An empty pub, a bottle of wine, a pile of peanuts, two wine glasses, and a crying man.

The collapse of middle-aged men, may be in a moment.

McGonagall slightly raised his eyebrows, but he didn't feel much empathy. Perhaps, as Mr. Zhou Shuren said, human joys and sorrows are not interlinked.

As he cried, Bobbie poured himself a glass of wine, and then took a draught.

This "ah... This muddle headed, muddle headed..."

After two more drinks, boby began to talk nonsense.

McGonagall almost understood that the guest was indeed an official of the Ministry of war. Moreover, a close elder was involved in the case and was one of the officials who had been killed the night before.

"Don't just drink. Eat peanuts." MEG sat down in front of Bobbie and pushed the pile of untouched drunkard peanuts a little in front of him.

Boby looked at him sideways. His eyes were a little confused. He was stunned for a long time. Then he reached out and picked up a peanut and fed it to his mouth.

"Click, click."

The peanuts were chewed, and the crisp fragrance made him sober. The conversation was also raised. He took MEG and began to talk about his love and hatred with the elder. Oh, it was brotherhood.

MEG grabbed a handful of peanuts and became a qualified melon eater.

Originally in the side alone drink Elena is also full of curiosity with a bottle came, sipping small wine, listening with relish, hear the wonderful place, will give two cheers.

"But you're so basic, does your wife know?" Irina asked curiously.

"Gee? We are pure brotherhood... Brotherhood understand? " Boby looked askance at Irina, and emphasized in a little more volume.

"Yes, brother is more important than wife. I go to drink with my brother after work every day." Irina rolled her eyes and looked askance at MEG, with a sort of killing way: "if you dare, I don't mind losing my spouse."

"I have no brothers." MEG looked at three drunk, three murderous Irina, quickly clarified.

"Well, things are hard to predict. I thought we could drink until we were old, but he left me one step ahead of me..." boby sighed deeply.

"Here, have some more." MEG helped him fill his glass.

Boby drank up and fell into the memory again.

"You said that the elder was unjustly killed? He had nothing to do with it? " McGonagall saw that he was about to drink, and began induction mode.

"But... It's not true. What is he, who... Who mobilized the border army, and started a war against the orcs and elves at the same time? I'm afraid no one can believe that?" Bobbie nodded, vaguely.

"Who gave the order? If your majesty did, how could he be arrested? " McGonagall continued.

"What do you... Why do you ask this?" Boby looked askance at McGonagall, a little alert.

"Come on, one more drink, it's not enough to get drunk." MEG poured him another glass.

"Goo Doo." Boby choked the wine and the conversation started again.

"I heard from you that this order was not given directly by your majesty, but by the second prince in the name of your majesty. I don't know what method he used to hide it from everyone. Later, when your majesty returned to Luodu, he sent troops to encircle the Ministry of war, arrested you and several ministers of the Ministry of war, and the Ministry of war was examined

Well, it's nothing.

Moreover, the night before yesterday, the murderer, who didn't know where, put out several adults in the Army Department. The whole door was completely burned, and even a complete body could not be seen.

Now people in the Army Department are in a panic. No one knows whether they will be the next target. There is no statement about this. It's too hard... "

After drinking less than half of Bobbie's Maotai, he was completely drunk. Fortunately, McGonagall asked him the address in advance, settled the account from his pocket, helped him out, stopped a carriage and told the driver to take him home.

"Now... Andre is mostly... One head, two big." Irina wobbles to the door, then unconsciously falls into Meg's arms.

"Said this wine strength is big, does not believe evil." McGonagall looked at Irina, who fell asleep in his arms. With a helpless smile, he picked her up and sent her upstairs.

On weekdays, fruit wine is not as strong as beer, so when they meet Maotai, boby and Elena get drunk without drinking much.

Take Elena upstairs. MEG is about to go downstairs. Amy and Annie stick their heads out of the toy room next door.

"Father, mother, did you go to bed so early today?" Amy asked curiously.

"She was a little drunk, so she went to bed first tonight." Meg said with a smile.

"Well, all right." Amy nodded, but with a turn of her eyes, she said, "you only drink, don't you eat?"

McGonagall saw through Amy's careful thinking and said with a smile, "there are still some drinks and dishes downstairs. If you two little guys are hungry, you can eat more."

"All right." Amy immediately nodded happily, took Anne's hand and went downstairs.

Because she was very drunk, there were still a lot of drunkard peanuts left on Elena's plate, and there were almost no chopsticks on two plates of cold mixed pig ears and tongue.

McGonagall poured a cup of hot milk for the two little guys. They served wine, vegetables and milk.

"This peanut is peeled." Amy picked up the chopsticks, picked up a peanut and threw it into her mouth. Her cheek moved quickly and made a scurry sound, just like a squirrel chewing a pine cone.

"It's delicious. It's fragrant and crisp. It's delicious." Amy put another peanuts in her mouth and said happily. She didn't forget to remind Annie to eat them too.

Annie also put a peanut in her mouth and chewed it in a low voice. Her smile also rippled in the corner of her mouth. It seems that she also likes the taste of drunkard peanuts.

"Meow, meow," the ugly duckling walked around the table, raising his head anxiously.

"I'll try this salad of pig ears." Amy picked up a pig's ear.

Thin pig ears, with a little white brittle tendons in the middle, dipped in red oil and a few sesame seeds, were fed to her mouth.

"Dregs ~"

"Wow! This smell! Amazing

Amy's eyes lit up completely and chewed happily.

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