The seemingly simple mung bean cake is the sixth edition produced by McGonagall in the afternoon.

Hearing the sound, they all looked up at MEG and the mung bean cake in his hand.

In addition to Amy's eyes still shining with the light of food, Annie and Elena's eyes were obviously hesitant and resistant.

"I'm going to eat a bear first and then a penguin." Amy put on disposable gloves, one in each hand. Holding the bear mung bean cake, she put it in her mouth and bit off her head.

Amy's cheeks were bulging, her blue eyes were shining, and her eyes were blinking. She was pleasantly surprised and said, "it's cool, refreshing and delicious. Eat it well."

Originally, Elena and Annie, who were still a little hesitant, also reached for a mung bean cake.

Irina took a small bite. The first few mung bean cakes made by MEG were more delicious than the mung bean cakes sold on the street in the morning. However, she was also tired of the delicious food. After eating more than a dozen of them, she felt that she was full of the fragrance of mung bean.

But this time the mung bean cake is a little strange. It's actually frozen. It's not as hard as ice, but it tastes cold.

The ice cold mung bean cake has a little less sweetness, and it is still delicate and refreshing. It will melt in the mouth with a little bite. It tastes fine and compact, and has a soft fragrance. It doesn't stick to the teeth. It's really delicious, changing the sweet and greasy feeling before.

Annie is also a small mouthful of fast eating, smile from her mouth rippling open, it seems that the mung bean cake is very satisfied.

"How's it going? How does the iced mung bean cake taste? " McGonagall asked with a smile.

"Delicious, taste better, and don't feel sweet and greasy at all. It's countless times better than the mung bean cake in the morning, and better than the mung bean cake in previous times." Irina nodded and looked at MEG with admiration. Just one afternoon, she could feel the change of this dessert. His talent in cooking was amazing.

"That's fine. You eat first, and I'll improve." MEG put down the tray, took a mung bean cake, took a small bite and began to taste it.

The taste of iced mung bean cake is really better, and the sweet and greasy feeling is reduced a lot, but the delicate taste of mung bean cake itself is not affected, but if you taste it carefully, there is still a little caking state.

"The direction is right, and the general taste and taste are also available. However, there is still a long way to go to perfection. It seems that we have to find time to enter the kitchen god testing ground, and there are still many things to improve." MEG finished a piece of mung bean cake, found many problems for himself, and began a new round of attempts.

Of course, the mung bean cake of his current level, if sold, is enough to dominate the dessert street.

Because he did a lot, MEG sent some mung bean cakes to Melanie and Noah for dinner.

Perfect tool man.

"Mr. Mai, thank you for saving your life last night." Melanie bowed deeply to MEG and said gratefully.

"You're welcome. We have a common goal. We should have helped each other." MEG helped him up quickly, but didn't feel like he had done anything big last night.

What's more, Melanie and Noah are in danger for the sake of tracking down Qiao Xiu. It's their duty to help them.

"Here are some mung bean cakes I made. You can have some. There are two fried rice below, which will be used as dinner." MEG put down the box, drew a circle in the corner of the room, and put down a disc.

"What's this?" Noah looked at the disc and asked, puzzled.

"This is a simple one-way transmission array, which can be used to transmit some items. Later, I will send the meals to you through this transmission array, so as to avoid unnecessary attention caused by too much communication." McGonagall manipulated the teleport and explained with a smile.

"That's convenient." Noah suddenly.

"I've been hurt a little. I should have continued to investigate this matter, but now it's going to be delayed." Melanie sighed, a little remorseful.

"Well, it's now quite certain that Joshua is in lodu, and we've found out we're tracking him down." McGonagall laughed. "If you continue to follow the evil spirit he left behind, you can only run by his nose. It's easy to fall into his trap again."

"Then what? Now the only thing we can trace is Moqi. " Noah frowned.

"Since he can set up a game for us, we can also set up a game to force him out, or compress his living space." McGonagall looked at meilant and said, "you should cultivate for a period of time. When the injury is better, you can continue to investigate. These days, you will give it to us first."

"Good." Melanie nodded and did not show off.

This is Luodu. The top ten gather very fast. In his current state, going out will only become a burden.

MEG leaves and goes back to the pub. On the way, he meets Effie with a packed meal.

He thought that because of last time, this woman should avoid him a little bit, but he didn't expect that the woman's face was thicker than he imagined. Seeing that he didn't mean to avoid suspicion at all, he came forward with a smile and a charming voice, and said, "Oh, it's not Hades old board. Why, come out for a walk alone?"

"Well, I bought a la carte and I'm going back to cook for my wife and children." MEG shook his basket, which contained several dishes.

As an excellent underground worker, McGonagall strives to make his behavior reasonable and natural.

"Wow, I didn't expect boss Hades to be a good cook." "I don't know when I'll have a chance to taste your cooking. Your wife is really a happy woman," she said with a smile

"I'm afraid there's no hope in this life." McGonagall is serious.

Effie: --

"I won't talk to you when I arrive. Goodbye, Miss Effie." MEG nodded with a smile, then turned and went into his pub.

"Hum..." Effie looked at the slowly closed door of the tavern, stamped his feet in anger, and said to himself, "without me, the man Effie can't fall in love with, wait, you must be mine!"

"A goblin who is not good enough." McGonagall's mouth was slightly upturned, and this level of charm was no longer attractive to him.

As soon as Meg closed the door, she looked at Elena with a smile.

McGonagall knew that she mostly saw what had happened before, and secretly congratulated herself on her self-control.

"Will the pub open tonight?" Irina asked.

"Yes, it's still open till nine o'clock." MEG raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was six o'clock in the evening. Then he opened the door again and turned the wooden sign on the door into business.

"It's not too late to wait until the end of business."

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