Los Empire launched a fierce war against orcs and elves, which made the situation in Nolan land tense.

The life of the people of lodu has not been greatly affected for the time being.

The shops are still full of people, street vendors are full of enthusiasm, a scene of living and working in peace and contentment.

Compared with the chaotic city, the commercial atmosphere and scale of Luodu are larger. All kinds of interesting things can be seen everywhere. Cola has broken two children.

McGonagall became a cat Hugger, carrying all kinds of things bought by three women in one hand and a national treasure in the other, and following them.

"Geese, geese! Five copper coins in a circle, set the goose to take home, braised, barbecue, stew Le“

"Come on, play darts and shoot wooden cards. Ten copper coins and ten darts. If you shoot a wooden card, you can choose any exquisite gift!"

A loud cry came from a distance.

"Geese As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she took Annie's hand and ran to the stall in the distance. "Let's go and see what the set goose is."

"Why is there still no creativity..." McGonagall looked at the game stalls surrounded by many people. Although he hated them, he felt familiar with them.

There are a lot of spectators around the stall. In the small fence, there are twenty or thirty big fat geese, squatting scattered, stretching their necks, shouting defiantly to the crowd.

A man with a strong figure threw out the last bamboo ring in his hand with a sincere face. He saw that the circle was about to fall towards the big fat goose in the middle. But at the moment of landing, the big fat goose took a step back and drew his head back by the way.

"Hi..." the man was red faced and sighed heavily. He paid for the money and said angrily: "boss, have you become a goose? It's going to hide itself. "

"Hey, my guest, what do you say? I think you are more and more skilled. Do you want to do another ten circles? I promise I can get a big fat goose home, and my daughter-in-law will take care of it and praise you. " The owner of the lean stall said with a smile that he picked up the bamboo ring on the ground and said with a smile.

"One more time, one more time."

The onlookers next to him began to roar. It's interesting to watch the geese, especially when the geese don't fit in.

The man hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and shook his head, "forget it, I've set fifty circles, and I can't cover a goose feather. You goose, no one can set you."

The boss took the money and said with a smile, "my guest, you're talking about that. Just now a young man took two of them. Our geese are good geese."

"I want thirty laps."

Just then, a soft voice came out.

The boss looked around, and then his eyes fell on the little girl standing in the corner. The little girl looked like she was only three or four years old, a small one, delicate and lovely.

"Little girl, do you want to ring?" The boss asked with a smile.

"Well, you have thirty big fat geese, so I want thirty laps." Amy nodded and said seriously.

"Does the little girl want to destroy a big fat goose in a circle?"

"How lovely the little girl is and what she says."

The onlookers looked at Amy with smiles.

"I haven't got one in fifty circles, but the girl's tone is really good. I want to get thirty big fat geese in thirty circles." The man in the previous hoop also laughed.

"The ferrule is for money, how about you? If you want to play, it's five copper coins in a circle. " The boss said with a smile, this is a little fat sheep.

It's hard for such a small guy to pick up the bamboo hoop, let alone set up a goose.

You know, this group of big fat geese have been carefully trained by him since they were born, and their hiding skills have been increased. Let alone a four-year-old, even if a knight comes, he may not be able to walk.

"I have money." Amy took out two silver coins and handed them to the boss. "Fifty copper coins for me."

"This..." the boss looked around and didn't rush to collect the money.

"If the child wants to play, let her play. We see it." MEG and Irina came forward and said with a smile.

"Oh, this family is so beautiful."

"Yes, the ugliest part of the family is his father."

The spectators noticed MEG and his family, and their eyes brightened.

"What's the ugliest part of the family... Is there anyone who says that?" MEG rolled his eyes. Do these people think he's deaf?

When the boss heard McGonagall say this, he immediately accepted the money and found half a bunch of copper coins for Amy.

"Thirty circles, here you go. Take your time. Don't worry." The boss smilingly put thirty bamboo rings at Amy's feet.

As for kids, they are usually playful. Thirty are not enough. They will probably ask for more later. It seems that parents are not short of money.

"Good." Amy reached for a bamboo hoop and looked around at the big fat goose in the fence, as if considering which one to set first.

The onlookers have gathered their spirits, with a look of interest on their faces. There are still many people who are discussing whether she can get it.

They've seen a lot of people set geese here, but it's the first time for such a little girl to set geese. If the big fat goose's neck is elongated, it's no shorter than this little guy.

Most people are not optimistic about Amy. After all, it's hard for the little guy to look at the bamboo hoop, let alone throw it out to catch the goose.

"After a while, if it's all right, how can I take it back?" McGonagall was a little worried and asked Irina.

Irina took a look at all kinds of bags and ugly ducklings on Meg's hand, and thought about the cableway: "if it's on her neck, she should be able to take it back."

"Is that... Too bold and unconstrained?" McGonagall frowned as he imagined thirty big fat geese hanging around his neck.

"Lose you!" On the other hand, Amy finally threw out the first bamboo ring.

The thin bamboo circle made a beautiful arc in the air. Before the big fat goose's neck had time to retract, it hung on its neck, turned a few times, and steadily put it on its body.

"Wow, that's it!"

"Isn't that... Amazing?"

"Luck? strength? I'm surprised

Looking at the big fat goose with a ring around its neck, the scene was quiet for a while, and the spectators were in an uproar.

"Grasps the grass..." before set 50 circles, all could not set a goose feather the big man opened the mouth wide, was like the wooden goose.

"This..." the boss was also surprised. He looked at the bamboo hoop that was firmly around the goose's neck. After a while, he just managed to squeeze out a smile. He reached out and took the goose out. He said: "look, the goose is really good. The little friend got a big fat goose in the first hoop."

"Luck... It must be luck, 150 copper coins, a goose can earn..." the boss tied the goose aside and told himself in his heart.

"Lose you!"

Then Amy threw out the second circle.

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