MEG sat behind the bar, eating melon seeds, listening to the two men drinking while remembering their good friend and good drinker.

Wine is good wine, mood in place, wine and vegetables are also special wine, most of the bottle of Moutai into the belly, the two people began to make complaints about drunk, even Andre was Tucao by them.

McGonagall, as a little expert in asking questions, how could he let go of this opportunity? He came close to them and sat down at their table.

"You... Who are you? What are you doing here? " Lucien, still wary, looked askance at MEG.

"Come on, have another drink." MEG helped him fill his glass and put it in his hand.

Lucien mechanically put his glass to his mouth, then drank it all in one gulp. He was a little bit more drunk. He took Meg's shoulder and said, "I... where did we just say?"

"Speaking of Qiao Xiu coming to the military compound, he called the ministers in the name of his majesty." McGonagall picked up.

"Yes, his highness Qiao Xiu worried all the powerful ministers of the Ministry of war together, then took out his Majesty's order card and ordered the border army to attack the orcs and elves. What did our army do? It's just that according to the rules set by your majesty at that time, he obeyed His Highness's instructions and issued orders. " Lucien hid his face and sobbed for a while, but he still couldn't help crying, "but it was the loyal ministers of our army who were convicted in the end. It was their families who died. How could that be true..."

Under McGonagall's persuasion, Lucien, the top man in the army platoon, began to pour the bitter water. He told the inside story of the incident and Andre's attitude once again, which belonged to the first-hand information that could not be obtained in the city of chaos.

Half an hour later, McGonagall went out, called Lucien's coachman and escort in, and carried the two drunk adults away.

"The day's business is over again." McGonagall watched the carriage go away and overturned the wooden plate hanging on the door. Today's intelligence harvest is not small. He has a general understanding of the current situation of the Los imperial officialdom.

"Out of business again? Is it so boring for rich people to open pubs? " Effie sent a drunken guest out, just to see McGonagall flip the wooden card into the door, can't help muttering.

Compared with her busy changing every day, she also wants to experience this kind of boring and boring life.

Effie sighed, "Alas, it's too late."

"Start now?" Elena came down from the upstairs, had completed the change of clothes, put on a black tight nightwear, her concave and convex figure perfectly highlighted.

"Just a moment." MEG went upstairs and changed into black, but he was wearing a big black robe, and the shadow of his huge hat completely covered his face.

He put down his hat.

"Well?" Irina looked at his face with a slight surprise.

"Like?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"How did you do it?" Irina moved forward to as like as two peas. He looked up and looked at Joe's face.

"I've got a mask that I can imitate anyone with." MEG explained.

"Oh..." Elena thought deeply and said, "then you can be me, too?"

"Well..." McGonagall thought, "theoretically, it's OK."

"Tut Tut, tell me, have you ever done anything shameful with this mask before?" Irina asked, looking at him with a smile.

"I don't like women's clothes." MEG waved his hand.

"Oh." Irina laughed and took out her wand. "Let's go."

With a flash of gold, they disappeared into the tavern.


"At home?"

"Well, in the house, but outside his room there is a knight of level ten."

"Knight to me, bloom to you, details to be in place, we only have three minutes."


Two shadows passed over the general's mansion.

"Did you see anything floating by just now?"

"You're seeing too much. There was too much public food last night. It's too empty." Two guards standing outside the courtyard wall muttered.

When MEG and Elena entered the mansion, they split up.

This time the plan is called: kill bloom!

Of course, killing him is not the purpose. How to blame his death on Joe is the key to their plan.

McGonagall's goal is the level 10 knight, and the task of killing bloom is given to special effects master and light and shadow master Elena, who will present a big horror film directed by McGonagall for bloom.

McGonagall squatted on the treetop not far away, looking at the knight of level 10 sitting at the door of the room. His sword stood beside him. Although he closed his eyes, he could feel his powerful deterrent.

This knight, he recognized that Lear was a powerful knight in the military. He was not Bloom's confidant, but was appointed by Andre to Bloom's house to protect him.

At this distance, MEG is sure to kill him with a flying sword, but it's easy to be associated with him.

Besides, he doesn't intend to kill lear. This knight is a very good knight among the level 10 knights. It's not worth dying for bloom.

So McGonagall jumped out and walked to lear, who was sitting at the door of the room. Black shadows appeared behind him.

Don't panic. These are all light and shadow effects. McGonagall bought them from the system. They are usually used as stage effects.

At the same time, a bowl-shaped barrier slowly rises to cover the courtyard and temporarily isolate it from the outside world.

The knight, who had closed his eyes all the time, suddenly opened his eyes. At the same time, he grasped the sword beside him and looked at the black robed man who was coming step by step. He slowly stood up and said with a dignified look: "who is coming?"

"Jie Jie." The man in black gave out a ghost laugh, and suddenly accelerated to rush towards the knight.

Holding the sword in both hands, the knight also charged the black robed man and issued a warning for help.

They were tens of meters apart, and in a flash they collided.

The knight holds the sword in both hands and cuts it forward. The terrible sword Qi rises from the sword and seems to tear everything.

However, the figure of the black robed man was like a ghost. He floated past with a long sword. Except that one corner of his clothes was cut off, he was not hurt at all.

As soon as the knight's face changed, the sword wanted to backhand, but it was stabbed in the back by a fiery thing and rushed forward.

"Ah, Joe."

Just then, a scream came from the house behind.

"General!" As soon as the knight's face changed, ignoring the pain in his back, he turned and looked back. Bloom's bedroom had been lit, and the flame was burning, and it spread out quickly.

"Asshole!" The knight pounced on the black robed man with his sword. Although the black robed man was ghostly, he was still cut off a few swords. Suddenly he stepped back, and the broad black robe suddenly fell back, revealing his face.

"Your Highness Joe The knight was surprised and stopped subconsciously.

But the black robed people ran away in a hurry, rushed into the fire and disappeared.

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