Elena's transfiguration magic is quite exquisite. She successfully turns a round fat orange into a round panda.

Black and white hair color, two thick black eyes, in addition to a small head, it seems that there is no sense of disobedience.

"Wow, so cute." Amy picked up the duckling with a face full of joy.

"Sure enough, hairstyle can change a person's fate." MEG looked at some of the flattered ugly ducklings and said with a smile.

Now, a young man with a tavern, a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters, and a round little panda, the perfect human design comes out like this.

"Well, go out." Meg said with a smile, getting up to go out.

"Isn't your pub open?"

"Father, are you going with us?"

Elena, Amy and Annie look at MEG in disbelief.

"Well???" McGonagall looked at the three people and thought for a while, then he suddenly said, "you mean you're going shopping, not including me, right?"

As a tough guy, McGonagall suddenly got hurt

"Pubs and restaurants are different. No one comes to drink in the morning. They usually open in the evening." McGonagall explained to the three babies the difference between pub and restaurant management.

"And it's only one day since we bought this pub. If it opens in the morning, people will be suspicious as soon as they come in."

Normal pub decoration, ten days and a half months can be regarded as speed, Saipan pub decoration overnight, too excellent, easy to be suspected.

"Well, you are allowed to go shopping with us." Irina nodded.

"Should I cheer?" McGonagall's brow was slightly raised, but he was very happy.

A family of four put on their coats and went out.

"Oh, look at people. They just bought half the street yesterday, and they lived in it that night. The rich people's ideas are really unpredictable."

"Wow, his wife is so beautiful!"

"Wow, are those his daughters? How lovely

"What kind of pet is that black and white and round? It looks cute

The neighbors, who are chatting in the sun at the door, look at the McGonagall's family coming out and admire them. They are surprised by the beauty of the family and their pets.

"Yesterday I thought Mr. Hades was very handsome. Now it seems that the ugliest part of the family is nothing to say." A noodle shop owner said with a smile.

In the crowd, Effie slowly moved back a little, sideways to hide behind the restaurant owner's fat body, his face slightly red.

What happened last night was replayed in her mind after waking up today. The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she was. When she saw the family of four, she wanted to find a way to get in.

"Good morning." McGonagall politely said hello to everyone. After all, he is a neighbor. He will get along well in the next month.

And he bought half of Romo street. The value of this street depends on these neighbors.

"Good morning, Mr. Hades."

"What a lovely little girl."

"Is your family going shopping?"

McGonagall took the initiative to say hello, and all the neighbors responded.

The ugly duckling lay in Amy's arms, indifferent to those stupid people who tried to tease it and touch it, just like a king without feelings.

"Come on, smile." Amy pinched his fat round face and ordered.

~o(=∩ ω ∩=)m

Ugly duckling is forced to open online.

"Wow, how lovely... I'm going to be cute!"

"What kind of pet is this? I want to have one, too."

"It's round and soft. It must be very comfortable to sleep with it at night."

The onlookers were immediately fascinated and began to ask for information about the ugly duckling.

"It's a national treasure. Can you raise it?" McGonagall said with a smile in his heart that he didn't know whether there were pandas in the world, so it's not good to say death directly. He just said that he bought it from a hunter, and he didn't know what it was.

After a brief conversation with the neighbors, MEG and his family quickly left.

"What a happy and rich family. It's enviable."

"Yes, just such a rich family, why do they suddenly run to the lonely Romo street to open a pub?"

"We can't understand what rich people think."

The neighbors watched the McGonagall family go away, and the topic still focused on the new neighbor.

"Madame Effie, why don't you look so good?" The fat boss looked back and saw Effie standing behind him. He asked with some concern.

"Ah, I may have drunk a little too much yesterday. It's OK." Effie lowered his head to light a cigarette, took a deep breath, spit out a ring of smoke, and looked at the distant sky with some blurred eyes.

"You should drink less and pay attention to your health." Said the fat boss.

"It's hard to do business. If those guests don't drink with them, they won't come next time." Effie sighed.

"Now we can see some guests in Titan tavern on Romo street. Boss Effie's method is more powerful and he drinks more. For so many years, I haven't seen anyone drink you down." The noodle shop owner looked at Effie with admiration.

"If I'm drunk, I'll take advantage of those smelly men." Effie laughed a little at himself

After hearing this, everyone changed the subject. The business of Titan tavern was really propped up by Effie alone. However, the neighbors of several years couldn't say anything against his will.

Luomo street is located in the center of Luodu. Opposite the end of the street is the office of various departments of the imperial court. However, because of this, there are not many residential areas around, and the shops here are mostly the business of officials of the imperial court.

"The war department is over there. After that, we strengthened our defense." Meg's eyes indicated the row of black houses diagonally opposite.

"If you were him, who would you choose for your next goal?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.

McGregor thought about the cableway: "completely random targets can create more panic, and let the opponent into a confused investigation."

"I hope he doesn't think so." Irina frowned.

"He has two brains now, and it's not hard to think of that." MEG shook his head slightly.

"Father, are you talking about which restaurant to choose for lunch today?" Amy looked at them askew and asked curiously.

"Yes, but now that we've just had breakfast, let's go shopping for a while before deciding on lunch." Meg said with a smile.

"Well, good." Amy nodded cleverly.

McGonagall reached for a carriage, and the family got on and headed for tuck square, the busiest commercial center in LoDo.

Tuck square is the largest square city in lodu, which has gathered all kinds of businesses, and all kinds of food and snacks are also very famous.

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