"Enemy attack! Put out the fire

Lear returns to his senses and rushes to the bedroom surrounded by the fire with his epee. The long sword blows away the fallen wood and rushes into the fire.

After the invisible barrier disappeared, the guards of the general's residence also found the abnormality here, and rushed to the fire fighting convoy with buckets and swords.

After a while, Lear, who had been burned for most of his hair, rushed out of the fire with a body in his arms.

The guards came forward, first put out the fire on Lear with water, and then looked at the general in Lear's arms.

General bloom, who used to be strong, now has nothing but skin and bones. His blood essence seems to have been sucked up by something. His expression is very frightening. He seems to have seen something terrible, and his eyes are not closed until he dies.


Lille was in a hurry to save people in the fire before, but he didn't pay attention to it. Now he was so scared that he threw him out.

"Here it is

"General, what's this?"

The guards also hurriedly retreated, looking at Bloom who had lost his breath, his face changed greatly.

Lear quickly calmed down, looked at Bloom's body, and said with a heavy look: "put out the fire first, and seal this place. This matter can't be spread. I'll report it to your majesty right now."

"Yes." Although the guards were in a panic, they quickly responded and began to put out the fire to prevent the fire from spreading.

During this period of time, the massacre of the army master has spread in lodu. I didn't expect that they met him today. Fortunately, Lord youlier was here, and they just survived.

Lill saw the bodyguard cover Bloom's body with a sheet before he left in a hurry and went straight to the palace.

Among the guards were water system magicians, and the fire that had not yet spread was soon controlled.

"Did you hear anything just now?"

"I seem to hear Lord bloom finally call out Joe..."

"I heard it, and I heard Lord Lear call his highness Joe."

"Did... His highness Joe do it?"

Several of the guards whispered, their expressions gradually creeping and scared.

"Silence! Don't talk about it rashly. Mind your heads A middle-aged guard cried coldly.

All the guards were so awe inspiring that they did not dare to say more.

The fire in general Bloom's mansion is not a trivial matter, and the residents around him can see it clearly. People are terrified when they think of the tragedies in recent days.

"Scared to death?" MEG asked, looking at the dying flame in the distance and looking sideways at Elena.

"Almost. I was stunned. Then I used the bat to suck up his blood essence, which is similar to the corpse you saw last time." Irina nodded and looked at Meg's torn clothes. "Can you still be hurt by him?"

"On purpose, otherwise how can I let him see my true face inadvertently." McGonagall had to wear Joe's mask, smile and reach out to take it off.

"Now, it's up to Andre to deal with it." Irina also had a smile on her face.

"Set him up in Joe's way. I think he'll be very happy to hear that."


There is a fire in Bloom's mansion. The strong people nearby gather quickly, including some level 10 knights and magicians. When they come to the mansion, they are all shocked to learn that bloom is dead. When they see Bloom's body, their faces change greatly.

This miserable way of death is reminiscent of the devil who has made people panic recently.

Under the questioning of several big men, bloom was also asked about what happened to Joe before he died.

Several level ten knights and the great magician looked at each other, and they all saw the horror and fear from each other's eyes, and they did not dare to ask more questions.

During this period, the Ministry of war was extremely turbulent because of the war. It is said that his highness George stole his Majesty's talisman and started a war against the orcs and elves on his own, and then disappeared.

The more you know, the more awe and fear you have.

If the killing of general bloom was done by Qiao Xiu, I'm afraid that the massacre of several former army ministers would have something to do with him.

It's the same way to kill and set fire.

If Lear is not here today, I'm afraid the general's mansion will be burned to a piece of white land.

What's more, there was almost no complete body left in the previous massacre. Today, lill risked his life to carry Bloom's body out like a fire, but it is such a tragic image that people can't help thinking of the devil.


"There's another fire. Is it someone else?" Louis stood on the roof of a tall building, looking into the distance at the burning house.

"There are waves of strong fighting. Go and have a look." Douglas appeared beside him, with a dignified look at the direction of the fire, stepped out, and appeared a hundred meters away.

"Wait for me." Louis, too, kept up.


A fire in the general's mansion made the situation in lodu tense.

The murderers and arsonists, however, took their two children home to eat hot pot.

"Here, try the freshly boiled duck intestines."

"The beef is good. I'll take it myself."

McGonagall had a warm smile and a kind voice, just like a kind father.

Amy's bowl was full of food. She couldn't stop eating.

Irina chatted with MEG from time to time and gave Annie some food, which was also relaxed and pleasant.

"Are you full? Would you like another mutton roll? " MEG looked at Amy, who had finished all the dishes in the bowl, and asked with a smile.

"No, my mother said I should eat less before going to bed at night, or I will become a little fat girl." Amy put down her chopsticks and shook her head cleverly.

"Well, that's fine." McGonagall nodded with a smile. Amy really knew how to restrain herself this evening. She only ate three adults' meals.

The two children couldn't sleep after supper and were playing with the ugly duckling on the first floor. MEG went to the kitchen to continue to study the recipe and method of mung bean cake.

Now he has mastered a lot of delicious food practices, but there is no desserts that can hold hands. Mung bean cake is a good breakthrough direction.

What's more, he is also curious about the mysterious reward of the system and whether it will be more desserts?

Both of them like to eat snacks and snacks. If they can make more delicious desserts for them, they will like it.

[a mung bean cake with uneven sugar content]

[a part of mung bean cake with coarse taste]

[a too sticky mung bean cake]


The notes given by the system can let McGonagall know exactly the problem of the mung bean cake, so as to make accurate adjustment.

"Father, I'm so sleepy. Can I go to bed?" Amy rubbed her bleary eyes and poked a small head out of the door.

A qualified mung bean cake

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mung bean cake improvement task! Get the title of junior desserts! And get a dessert gift package! Please check it! "

Almost at the same time, the sound of the system sounded in Meg's mind.

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