The two children were eating wine and vegetables, with warm milk, shaking around in the warm yellow light, and laughing like a silver bell from time to time.

McGonagall sat with a peanuts in his mouth and a glass of beer in his hand. His face showed his father's smile.

On the first day of opening, I received a guest.

At nine o'clock, McGonagall opened the door and went out. A cold wind stirred him.

Only a few scattered pubs are still open on the street, among which Titan's is the best. At this time, we can still hear the noise, while the other pubs and Saipan's are similar. It is estimated that there are more employees than customers.

There was no ghost in the dark street, only the cold wind.

Such a flow of people, McGonagall can not help but admire those who are still sticking to the store, which is really a lonely guard ah.

"Close of business." MEG turned over the wooden sign on the door and turned off the sign light. The first day of business was over.

Although only one order has been issued, the turnover has reached 2030 copper coins, which should surpass many peers in Romo street.

And as McGonagall thought, if you open a pub here, you can really meet some officials of the Los Empire, and you may get some useful information from them.

"Well, it's late. It's time for the two little princesses to go upstairs and wash and sleep." McGonagall locked the door and said with a smile to the two little guys who were playing rope flipping.

"Good." Amy put the wool that had been untied into a knot on the table and jumped out of the chair. She had almost no talent for rope turning.

Annie also stood up, reached out and picked up the messy wool. Her fingers flipped quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, the originally messy knot was untied and turned into a piece of wool again. Then she wound it around her wrist several times.

MEG told the two little guys a bedtime story. When they were all asleep, they quietly pushed out of the room and closed the door.

Just as he was about to go to bed, there was a sudden knock on the door downstairs.

Nine shallow and one deep, ah bah, nine light and one heavy, is a familiar rhythm.

McGonagall went downstairs to open the door. He saw Noah supporting melanit nervously, and quickly turned to let them in.

After going out to clean up the blood around the tavern, McGonagall went back to the tavern, closed the door, looked at melanit, who was sitting on the chair, and Noah, who was sweating, frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's all my fault. I'm a fool. My grandfather was seriously injured just to save me. I'm useless!" Noah slapped himself, angry and annoyed.

"I'm... I'm fine..." Melanie reached out and pressed Noah's hand. The breath was not enough.

"Don't move, grandfather." Noah quickly helped him, looked at McGonagall and prayed, "boss McGonagall, please help my grandfather."

"Don't worry. I'll get the medics." MEG calmed Noah a little, turned and went upstairs.

Meilan's injury is very serious, he can only stick to Bondi's medical level, I'm afraid he can only send him on the road.

Fortunately, there is a super medical soldier upstairs, but he is in a drunken state, and he is not sure whether he can wake her up.

Mcgona opened the door and saw that Irene, who was lying in bed, had never known when she had been lying on the ground, lying in all directions, and a pillow lying in the bend of her arm.

"Sure enough, no matter how beautiful people are, as long as they are drunk, they will still do something out of control." MEG murmured, took out the fresh apple juice he had bought from the system and helped Elena up.

"Thirsty... Water..." before McGonagall spoke, Elena said vaguely.

"Here, water." MEG hastened to pass the apple juice.

Elena grabs the apple juice in one hand, looks up and pours it.

"Good, thank you." Elena put the cup into Meg's hand and went back to sleep.

"Wait a minute. There's a seriously injured person downstairs who needs treatment. Why don't you give her a treatment before you go to bed." McGonagall helped her to keep her from falling.

"The wounded?" Irina turned to Meg, much more sober than she had just been.

"Yes, I'll hang up if I don't help you." McGonagall nodded, determined not to let her drink Maotai next time, drinking red wine and beer at most.

"Help... Help me up." Irina ordered.

MEG helped her up quickly.

"Wait... Wait for me to change." Elena turned to look at the wardrobe.

"Don't change it. It's very good. I'll just give you a coat." MEG took the down jacket from one side, wrapped it directly around her, and helped her down the stairs.

Downstairs, Noah was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Melanie was more calm. She pasted a few amulets on her body, leaned back against the chair, with no expression of pain on her face, and comforted Noah by the way.

MEG helped Elena downstairs, and Noah stepped forward quickly.

"You can't?" Irina squinted slightly and looked up and down at Noah.

"No... it's not me. It's my grandfather." Noah quickly shakes his head, smelling the smell of wine on Elena's body. Seeing that she is completely drunk, he can't help worrying. Is it really possible to cast magic like this?

"This way." McGonagall leads Elena directly to Melanie.

"You go away." Irina took Meg's hand and began to look at her.

"Boss Mai, can you do it?" Noah came up to MEG and whispered with worry.

"There should be no problem." McGonagall had no idea.

Melanie's injury was very serious. There was a big hole in her abdomen. The flesh and blood disappeared together. It seemed that she was directly penetrated by some sharp weapon. She turned around fiercely and chewed up the flesh and blood and took them away together.

In addition, he had several other injuries, including magic and sword injuries.

"It's not dead yet?" Irina looked at it for a long time and looked at it askance, surprised.

"Did you ask that?" Melanie, who was still breathing, almost spat out blood and died on the spot.

"My Lord, please help my grandfather." Noah pleaded.

"All right." Elena reaches out and a folding chair appears in her hand.


Everyone in the tavern glared.

"Oh, it's the wrong one." Irina threw the folding chair aside and took out her wand.

"O Holy Light, wash away all filth and darkness." Elena raises her wand and hides.

The bright light fell on Melanie.

"Ah --"

Melanie let out a cry of pain, and all the charms on her body burned.

"The wrong magic, isn't it?"?! How can the holy light be used for healing?! It should be therapy! " Noah was startled and tried to stop him.

"You're teaching me how to do things?" Irina looked at him sideways.

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