q! rbq!

Noah just took a look and kept silent.

This is the big man's deterrent power. Even if she is wrong, she is right.

McGonagall looked at the grinning melanit who was roasted by the holy light, and his eyelids also jumped wildly. He looked at the drunken Irina, wondering if it would become a tragic medical accident.

After all, Melanie is a ghost, most of them are uncomfortable in front of the light.

The Holy Light lasted about three minutes. Besides the runes, MEG seemed to see the black air purified in the holy light.

Melanie has been in pain into a coma, life and death is uncertain.

"Grandfather!" Noah was eager to jump forward.

McGonagall reaches out and holds him, as Elena begins to chant healing spells.

A little pale gold light fell on Melanie's body, and the terrible wound began to regenerate and heal at the speed visible to the naked eye.

This process lasted about ten minutes. The cavity in melanit's abdomen grew flesh again. His pale face also had a trace of blood color again. His almost stagnant breathing gradually became smooth and powerful.

"All right." Irina took the wand, closed her eyes, and fell back.

Fortunately, McGonagall's quick eyes and quick hands helped her.

Originally, the wine did not wake up completely. When she came downstairs, she used magic again, and still treated such a difficult injury, so she fell asleep again.

"Grandfather." Noah forward, although Meilan has not yet awakened, but from his state, at least out of danger.

"Thank you... Thank you." Noah Putong knelt down and said thank you to MEG and Irina.

"Well, there are no rooms upstairs. It's not convenient for you to live in a pub. I'll come down and take you to the next house. You can stay in Romo street for a while." Said Meg, carrying Elena upstairs.

"Living next door... Can't be found?" Noah has not yet awakened Melanie back, looking at McGonagall a little worried.

"Half of the houses in this street are mine. You can choose any one later." MEG approved a coat and walked towards the door, calmly.

"Big guy..." Noah picked an eyebrow and looked at McGonagall's eyes with more admiration.

MEG opened the door, looked around, made sure there was no one, and took Noah out of the pub.

In the end, Noah chose a small black two-story building in the corner. The first floor was originally a small teahouse. The second floor was well closed, with all kinds of old furniture, and the original owner left two broken quilts here.

McGonagall kicks away Noah's broken quilts, buys them two new quilts from the system, helps him lay them, and watches him gently put Melanie on the bed.

"What's going on? How did it hurt like this? " McGonagall then asked the question that had troubled him for a long time.

"We have been tracking the black devil Qi all the way to the prince's residence. As a result, we just went over the wall and were ambushed before we had time to investigate.

In order to save me, my grandfather was seriously injured. Otherwise, they can't hurt him. I'm useless. " Noah reproached himself.

"That's right. You're a real loser." McGonagall nodded, a typical example of being hurt by a pig teammate.

"Well???" Noah looked askance at MEG.

Although he does blame himself, it's not common to hear: "it's not your fault."“ You didn't mean to“ Your grandfather won't blame you. " Such comforting words?

"Only when we become stronger, can we have the ability to protect the people we cherish." Meg said calmly.

Noah was slightly stunned. His eyes became firm and nodded.

"Don't go out these two days. There are many people looking for you in Luodu now. If you are caught, I won't be able to take you away." McGonagall looked at Noah and said, "I'll bring you three meals. When the old man gets better, I'll talk about other things."

"Thank you." Noah bowed to MEG again.

He had just been completely in a hurry. If it hadn't been for MEG and Irina, his grandfather would have been gone.

"Have a drink and have a good sleep. No one will disturb you." MEG put down a small bottle of Maotai and a bag of drunkard peanuts at the head of the bed, patted Noah on the shoulder and turned to leave.

"Gulu ~"

Noah, who didn't have dinner, opened the paper bag, grabbed a handful of peanuts, threw them into his mouth and chewed them.

"How spicy

Besides the crisp flavor, the spicy taste makes his face red. As a teenager who seldom eats spicy food, he has very low immunity to spicy food.

Looking around, I found that there was only the bottle of wine at hand in the room.


Pulling the cork, Noah looked up and took two big gulps.

"Ah, good wine." Although he didn't know much about wine, he still knew the good and bad. Noah couldn't help praising that his grandfather would like it very much.

He grabbed a handful of peanuts and threw them into his mouth.

With a bag of peanuts in his stomach and half of the wine in his hand, Noah felt a little dizzy and fell asleep beside the bed.


At the gate of the Yamen of the Ministry of war, a tall general looked at several knights and said in a deep voice, "have you found them?"

"My Lord, we tracked them in four ways, but we still lost track of them." A knight reports.

"Waste! An old man who was seriously injured could not be found! " The general cried in a deep voice, looking very unhappy.

The Knights bowed their heads and dared not speak.

"General, the old man was shot through by you and was fatally injured. He must have died at this moment. As long as we increase the search efforts, we will be able to find them soon." Said the deputy.

The general's face was a little slow, and he said in a deep voice, "keep looking! They may be the murderers of the night before yesterday. Your majesty has a great reward for those who are found! "

"Yes The knights were ordered to leave quickly.


"Have you come to lodu? Ha ha, interesting... "A black fog slowly penetrated from the wall of the prince's residence, and a figure covered with black robes came out of the black fog, with a low voice as harsh as metal friction.

The black robed man looked back at the direction of the mansion and soon disappeared into a black fog.



Boby woke up with a start and sat up from bed, sweating.

"Master, are you all right?" A middle-aged woman sat up from the bedside, took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his head, and asked with concern.

Boby looked slowly at the white paper window outside. His eyes fell on the middle-aged woman who looked at him with concern. He shook his head and said, "how can I be at home? What happened? "

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