can join our team, maybe the first steam car will be seen on the streets of the chaotic city soon. Steam will change the world. "

"Good luck and I hope I can get on the steamer in the near future." Dix said with a smile. He also looked in the direction of Aden square. The man named McGonagall seemed really unusual.


McGonagall rode his bicycle towards the restaurant at medium speed. He had to cook later. If he was sweating, he had to take a bath first.

Passing by Julian's magic potion shop, he said hello to black charcoal and mung bean. Hearing mung bean's voice, the ugly duckling lying in the car basket gave a cry with strong spirit, and his eyes were still blank.

"It seems that more and more people are coming." McGonagall looks at the long line at the door and picks his eyebrows. It's early in the morning, and there are dozens of people in the long line at the door. They all look at McGonagall riding a bicycle with surprise.

"Boss Mai, what kind of treasure are you riding?" Harrison asked, looking curiously at MEG who had stopped.

"Bicycles, which are used to take children up and down to school, are not precious." McGonagall replied with a smile, nodding to the guests who were saying hello and taking out the key to open the door.

"Bicycle?" The guests are even more puzzled. I just saw that McGonagall's speed is very fast. With just two small wheels, he can keep balance. I'm afraid boss McGonagall's strength is not simple.

"Boss." Abelmia stood at the door, watching MEG cry, also full of curiosity, looking at the bicycle parked at the door.

"Mia, help me to carry the bike in. The ugly duckling is carsick. Let it stay in the basket for a while." MEG opened the door, held it down, looked back at Mia and said.

"Oh, yes." Abelmia nodded quickly, went forward and carefully lifted the bike with both hands. It was much lighter than expected. It looked like it was all made of metal, but it seemed that there was no weight in her hand.

"It's open in ten minutes. Please wait a moment." Meg said to the guests with a smile, closing the door gently.

"Just put it under the counter." MEG and abemia said that although it's not a gentleman to ask a girl to do heavy work, they have to admit that abemia's strength is more than ten times that of MEG. Carrying a bicycle with a carbon fiber frame should be similar to that of an ordinary person carrying an apple.

"It seems that the ugly duckling's condition is not very good..." abelmia looked at the ugly duckling with white eyes in the basket, a little worried.

"It's OK. Just let it be a cat." MEG came to see the duckling, who was still dizzy. He went upstairs to change his cook's clothes, tied his apron and said, "by the way, Mia, if you have a bowl of bean curd and a rougamo for three meals, you can have a bowl of bean curd in the morning, just after the meal."

"No, no, no, boss. I said two meals." Abelmia waved her hand.

"No, I'm talking about 1200 coppers." McGonagall said with a smile, turned into the restaurant, and soon brought out a portion of sweet bean curd and put it on the table. "Eat it. It's time to start working."

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