"Thank you, boss." Looking at Meg's gentle eyes, abemia felt that her nose was sour and she didn't postpone it any more. She sat down, picked up a spoon and scooped a mouthful of bean curd and fed it to her mouth. The sweet taste melted in her mouth until she felt warm in her heart.

MEG took a look at abemia's scarred hands and turned into the kitchen. Which 18-year-old girl doesn't love beauty? As an employee of the restaurant, beauty benefits are of course necessary.

Besides, there is still 200 yuan left in the meal supplement. With abelmia's performance, MEG naturally won't cut it. You know, her arrival has doubled the efficiency of the restaurant.

Abelmia quickly finished a portion of tofu, licked the sugar juice in the corner of her mouth, and her face was filled with happy smile. After eating a portion of sweet tofu in the morning, her mood all day seemed to be very sweet and wonderful. She picked up the bowl and went into the kitchen.

"Let's get ready for business. The supply of rougamo this morning is about one third less than that of yesterday morning, but with 200 more portions of bean curd, it will be a little busier than yesterday morning. Amy is not here, and you need to take care of the money. Can you do that?" MEG put the bowl in his hand on the last empty seat on the stove and asked, looking back at abelmia.

"Well, I'll try. Amy has taught me the nine nine multiplication table." Abelmia nodded seriously.

"OK, come on." MEG nodded with a smile. He didn't expect that abemia was so studious, and Amy could be a little teacher.

The morning was busier than expected, and MEG and abelmia were finally liberated by the end of business hours.

"Sit down and have a rest before you start to clean up." MEG flipped the sign on the door, sat down on the chair at the table at the door, and looked at abemia, who was a little tired.

"It's OK. I'm not tired." Abelmia went into the kitchen and poured out a glass of warm water. Please put it in front of MEG, looked at him and said, "you drink water. I'll rub your shoulders and back for you."

"Thank you." MEG took a drink from his glass and motioned to abelmia to sit down opposite. "Don't hurry, Mia. Sit down first. I have something to ask you."

"You said Abelmia was sitting there, looking at MEG.

"Don't be nervous. Just be a regular meeting." MEG smiles and signals to abelmia to relax. She looks at her blonde hair tied into a side braid. Her pale face has become ruddy and healthy in these days when she first meets. Before that, even having enough food was a problem, let alone nutrition.

After arriving at the restaurant, I can finally have enough to eat. It's my age of development. In just a few days, I seem to have grown a little taller. Even the maid's clothes on my body have become a lot tighter, which perfectly outlines my figure.

"I wonder if I want another waiter." Said Meg, looking at MIA.

"Boss, is MIA doing something wrong? Don't you want MIA to continue to serve in the restaurant? " Abelmia stood up and looked at MEG anxiously and nervously.

"No, Mia, you're wrong." MEG looked at mia, who was a little excited. He waved his hand with a smile and said, "well, Amy has been going to class since today. Except after school, you may have to do the cashier work all the time. It's too heavy for you, so I wonder if I need to hire another waiter to collect the money and the table, Share some of your work. "

After hearing this, abelmia was stunned. She was worried that Meg was not satisfied with her work. Unexpectedly, she thought she was too busy and shook her head: "no, I don't think it's hard to work now, and I'm very happy. It's just..."

"Just what?" Asked MEG.

"Just... If the boss thinks MIA is too clumsy to finish the work well, please recruit another employee. Mia's salary can be halved." Abelmia, wringing her hands, said with some tangled eyes, not daring to look at MEG.

"How can it be? MIA is the most diligent and quick waiter I've ever met, who can bring good mood to the guests. After the probation period of this month, I'm going to increase your salary, but how can I reduce your salary?" MEG looked at MIA who was a little nervous. Her attitude towards the job really moved him. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "in that case, please ask MIA to take on more work. If you feel hard, you must tell me."

"Well, boss, I'll work hard. It's not hard at all." Abelmia's eyes lit up, her face was full of fresh smile, she went to Meg's back and said, "I'll press your shoulder. You've been busy."

"Thank you." MEG nodded with a smile, closed his eyes and enjoyed Mia's massage.

After working in the kitchen for an hour and a half, he was really tired, but what made him happy was that the savings of 10000 gold coins were finally collected in the morning, and he could buy a physical fitness order.

"System, I want to buy a physical fitness point." McGonagall was a little impatient and said in his heart that he was fed up with this kind of body that would be out of breath after a sprint. After he recovered his normal physical fitness, he should soon be able to recover his lean and fleshy figure by exercising with bean curd.

Of course, the most important thing is that after returning to normal, it's time to play with a big sword.

Now he has a brain to operate, but his body is not at all.

The business of restaurants is becoming more and more popular, and more and more people are expected to covet them. Peers, hooligans, city managers... These are jackals who smell money.

Although there are two great gods, Krasu and Julian, to survive in this magical world, nothing is more reassuring than their own strength.

Since he can hold the sword, McGonagall hopes to stand in front of Amy in the face of danger, instead of her fighting to protect her.

"You need 10000 gold coins to buy the first physical fitness point. Are you sure you want to buy it?" The voice of the system rang out with some excitement.

"Why are you more excited than me? Aren't you a real Kitchen God? " Meg said with a little disdain.

"Cough... This system suggests that the host earnestly complete the task and obtain the physical fitness points through formal channels, but..." the voice of the system becomes serious again.

"Then I won't buy it." Meg said calmly.

"But! I still have, but I haven't finished! " The system suddenly worried, and quickly continued to say: "but for the sake of the host trying to make money and want to recover, the system admitted that it was moved, so it authorized the host to buy this physical fitness point."

"Don't be so reluctant, in fact, I can also wait for the lottery, that doesn't need money..." McGonagall was more calm.

"Ding! The deduction has been successful. " It's coming from the system.

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