"Do you think boss Mai will not come back for a month?" Outside, Harrison looked at the tightly closed door and sighed.

"Don't you say you want to lose weight? Take advantage of the month when boss Mai is not here, let's move quickly. Other girls are waiting for you to marry." Jergi reached out and patted him on the stomach, laughing.

"Well, it's all tenderness I can't get rid of." Harrison touched his stomach and sighed helplessly.

"Don't you want to marry Georgina?"

"No way!" Harrison shook his head. "I'll... I'll go there for a pancake and a walk."

There is no longer a long line at the door of the Maimi restaurant, but there are more housewives and study groups with small benches and notebooks sitting at the door of the restaurant watching teaching videos.

These days, Maimi restaurant is closed, but the news that the boss teaches ten dishes for free has spread all over the chaotic city.

As the most famous restaurant in chaos City, Maimi restaurant is famous for its delicious food and high price.

Once I heard that the boss made recipes public and conducted video teaching, many housewives who wanted to improve their cooking skills flocked to them.

And those restaurant owners who have been staring at the Maimi restaurant for a long time, after hearing this news, they even bring the whole kitchen to the door of the restaurant and start the copy mode.

During this period, there are many restaurants imitating the cuisine of Maimi restaurant in Aden square, which have won a lot of attention and passenger flow by means of gimmicks.

If you can learn the essence of some of the dishes, you will have the local dishes in the future, and you won't worry about the customers at all.

"Be serious, everyone. Today our goal is stewed chicken and rice. Whoever learns the best, I'll appoint him as the chef of the new restaurant, with a monthly salary of over 100000!" A boss stood in front of his employees, clenched his fist and said excitedly.

All the employees immediately took out their notebooks, staring at the screen and writing hard.

"Boss Mai is a generous man." Squatting at the door of the blacksmith shop, Mo Bai, holding a bowl of rice in his hand, said with emotion.

"Will business be affected when boss Mai comes back?" Xi Xi, who is carrying a lunch box, is worried that boss Mai is not here. She is responsible for the task of sending meals to Mo Bai and Lu Lu.

"There's no need to worry. Even if these people learn how to cook these dishes, they will never be able to make the same quality food as boss Mai." Mo Bai shook his head with a smile. "It's like everyone is a weapon maker. Even if I fight for another 100 years, I won't be able to match master ROM. And those who ask for weapons from master Roma will not come to my blacksmith's shop and ask me to forge weapons for them. "

"Also oh..." Xi Xi nodded thoughtfully and put the lunch box on the ground, "then I'll go and have a look and learn some cooking skills."


It takes a lot of time to soak mung beans. After all, it's not in the kitchen god proving ground, so it's impossible to start the acceleration mode. So MEG took advantage of the gap to deal with the two big fat geese that Amy brought back yesterday, one into the oven and the other into the stew.

Amy, who moved the playing field to the kitchen door, witnessed the whole process.

With the smell of roast goose and stewed goose coming out of the kitchen, Amy took a tear from the corner of her mouth and sighed: "the big fat goose is so sweet to die..." by the way, she took a look at the ugly duckling.


The ugly duckling's mung bean in his mouth fell to the ground. He didn't know whether it was the goose in the pot or

Stewed goose is done according to the method of stewed chicken, with some improvements, put some mushrooms, no potatoes.

Although the quality of this goose is not as good as that of the system, it is better than the fat goose and two big geese, which are enough for their family with amazing appetite.

Open the lid of the oven, the smell of roast geese comes. Take out the golden roast geese and put them aside to air.

This roast goose is not suitable for eating out of the oven. When it is cooled, the skin will become crisp and the flavor will be better.

So McGonagall fried two green vegetables, the simplest fried in soy sauce, also does not need complex seasoning, stir fry after sprinkle a few salt can be out of the pot.

McGonagall cut off a wing leg and put it into the ugly duckling's bowl. The duckling had already dripped several drops of water.

"The geese they brought back feel better." Amy put a piece of roast goose meat in her mouth and soon chewed it with her bones, shaking her body happily.

"Here, try the stewed goose in the iron pot. It's the first time. Try how it tastes." MEG gave Elena a leg.

Irina picked up the meat, blew it, and fed it to her mouth.

The taste is a little similar to that of stewed chicken. The fresh goose has a light mushroom flavor. The seasoning has penetrated into the goose, slightly spicy. The smell of the goose is very clean, and the smell of wine is intoxicating. It's a totally different delicious experience.

"Delicious." Irina looked at McGonagall and nodded. There were a few stars in her eyes. It's so delicious. It's my man!

McGonagall laughed contentedly and ate a piece of goose.

Stewed goose in iron pot is a famous dish in Northeast China. It's not very authentic, although the iron pot is in place.

But the taste is quite good, and the heat is just right. It's just that the goose is a little fat, and the skin is a bit greasy. Next time, try a systematic goose.

After lunch, the family of four cleaned up the table. MEG went into the kitchen and began to peel the mung beans soaked in high pressure.

Bubble of swollen mung beans, hands a rub on the skin fall.

"Father, I'll help you too." Amy moved a small bench to come here, also like McGonagall, and grabbed a handful of mung beans from the basin. However, mung beans were rubbed in her hand and turned into green popcorn.

"Er..." MEG looked at the perfect popcorn and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Wow, it's amazing. Can I eat it?" Amy took one and fed it to the ugly duckling.

The ugly duckling ate without much thought.

Amy squatted aside to observe for a long time, then nodded thoughtfully: "no poison."

"Meow, meow?"

The ugly duckling looked at her askew and felt as if she had been cheated.


Amy throws a popcorn into her mouth and chews it in a crisp voice.

"It's delicious and crisp. Eat it well." As soon as Amy's eyes brighten, she gives the rest of the popcorn to everyone and starts her own plan of rubbing popcorn.

McGonagall looked at her with a smile. The little guy could find something to make him happy anytime and anywhere.

MEG spent the afternoon studying how to make mung bean cakes.

Irina and her two children are playing games and watching movies outside, and she's completely on vacation.

"Here, try this version of iced mung bean cake." McGonagall came out of the kitchen, holding a plate of mung bean cakes with various animal images, and said with a smile.

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