"Find out the murderer for me, no matter who it is, I want him dead!" Andre's angry voice rang through the imperial study.

The ministers trembled and did not dare to say much.

Your Majesty's anger is understandable. The cases of the war ministers are still being tried, and the results have not yet been reached. As a result, these ministers were destroyed first, and they were still in lodu.

This kind of thing is like a slap in the face of the powerful Los empire.

What's more, it also made the ministers a little frightened and scared. They thought that they were very safe in lodu, but they never thought that anyone would dare to destroy the imperial court in lodu, which means that they might be the next to die.

Andre calmed down a little, looked at the ministers and said: "from now on, the Empire has entered the first level of war preparation, started to transport materials and soldiers to the front line, ready to meet the war at any time."


The ministers bowed their heads.

"Let it go." Andre got up and left. The ministers bowed down to see him off.

"Have you found out who did it?" Andre went up to the star picking tower and asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, judging from the traces left at the scene, the orcs should have done it. Those who can do it are at least level 10 orcs. However, according to the investigation, the top 10 orcs of the orcs were all in the twilight forest that day. This trace is likely to be forged." Behind him, a shadow gradually solidified, and a man wrapped in a black robe bowed slightly.

"As a matter of fact, the grandson of Auster is playing a fat face. With his courage, how dare he challenge me again at such a time?" Andre gave a sneering smile.

The man in black was silent and did not answer.

"Keep investigating. I'll see who dares to do such a thing in my Luodu." Andre ordered.

"Yes." The man in black should say that his body gradually became illusory, and then completely disappeared into the night.


After handing in most of the private money, MEG finally survived.

"These two women are carved in the same mold." McGonagall looked at Elena, who was happily counting the golden mountain, with a helpless expression.

However, today's incident also reminds MEG that he can't just talk about it with a strange woman. Otherwise, it's hard to explain why people come to her in the middle of the night.

"Are you going out tonight?" Suddenly Irina looked up at MEG.

"Yes, I have an appointment. In the evening, I plan to go to the home of the destroyed army ministers and check to see if it is Joe Xiu's work." MEG nodded.

"Then I'll go with you. I'm keen on black fog." Irina waved away all the gold, silver and jewels on the floor and said.

"Well, it must be easier to find him with you." McGonagall just flattered.

"That's nature." Irina's mouth is slightly tilted, obviously very useful.

Soon there was another knock outside.

McGonagall's face was startled at first, and he thought whether he had made an appointment with other women today.

But nine short a long knock on the door, soon let him calm down.

Open the door, and sure enough, outside stood the dusty Melanie and Noah.

Both of them were stunned when they looked at McGonagall who opened the door, and immediately showed some vigilance.

"It's me. Come in." McGonagall changed his face with a changeable mask. It's normal that they can't recognize each other.

Hearing McGonagall's voice, they suddenly stepped into the dining room.

The warm pub relaxed both of them.

Noah's eyes quickly noticed Elena standing at the counter. She was a little surprised. However, she politely withdrew her eyes, turned to Meg, and said with a sad face: "boss McGonagall, do you have anything to eat? I've been flying in the mountains for two days on an iron backed eagle, and I'm starving. "

McGonagall looked at them. In this weather, they flew in the mountains for two days on an iron backed eagle with no windproof function. They really suffered.

"You can wash your hands and face over there. I'll make you something to eat." McGonagall pointed to the toilet beside him and walked to the kitchen.

"Good sister-in-law." Noah greets Elena politely. Although such an elegant and beautiful woman is rare, he can feel her horror.

That's the only feeling I have when I face my grandfather, which means that this beautiful woman is already a top ten. Killing him is no different from trampling on an ant.

As for the strength of boss Mai, his grandfather thinks he is not sure that he can beat him.

The ingredients are still used casually, but MEG doesn't plan to sell any of the dishes in the restaurant.

In a moment, MEG gave two Kwai fried rice to each of the Yangzhou people.

"Thank you, Mr. Mai. I'm welcome." Noah picked up the spoon and was immersed in the delicious Yangzhou fried rice.

"It's... Delicious, isn't it?" Licking the plate again, Noah said with admiration. He felt warm all over, and the fatigue of these two days was also swept away.

"I can't figure it out... I can't figure it out..." on one side, melanit just put down the spoon, with a puzzled face.

"Grandfather, what's wrong with you?" Noah asked curiously.

MEG and Irina also looked at him with some doubts.

Meilan a face puzzled: "a strong do food, how can be so delicious."

McGonagall was quite satisfied with this kind of quiet flattery. If it wasn't for the official ceremony tonight, he might have fried two dishes for him and sat down for a drink.

"It's time for us to get down to business. Did you find anything along the way to the north?" MEG asked, looking at them.

"There are scattered evil Qi, but it's hard to trace them." Melanie shook her head and looked at MEG. "You asked us to come to LoDo, but what did you find?"

McGonagall said: "last night, there were several massacres in lodu. The dead were the family members of the Minister of arms related to the orc war. They were cruel and set on fire in the end. I suspect it has something to do with Joe. He may have returned to lodu."

"Go and see the scene." Melanie got up with a dignified look.

McGonagall didn't rush to leave. Instead, he looked at melanit and Noah and said, "this is lodu. It's a bit exaggerating to say that ten level running is all over the ground, but it's not comparable to wild mountains. You must be careful when you act. If you are targeted, it's hard to do."

"If you want to hide your whereabouts and reduce your sense of existence, I'm afraid no race in the world can match our ghost race." There was confidence and calmness in her smile.

"Let's go and explore the situation on the spot." MEG nodded.

In the night, a group of people disappeared in Romo street in the blink of an eye.

"Tortoise shell stone is very active. He did appear in the city of chaos recently." Melanie looked at the tortoise shell stone with a little golden light, with a dignified expression.

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