Shiquanshimei should spend a lot of money on the new issue of the magazine. At the entrance of bookstores, everyone can see a signboard with their own simple strokes.

In addition, there is also a hot note in this issue: shock! The father of fish flavored eggplant was interviewed for the first time, and Jing did such a thing to the editor

"So, what shameful things did you do behind my back with that editor?" Elena looks at MEG.

"The editor is a man." McGonagall looks innocent. The party has done a lot of harm. Why has shock started to spread in this world.

"The man?" Elena had a strange look on her face.

"It's not what you think." Maglian said quickly.

"What do you think I'm thinking?" Irina is noncommittal.

"Forget it, I'll go and buy one to prove my innocence." McGonagall reluctantly walked towards the bookstore. In fact, he also wanted to see how the magazine of shiquanshimei was doing, and whether it could achieve his expected publicity effect.

McGonagall and his family didn't leave home early. Most of the bookstores in the bookstore were open. By this time, there were many customers in this medium-sized bookstore.

McGonagall chose a relatively busy bookstore to see if the popularity of shiquanshimei is as strong as those two guys boast.

"Boss, I'd like a Book of shiquanshimei."

"I want three books of shiquanshimei!"

"Two copies here, too!"

As soon as McGonagall came in, he saw a group of people crowded at the counter of the bookstore, calling out like ordering.

"So hot? Is it Tuo MEG raised his eyebrows and looked suspiciously at the group of people around the counter, mainly young girls.

"Little girl, why do you all want to buy this book?" McGonagall stepped forward and asked a girl on the edge.

"Uncle, you don't know. This is our male god. MEG glanced at the catalog and turned to the middle" do you think this is you? " Irina glanced at the portrait and asked.


McGonagall pondered for a long time and said, "as for the paper man, it's not so important to satisfy the readers' imagination, like me or not."

Yes, the portrait has nothing to do with his appearance!

However, the painting is very handsome. As a virtual idol, you can add drumsticks to the painter. At least from the reaction of those little girls, it's all about their preferences.

"Why do you suddenly want to be famous?" Irina put the magazine away and looked at MEG with some doubts.

"In life, we have to try something new."

"Talk to people."

"Simply, I want to see how famous I can be by cooking." McGonagall said seriously.

Irina looked at MEG for a moment and nodded. "It's fine."

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