"This is the residence of an official of the Ministry of war. It is said that more than 120 people in the residence have all died. The only one left is the official who was detained in Tianlong. When he heard about this incident last night, he also committed suicide against a wall." McGonagall and others were on a roof, looking at the large burnt courtyard not far away.

"There's magic there. It's very strong." Irina's eyes narrowed slightly and her expression was heavy.

"Can you see the evil spirit, too?" Melanie looks at Elena in surprise.

"Do you think it's the unique ability of your GUI nationality?" Elena curled her lips.

"It's just that there are very few people with this ability." Melanie shook her head and looked back at the white burned mansion. She said solemnly, "I'm sure it's the same person who did the murder in twilight forest, and the evil spirit has the same origin. However, the time of committing the crime should be in a hurry. He only absorbed part of the resentment and soul. If he can enter the ruins, he should be able to get more information from the ghost. "

"There are guards on the scene. Here, there are two over there. There is one hidden on the roof. There are official mansions all around. When this happens, the patrol has been strengthened. More than a dozen patrol teams cross patrol. Any business can lead them here. If you have a handle, you can go down and have a look." Meg said calmly.

"But one level seven, two levels six can be easily solved." Melanie grinned, stepped out and disappeared into the night like a ghost.

After a while, the three knights on the far roof and at the door fell into a dull state, and a hazy hidden array rose in the middle of the ruins, making people unable to see clearly the situation inside.

"Concealment and deception are one of the gifted abilities of our GUI clan." Noah explained with a smile, with a little pride.

"That's it?" Elena smiles.

"That's pretty good already." Noah nodded.

"Children, you still need to see more of the world." Irina shook her head and said nothing more.

Noah would have said something more if he hadn't failed.

Before long, the hidden array in the ruins disappeared, and Melanie returned to MEG and them.

And the three Knights also regained consciousness, some doubt about the left and right looked, it seems that did not realize what happened to himself.

"How's it going?" MEG asked, looking at Melanie.

"It's true that he is the same black robed man as the one in twilight forest. He can't see his face clearly, but his body shape and shooting habits are the same. Moreover, he faked the scene and tried to blame the orcs."

McGonagall nodded slightly, and the situation was exactly the same as he thought. "In that case, let's start looking for him. Maybe he's still in LoDo."

"Good." But this time it was different. He injected a wisp of ghost into it.

"This is the ghost of a victim, full of resentment, so that we can trace the source and lock the man in black within the scope of detection." Mellant explained.

"It's really advanced." McGonagall couldn't help admiring.

As the ghost poured into the tortoise shell stone, a twisted face appeared on the tortoise shell stone, and a blood red light spot began to flee on the tortoise shell stone.

And the original slightly flashing golden light is also flashing.

Three minutes later, Melanie looked up, shook her head slightly and said, "I'm afraid he's been alert and left lodu."

"Is there any way to hide the evil Qi and then hide it?" MEG asked, frowning.

"In theory, it's impossible to have this kind of situation. Tortoise shell stone is a divine object. It has a very keen sense of evil Qi, and now it has this resentment blessing. Unless his strength has been strong enough to guarantee the leakage of evil Qi, it will be detected by tortoise shell stone." Melanie shook her head.

"If he starts playing with one shot and another place, it's going to be a bit of a problem." McGonagall frowned. He thought he would have a chance to find Joe when he got to lodu, but this guy became more cunning than before.

"The closer the distance is, the stronger the detection effect of tortoise shell stone will be. In the past two days, we will go around Luodu city and see what we find." Said Melanie.

"Well, be careful. If you have any trouble, you can come to me at Saipan's McGonagall nodded and split up to reduce the target.

As Melanie and Noah went away, Irina looked at MEG, frowning and saying, "what do you mean, Joe?"

"Not my wife." McGonagall looked at Elena, who was still elegant and beautiful, even though she changed her appearance into human. She said in her heart, but on her mouth, "it should be inflated. She wants to be king and control everything."

"He has endured for so many years. Although he is the second prince, he has become a strong contender for the throne. Even Sean is not sure that he can win him. At such a moment, it's puzzling to suddenly make such a move and let yourself out completely. "

"Maybe it was my must kill warning that irritated him." McGonagall thinks that's the only reason.

"What else do we have to do now?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.

McGonagall grinned: "go home to sleep, wait for the news, don't panic."

"You see, the pub over there seems pretty good."

"No... the two children are still at home..."

"I should have fallen asleep. I've arranged a defensive array outside the pub. No one can get in."

"OK, let's have a drink." MEG nodded.

Two hours later, the two people who came back to the tavern with a little tipsy saw Amy with her hands akimbo and Anne lying on the table with sleepy eyes as soon as they opened the door.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"Father, mother, are you carrying us to eat delicious food again?" Amy said with some bitterness.

"Ah... We're just going for a walk... Hiccup..." McGonagall, though he had tried to restrain himself, still couldn't help burping.

"Yes, the roast leg of lamb is delicious." Irina said with a smile.

"Ah... You've gone too far. You don't even take us with you. The baby is going to cry..." Amy shriveled and her tears rolled in her eyes.

"Meow, meow, meow," the ugly duckling stretched out and exchanged two words casually, which was regarded as agreement.

McGonagall came forward with a smile, touched Amy's head and said, "well, if you want to eat, my father will make it for you now. Spicy crayfish, roast mutton kebabs, roast beef kebabs, roast fish... You can tell what you want to eat."

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