Chengxi bookshop is a paradise for people with good books. As long as you work hard enough, you can always find the books you want.

They found a bookstore with no guests but many picture books.

The two children were looking for their favorite picture books among the books, and MEG was chatting with the bookseller.

"Boss, why don't you have a magazine selling shiquanshimei in your shop? It's very popular in other stores. " Meg said, glancing at the shop.

The boss looked at the customers who were buying magazines around the door of other bookstores and said with disdain, "Oh, what's a good food magazine to sell? It can't earn much money. If you can get the exclusive right to sell several best sellers, it's money making."

"Oh, and bestsellers?" McGonagall was a bit surprised. Although he collected many ancient books, he didn't know much about the book market in the world.

The boss pointed to a bookstore next door that had not yet opened and said, "no, the bookstore next door has not seen it. Their family sells three books, one every ten days, and 300000 copies a month. Relying on this alone, the boss took his eighth wife last month."

MEG looked surprised and said, "can I have eight wives here?"

"It seems that your focus is a little different." The boss gave him a strange look.

Irina's eyes brush to see to come over, smile not to smile of looking at him, way: "how, you also plan to marry ten eight go home?"

McGonagall's face changed slightly. He realized that he had lost his temper and said, "no, no, no, how can I have such extravagant ideas?"

"Eight wives are not as beautiful as you." The boss looked at Elena, a little envious.

"That's nature." McGonagall's waist is quite straight.

Irina's mouth turned slightly, and she took back her eyes. She picked up a picture book and looked at it.

"By the way, boss, what's the best book to sell in this bookstore?" MEG asked, looking at the boss.

"The best book to sell, of course, is the knight's storybook. In those years, Alex's storybook was sold crazy. Men, women, adults and children were all crazy about Alex's storybook. They produced one and sold one. No one can surpass the glory of those years. The colorful storybooks and picture books with Alex as the protagonist are in short supply The boss's face was filled with emotion, with some nostalgia in his manner.

"Well? And that kind of thing? " McGonagall picked his eyebrows. It felt like something was wrong?

"You don't even know who Alex is, do you?" The boss looked at him with disdain, and then said: "when he and Princess Elena, the couple, made a great reputation in Nolan, left countless stories and legends, became important materials for countless authors, and fed a large number of authors."

"Well, I just moved from the country to the city." MEG nodded and looked left and right. "But now you don't have a picture book about him in your shop?"

The boss suddenly understood what the hillbilly said and explained: "recently, Alex reappeared and staged a more shocking return of the king. He saved the world with one man's strength and set off waves again in the hearts of the people of the Los empire. The popularity is extremely high.

However, his words and deeds were not respectful to the king. Even with the courage of the writers, no one dared to write. Not to mention those of us who run bookstores, who are not afraid to lose their heads. "

"So." McGonagall thought, he was thinking about his vest heat so high, whether can try to drain some.

The boss picked up a picture book from the bookshelf at the door and said with a smile: "the knight picture book is still the main one in our shop. Children love to watch the story of the knight defeating the devil king, girls love to watch the story of the knight defeating the devil king, heroes saving beauty, men love to watch the story of the knight defeating the devil king, heroes saving beauty..."

McGonagall took a look at the picture book the boss gave him: Dragon Warrior vs. Medusa!


McGonagall frowned slightly, then put down the magazine without changing his face. "It looks like a pretty fierce battle."

"Hey, hey, hey." The boss gave out a series of obscene laughter that men all know.

MEG pretended not to understand and said, "boss, are your authors popular here? Do you have many fans? "

"Well, the scorer." The boss youyou said: "generally, ugly writers don't show their faces. They try to create a sense of mystery and give readers space to imagine.

And a handsome writer like you will find a good painter to paint his portrait on the book, so as to circle some fans who are not attracted by his talent.

Of course, there are also some shameless writers who will use women's clothing as a way to sell their hues to keep their fans. Of course, this method is not long-term, now the fans are big pig hooves. "

"And that kind of door." McGonagall was amazed. He didn't expect that there were so many winding roads here.

"No, you just saw the cover of the whole food magazine. It's a shame that a food magazine doesn't make good food, and even takes the image of the chef as a selling point. Can a good-looking cook make the food more delicious? And maybe the chef looks like a ghost. " The boss said contemptuously.

McGonagall frowned slightly, as if he had scolded two people?

The boss looked at MEG and asked, "why, you ask so many questions, do you want to write a novel?"

"I'm just asking."

"If you don't take it seriously, writing novels and drawing comics are dead ends. It's something that no one can do. I cry at more than a dozen painters and script writers a day." The boss said with a smile.

This is the old capitalist.

McGonagall flipped through the picture books on the bookshelf, chatting with the boss without saying a word, while thinking about the feasibility of turning the cooking course into a picture book.

Compared with the immature technology of image communication, and some dry words, pictures with text album, and with a quite mature operation system and audience, is it not a quite suitable way of communication?

The two kids chose a bunch of picture albums. It's rare that Annie got more picture albums than Amy this time. There are dozens of them. We can see that the kids like picture albums very much.

After checking out, the group strolled around the bookstore for a long time. MEG also picked up a lot of ancient books and some best-selling storybooks. Even in a small bookstore in a corner, he secretly bought a copy of Alex's storybook from his boss.

Amy stopped, looked back at MEG and said, "my father, I'm hungry. What shall we have for lunch today?"

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