After a few days of recuperation, Melanie's injury has almost recovered.

What's more, she can eat the delicious food that McGonagall sent to her door every day. The skinny Melanie is much fatter and looks more healthy than before.

However, because of this, it seems to have lost some of the temperament of the GUI nationality, just like an ordinary human old man.

"Come in." McGonagall naturally won't refuse the two people's request to come in for a drink, and since Melanie's injury has recovered, it's time to go back and continue to search for Joe. He's a big human radar.

"What would you like to drink?" MEG closed the door and asked with a smile.

"Boss Mai, just like the wine you gave me last time, my grandfather scolded me for several days, saying that I ruined the good wine." Noah said bitterly, these days, because of the small pot of wine, he has been taught by his grandfather to love.

"Maotai, right? Let's sit down for a while, and I'll order the food and wine." MEG nodded and turned into the kitchen.

After a while, MEG came out with three drinks and vegetables and a bottle of Maotai.

Noah is being pulled by Amy to play with wool.

"You are so stupid. You can't do that."

"God, it's not like this. You have to wear it first. You're stupid."

"Not this one, but that one. You're so stupid."

Amy, who has no talent in the wool game, meets Noah, who has no talent, and finally finds the fun of the game.

"Like... I'm really stupid?" Noah, staring at the tangled wool in his hand, was also lost in thought.

Melanie cocked her legs and looked at Amy and Noah with a smile. She was an old man. What kind of temperament was there.

"How's the injury, old man?" McGonagall opened the cork, poured a glass for Melanie, and asked.

"It's all right. It's OK to toss about." Melanie replied, but her eyes were completely attracted by the wine in the glass in front of her.

This wine is very fragrant. Even if he lived for 700 years, he had never smelled such a strong and attractive aroma.

So that day, after drinking a few drops of the only liquor left in the bottle, I can't forget that until today, when I smelled the smell of wine coming from the street in my house, I couldn't bear it. I finally came to ask for a drink when the tavern closed.

"Come on, let's go." MEG could see that his heart was in wine, so he was not in a hurry to talk.

"Thank you for your help and hospitality." Said Melanie, lifting her glass and looking solemnly at MEG.

"You're welcome." MEG touched his glass and took a sip.

Melanie, on the other hand, lifted her glass and took a sip.

This wine is sweet and soft in the throat, and its mellow fragrance spreads in the mouth, just like a dense fog, which makes people deeply immersed in it.

"Good wine --" after a long time, Melanie opened her eyes and gave a long sigh of satisfaction.

He had never drunk such a good wine in his life. After a glass of wine, he felt a little fluffy, warm in the bottom of his heart and very comfortable all over.

McGonagall filled him with another glass and said with a smile, "if you like, you can drink, drink, and some more."

"I'm not polite to that old man." Melanie takes his glass and drinks it all in one gulp. He hasn't touched a drop of wine these days. His addiction to alcohol has long been difficult.

"I'll... I'll have some, too?" Noah whispered, reaching for the bottle.

"What kind of wine do children drink? You just pour it. Pour some water yourself." Said Melanie, looking up at him.

"I'm an adult." Noah argued.

"It's calculated according to the age of people. In the ghost clan, you can only be regarded as an infant, not as big as the boss."

"I..." Noah was speechless for a moment.

Amy, with fresh juice in her arms, looked at Noah with a smile and said, "really? Can I call you Noah's little brother after that? "

"No way."

"Noah's little brother."

"I said no."

"Noah, be good." Amy stretched her arm and touched Noah's head. Then she really took out a piece of sugar and handed it to Noah.

"I don't want it." Noah wanted to cry and refused without tears.

Amy said seriously, "it's plum candy. It's sour and sweet. It's delicious. You must have never eaten it."

"Really?" Noah glanced at the sugar lying in Amy's little palm and rolled his throat.

"Here, smell it." Amy tears open the package and comes up to Noah. The light sour smell of plum comes out.

"Gulu." Noah swallowed his saliva. It's really sweet and sour.

"Here you are." Amy poured the sugar from the palm of her hand into Noah's.

After a little hesitation, Noah threw the candy into his mouth.

Sweet and sour taste, let his expression instantly distorted, but soon after adapt, this taste is quite fascinating.

Amy looked at him with a smile and said, "after eating my sugar, you will be my little brother."

"Well???" Noah had a question mark on his face.

"My father said that you can't beat me, so you should accept your life."

Amy's smile remained the same, but in Noah's eyes it turned into a little devil's smile.

Sure enough, tiger father has no dog daughter. Although Amy is only four years old, she is Alex's and Elena's daughter!

Such a terrible combination must be the existence of super talent, otherwise Krasu and Julian would not rush to accept her as an apprentice.

As for whether she is really stronger than him, after coming to lodu, he has heard the news that she won the championship in the magic conference by defeating the level 8 magicians.

"So, I became a little brother, everything is a plum sugar's fault?"

Noah was a little sad.

Look at the sky.

"It doesn't matter. Little brother Xi, sister Amy will cover you in the future." Amy was very satisfied with the little brother, and said in a mature tone.

Noah had no doubt about it.

This is the evil of a level 8 magician who can do it at the age of four. Maybe he will become a great magician before he is ten years old.

What's more, this is the double break of melee and long-range attack magic, as well as the super second generation of the father of the most powerful man in the world and the mother of the most beautiful woman in the world!

Indeed, even the princess of the Los Empire, compared with her, seems a little less attractive.

Of course, if he knew that the Archbishop of the Holy See was looking for her everywhere to become a saint, he would kneel faster.

After drinking, MEG didn't talk about anything serious with Melanie. Anyway, he would forget it all when he got up tomorrow. It's better to talk less.

More than half of the bottle of Maotai was drunk and fell on the table.

McGonagall put down his half glass of wine, looked at Noah and said, "come over for breakfast tomorrow morning. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

"All right." Noah left behind Melanie without a drop of wine.

Amy looked at McGonagall, who came back from the closed door, and asked expectantly, "my father, how am I doing today?"

"Well, Xiaomi's performance is very good. I'll give you a big drumstick tomorrow." McGonagall nodded. The little guy's acting today is perfect. It's totally unimaginable of the little boss who takes money with his little hands on his back.

"Xiaomi likes big chicken legs!" Amy's face was full of smiles, and her cerebellum was burning.

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