Maybe it's too long to communicate with strangers.

Or maybe Harrison's topic is too provocative.

So after Georgina blurted out her words, she realized that she had taken the initiative to talk to a stranger, and that she was a stranger who had just met.

Aware of this, her face rose a little red, subconsciously looked away from Harrison's body, but self-esteem did not want to shrink back again, at least to listen to Harrison's answer.

Harrison thought Georgina couldn't take care of herself. When he heard her question, he brightened his eyes, nodded with a smile and said, "yes, it's only five months since its opening. At the beginning, there was only one Yangzhou fried rice on the menu.

However, the owner of this restaurant is a super chef. Almost every few days, he will launch a new dish, which is enough to subvert everyone's taste buds and cognition. Relying on word of mouth, the popularity of the restaurant has expanded rapidly.

You know, before that, there was no restaurant in the city of chaos, so we need to let the guests come to the restaurant in advance and wait in a long line for dinner, and the atmosphere is so orderly and harmonious. "

Georgina took a look at the long line of people in the rear, including some well-dressed guests.

Although the team is very long, there is no impatience and impatience on everyone's face. We talk occasionally in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, just like old friends we have known for a long time.

Listen carefully to their conversation, most of them are related to food, many of them are talking about this Maimi restaurant, some of them are talking about other food.

This wonderful atmosphere reminds her of her father who used to pull him through the streets looking for delicious food a few years ago

There was a glimmer of hope in Kenneth's eyes.

Harrison looked at Georgina with a smile. When she looked back, she said, "it's really a wonderful restaurant, and it often brings you surprises. I believe you can find the delicious food you want to taste here."

"Sorry, I don't want to eat anything." Georgina coldly refused Harrison's offer, hiding behind Kenneth and lowering her head.

Kenneth's expression froze. After a while, he nodded apologetically to Harrison and sighed in his heart.

Harrison frowned slightly, not because Georgina was unhappy, but because she was worried about the girl's health.

The girl's physical condition is obviously not very good, but she resists eating, and she is in a very defensive state, which is a very bad thing.

"However, as long as you enter the Maimi restaurant, there should be no situation that you don't want to eat?" Harrison touched his chin and fell into thinking.

Before long, the door of the restaurant opened and MEG came out with a smile to welcome the guests in.

"What a young boss." Georgina looked at MEG standing at the door in a bit of surprise, and was amazed by the beautiful waiters behind him. They were so beautiful and dignified, with perfect body shape and beautiful appearance, which made her feel ashamed.

"Come on, let's go in, too." Kenneth took Georgina by the hand and led her forward.

By the time Kenneth and they came in, the restaurant was almost full.

McGonagall, who was about to enter the kitchen to start work, glanced at the girl in black, wrapped up in a hat.

"Georgina, female, 19 years old, human, suffers from severe anorexia psychosis, severe malnutrition, major depression and moderate body failure." The psychic gate just popped up her message.

"This condition is a bit serious. We must treat it immediately." McGonagall frowned slightly, as if he were a doctor, and he was already thinking about how to cook.

The girl's condition seems to be a little complicated, but to sort it out a little bit, it should be due to anorexia nervosa caused by depression, which leads to serious malnutrition, and the eye manifestation of malnutrition is body failure.

Depression is a very complex disease, McGonagall dare not make any unprofessional judgment.

But now the most important thing is to let her start to eat normally, supplement nutrition, so as to improve her physical condition, at least let her have a healthy body.

But for people with severe anorexia, it's a very commendable move to step into the restaurant. It's probably not a simple thing to let her take the initiative to eat.

He has great confidence in his cooking, but little confidence in her.

"Boss Mai, if someone doesn't want to eat anything, what would be better?" Harrison followed him through the door, leaned forward and whispered in Meg's ear, "how about roast duck and pork?"

McGonagall took a look at Harrison. Based on his understanding of Harrison, he certainly didn't have the problem of not wanting to eat anything. If his stomach could hold anything, he could eat anything.

So this question is mostly not for himself.

"She?" MEG gave a look to the father and daughter who had found the last table by the window.

"Well." Harrison nodded, but his face soon began to smile with embarrassment.

McGonagall immediately understood that this guy is likely to fall in love at first sight, but Harrison is a very good person, both moral and family conditions, can stand the test and beating.

Although he is not optimistic that he can open the girl's heart, as the owner of the restaurant, it is obviously inappropriate for him to remind her what to eat, or even bring her some disliked attention, which is counterproductive.

Now there is still one seat left at that table, and Harrison will certainly sit there, and he will guide her to order, which is the best solution.

But what are roast duck and pork?

For a person who hasn't eaten for a long time, I'm afraid he will leave on the spot as soon as he sees these two greasy dishes on the table.

"Roast duck and pork must not be served! Including spicy grilled fish, chopped pepper fish head these heavy taste food, absolutely can't recommend to her McGonagall said gravely.

"First recommend a salty bean curd as an appetizer, then order a stewed chicken rice or Yangzhou fried rice. If you order a stewed chicken rice, you can also order a Mapo bean curd. It's a simple meal, but it's got to impress her. "

"Thank you, boss Mai." Harrison nodded busily. Fortunately, he asked boss Mai, otherwise he would step on thunder and turn to the last position left.

Georgina sat next to Kenneth, looking around curiously under her hat.

The area of this restaurant is not small, but it is much smaller than that of Dukas restaurant. Besides, it has only a hall and no box, and it also stipulates that guests need to accept a table.

There was a young woman sitting opposite Kenneth, and the seat opposite her was still vacant.

Then a huge figure came and cast a shadow.

"Hello, there is only one seat left. May I sit here?"

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