After coaxing the two children to sleep, McGonagall went back to his room and began to check the task rewards issued to him by the system.

He didn't care about the title of junior dessert. Anyway, only he could see it. What he cared about was what was in the big gift bag.

Order to open the big gift package, five experience packages immediately jumped out: mung bean cake, red bean cake, double skin milk, mango Banji, yolk crisp!

"Oh, what a gift package." It's the first time that McGonagall has got five recipes at a time when his eyes are bright. It's rare that the system is so generous.

He thought the desserts such as mung bean cake and red bean cake were common, but the yolk cake was his favorite. Unexpectedly, the system put a portion in the gift bag.

"Perfect, quite perfect." MEG nodded with satisfaction and ordered the mung bean cake recipe first.

The complete and detailed menu, as well as the unique experience and skills of the pastry masters, instantly poured into his mind.

"There is a big gap between qualification and perfection. This time, it is a rare tolerance of the system." MEG opened his eyes and said to himself.

The more understanding and awe McGonagall gained from the experience of the masters, the more he found out that the perfect mung bean cake he thought was only a crude inferior.

However, with his own painstaking research experience, it must be much easier to start, so instead of rushing into the kitchen god test field, he opened the yolk pastry experience pack.

"Isn't that... Too hard?" It was a long time before MEG opened his eyes, his eyes still in a trance.

If the difficulty of mung bean cake is 1, the difficulty coefficient of yolk cake should be 5.

McGonagall was a little nervous about the amount of ingredients, the complexity of the process, and various techniques.

After all, he is still a novice dessert, not even a beginner. He has anticipated the difficulties he will face.

"Come on, take the challenge." McGonagall lay down, closed his eyes and opened the door of the kitchen god testing ground.

It was destined to be a long night for MEG.

The next day MEG opened his eyes and put on four more.

"You wake up." Irina looked at him with a smile.

"Father in law sun is drying his butt." Amy said with a smile.

McGonagall, who had not recovered from the yolk crisp nightmare, blinked and glanced at the bedside alarm clock.

"It's eleven o'clock!" McGonagall was slightly surprised. It was more than just the sun on his ass. it was noon.

"Well, I think I overslept a bit." MEG sat up and put aside the ugly duckling sleeping on his arm, a little embarrassed.

"It's more than a little. I can't wake up. I almost planned to treat you." Irina curled her lips.

"Probably too tired." McGonagall said to him.

In the kitchen god testing ground, his perception of the outside world is closed. If the system does not feel the threat, it will not prompt him, so he did not hear Elena's call at all.

"You're hungry. I'll make you brunch." MEG got out of bed.

"We had breakfast. Last night you had a lot of mung bean cakes and milk in the fridge." Amy touched her stomach. "But now I'm hungry."

"Come on, go downstairs. After lunch, I'll make you a new dessert." MEG smiles and touches Amy's head.

"New dessert?"

"Well, I had a good sleep, had a good dream, and learned from it." MEG nodded.

"Really? Can you learn to cook in your dreams? " Irina looks at MEG with half a doubt.

"If you don't believe me, you'll know in a moment, and I've improved the mung bean cake. Today I'll let you have a taste of the real mung bean cake." MEG went out with confidence.

After lunch, MEG took a break, went into the kitchen and began to work on mung bean cakes and yolk souffles.

After learning, the system gave him new molds and cooking tools, as well as a special oven.

Mung bean cake is simpler, but it's more complicated to prepare. Fortunately, he soaked some mung beans in the refrigerator last night, took them out and peeled them directly to start making mung bean cake, saving most of the waiting time.

The production of yolk Souffle is much more complicated.

Irina stood at the kitchen door, watching MEG take out a variety of ingredients and ingredients from the refrigerator, and said strangely, "when did you buy these things? I didn't see you buy it when I went out shopping yesterday? "

Meg's hand was slightly stiff. After so long, did she finally doubt the inexhaustible ingredients in the refrigerator?

"Oh, I see. It must have been when you went to buy mung bean pastry." Just as McGonagall was thinking about how to explain, Elena herself had found a perfect reason for him.

"Yes, that's it." MEG nodded.

The complexity of yolk pastry is that it has four layers of structure. The outermost layer is the oil skin, which is the attractive pastry with oil luster. The oil skin is wrapped with pastry. Roll them out repeatedly with a rolling pin, then wrap them with salted egg yolk with red bean paste, press them into the rolled oil skin and pastry, and brush a layer of egg yolk liquid on the surface, and sprinkle a handful of black sesame seeds on the top, This cake germ will get into the oven.

There is also a stress of three brushes and three baked in this baking process. The yolk crisp is not achieved overnight. The liquid on the surface of the yolk crisp needs to be brushed three times, that is, it needs to be baked out and redried three times, so that the golden and crisp yolk crisp can be officially baked out.

The whole process was like an art performance. The two children didn't know when they came to the door of the restaurant and watched Meg's performance.

"My father is really good." Amy's mouth was slightly open and her eyes were full of adoration.

Annie's expression was similar, and her gaze at McGonagall was also full of admiration.

Irina leaned against the doorframe and looked at MEG with great interest. Somehow, she put down her sword and picked up the kitchen knife. MEG, who was quietly cooking in the small kitchen, felt at ease and could rely on it. It was like a rootless duckweed, suddenly found a harbor where she could stop.


The oven made a beep.

MEG turned off the oven and opened the door.

"It smells good!"

A smell of milk accompanied by the smell of pastry suddenly filled the kitchen, and strong toward the kitchen door, let the three people waiting in the kitchen door are a bright eye.

McGonagall brought out a whole plate of yolk pastry from the oven under the attention of the three people. It was golden yellow, with a trace of oil on the surface and sesame seeds on the top. It looked very attractive.

"This is the yolk pastry, but it needs to be slightly cool for a while." MEG came out with the yolk Souffle and a smile.

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