Elena, Amy and Annie are sitting around the table, staring at a whole plate of yolk souffles in the middle of the table.

The sweet smell of pastry came slowly, and there was also the smell of milk, which made the three people couldn't help swallowing.

"Father, when can I have egg yolk crisp?" Amy looked askance at McGonagall, looking forward to it.

"We'll have to wait a little longer. It'll taste better when it's cool." McGonagall knew that the little guy was already impatient, but in order to make the yolk Souffle taste the best, the waiting time was very worthwhile.

"Just let it cool, right?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.


"Then I have a way." Irina turned and went into the kitchen. There were several sounds inside. After a while, Irina came out with a box carved with ice. The top was open, and a simple water resisting layer was built with chopsticks at the bottom, and then a shallow plate was put.

Irina put some yolk souffles into the ice box with her chopsticks. The heat danced with the cold, and the temperature dropped rapidly.

Physical cooling, of course, there is no problem, McGonagall did not stop her.

Before long, Amy stood on tiptoe, reached out a little finger and gently poked the yolk crisp in the ice box. She was surprised and said, "it's cool."

MEG poked the crust of the pastry with his chopsticks. It's really hardened. He nodded and said, "then you can eat it."

"Father, one first." Amy grabs a mayonnaise and hands it directly to MEG.

"Millet first, I'll eat later."

"No, my father worked so hard. The first yolk Souffle must be eaten by my father." Amy shook her head firmly.

"Well, I'll eat it, too." McGonagall took the yolk cake, warm in the heart, small cotton padded jacket or the most intimate.

"Hee hee." Amy smiles and gives Annie and Elena one yolk Souffle each. Then she grabs the last yolk souffle, puts it to her mouth and takes a big bite.


"Eat well!"

"Super satisfied!"

The skin is slightly crispy in taste, wrapped with soft pastry and crispy in layers. When you bite it, it spreads in your mouth. Your teeth are easy to open. The egg yolk wrapped in bean paste has a wonderful taste and flavor. The little guy can't help shaking from left to right. His two legs are shaking gently and his face is full of satisfaction.

"Is it that delicious?" Elena looked at Amy immersed in the delicious yolk cake, and also took a bite of the yolk cake in her hand.

"Well --"

Elena's eyes revealed a bit incredible, under the pastry, embedded in the dense sweet red bean sand, the most inside this is the oily salty yolk!

Crisp, soft, sweet and salty fragrance filled the whole mouth.

One bite is not enough!

Mouthful after mouthful, a small yolk crisp, all of a sudden into the stomach.

She licked a little bit of pastry on her fingertips, licked her lips more than she could chew, and looked at MEG with a satisfied nod: "good, delicious."

Oh, it's not just delicious, it's delicious!

Elena has never tasted such a delicious dessert in her life.

Whether it's the wonderful combination of layers, or the idea of Tianma starry sky, which is crisp outside and tender inside, but also wrapped with salty egg yolk, it's amazing and fascinating.

Compared with mung bean cake, this egg yolk pastry has been promoted to the first place of desserts in her heart!

Annie nibbled at the yolk souffle. From the angle of her mouth and the look of surprise, she was also very satisfied with the yolk souffle.

McGonagall's mouth rose slightly and his heart was happy.

As a chef, the greatest sense of accomplishment is that the food he has worked hard to make has been highly recognized by others.

What's more, they are the closest and most concerned people.

Suddenly feel that yesterday in a row in the kitchen god test field, and egg yolk crisp sleepless competition for dozens of days, is also very worthwhile.

McGonagall took a bite of the yolk crisp in his hand. The yolk crisp, which was made with great ingenuity, was delicious enough to make the fierce man cry.

Even those yolk souffles that he had eaten before, in front of this yolk souffle, can only be brothers.

"So is the pub going to sell dessert next?" Irina took a few more yolks and put them in an ice box to cool down. She asked casually.

"No, the Saipan tavern doesn't deserve it." McGonagall shook his head and said with a smile, "let's leave the yolk Souffle to the guests of the McMillan restaurant. It's just a little compensation for the time off.

"By the way, you didn't cook for them in the morning, and you didn't send them lunch at noon." Elena reminded.

"Oh, I forgot." McGonagall patted his head, and sure enough, he got up late, which delayed everything.

He went into the kitchen and made a stewed chicken rice for Melanie and Noah. After packing, MEG filled them with two yolk souffles, and then put them in the suggested teleport array to teleport them.


"Grandfather, did boss Mai forget us?" Noah looked at the simple transmission array in the corner of the room and swallowed.

"As a GUI nationality, don't just think about the desire for words, not promising." Meilan scolds a way, also can't help but look at the direction of the corner, the belly some don't compete with spirit of grunt.

These two days are probably the most comfortable days for the two of them. They don't have to wander around. Three meals a day are arranged by people, and they are all delicious food.

But today's breakfast and lunch were not delivered on time, which made them a little bit unaccustomed.

At this time, the corner suddenly a flash of gold, a food box appeared in the corner.

"Here it is

Noah jumped up from the bed in surprise, rushed to the front of the box, put it on the side of the small table, with a devout face, opened the box, and the thick smell of chicken soup filled the room.

"Oh, this delicious smell is worthy of boss Mai!" Noah took a deep sniff and brought out two extra versions of braised chicken rice.

"But what are these two?" Noah took out two separate yolk souffles from the top.

"It smells like eggs. Maybe some bird's eggs are cooked?" Melanie went up to pick up an egg yolk puff, sniffed it, and took a bite.

The crispy skin is wrapped with amazing delicacy, the crisp fragrance of the skin, the sweet fragrance of red bean stuffing, and the salty fragrance of salted egg yolk... All kinds of flavors are released in the mouth layer by layer, and then interweave together to bloom an incredible delicacy.


Melanie's clothes split, revealing her strong chest.

"Is it that exaggerated?"

Promise took a look at Meilan's broken clothes, and also took another yolk crisp to feed it to her mouth.

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