The city of life has changed a lot recently. Many landlords and nobles burned the slave contracts one after another, allowing many elves to regain their freedom.

In addition, some slave owners gave land and some property to their former servants, so that they could have a foothold in the city of life.

Of course, not all the noble elves are willing to give up all privileges and return to the ordinary.

So large and small struggles began to appear in the city of life and the forest of wind. The Elven slaves attacked the aristocratic warehouses and territories, snatched their slave contracts, and tried to end their slave life.

And the night elves began to be active, secretly helping slave elves fight for freedom.

This movement, like a fire, swept the forest of the wind in an instant, which was out of control.

Surprisingly, Helena didn't intervene. She didn't even give any help to the slave owners and the guards.

In the cave of stars.

"High priest, every family has been ransacked and slaves have fled. Please order the convoy to attack and arrest the rioters! If it goes on like this, the wind forest will really collapse. " Said a middle-aged elf, looking worried at Helena sitting on the high platform.

There are also a few elves in the cave, looking at Helena with a sad face at the moment.

The system of windforest is collapsing, but Helena, who pushed for it, ignored it in this terrible movement.

Helena was silent for a long time. She turned slowly and looked down at the elves and lords below.

Her eyes were cold and sarcastic.

The elves avoided their eyes and bowed their heads.

"As long as you can make a little bit of effort, fulfill the covenant I made with you, and be absolutely loyal to your majesty and the elves, you will not have such a bad result today.

These days, I've come to understand that it's not me or the system that made the mistake, but you guys who only knew how to be greedy and happy.

Since it's wrong, naturally someone has to bear the consequences to calm the anger of the people. "

Irina's cold voice echoed in the cave, and a wall of light rose at the entrance of the cave.


"High priest, please forgive us. We are loyal to the elves and you."

"High priest, spare your life!"

The elves in the cave knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Keep these words when you apologize to all the people." Helena waved, and the two guards came forward to take away all the elves.

The sound of begging for mercy gradually disappeared outside the cave, and the star cave soon regained its tranquility.

"Oh, I didn't hesitate to survive with my broken arm." A smile sounded in the cave, and a figure in a silver dress came slowly from the cave entrance.

"I can do everything for the elves, let alone get rid of a few moths." Helena looks at Elena who stops.

Irina said sarcastically, "then you should commit suicide first. After all, these moths are selected and fattened by you. Now you use them as scapegoats. It's not like what a high priest would do."

Helena was not irritated by Elena's words, and said calmly: "I have devoted my whole life to the elves, and I have no shame. I'll leave it to future generations to comment on the right and wrong, but now I have to lead the elves to the next stage. "

"You have lost that qualification."

"I'm still standing here, no one is more qualified than me. I will make the elves great again." Helena said confidently.

Irina said coldly: "when the people chose you and her majesty, they led them out of the dark ages. And over the past 100 years, you've put most of the people in a much darker era.

Now, it's all over. The elves have woken up, but most of them choose to stand on the opposite side of the system you say they admire. You still refuse to admit your mistakes. What's the right to talk about making the elves great again? "

"This time, I will choose the ruling class to satisfy them. Even if her majesty is here, she will also be on my side." Helena frowned.

"You're wrong. The elves don't need a ruling class. What makes them great again is not a strong guard and an unbreakable fortress, but the freedom and equality that all the elves envy, and the firm heart that all the elves guard the wind forest." There's a wand in Elena's hand.

"Like you are now?" Irina looked down at her. "I'm surprised you didn't take Alex with you this time."

"It's my business. I don't need him to do anything for me, even though he has done enough." Irina said quietly.

"You are the most gifted spirit of our elves in the past thousand years. Once you had a chance to lead the elves to a greater future. The queen and I had great expectations for you, but you fell in love with a human being and had a miscarriage with him. This is an unforgivable betrayal." Helena had a look of anger.

"Well, you're a little too wide." Irina laughed. "Moreover, meeting him is the greatest luck in my life. As for that child, it's the most beautiful gift given to us by the God of life."

"In fact, I occasionally think that it is because you have never met a man who loves you in your life that you have become such a paranoid old woman."


"There's too much nonsense. I'm here to fight with you, not to fight!" Irina interrupts Helena's words. She steps out with her wand and disappears in the same place. She appears above the high platform, holding her wand in both hands and smashes it at Helena's head.

Helena suspended in front of the sky crystal ball floating, propped up a star barrier.

The mage's staff hit the star barrier and made a dull sound.

The barrier vibrated violently, then dissipated, and the power of the wand was completely removed.

But the light broke out at this time.

That night, a terrible battle broke out in the star cave.

The tree of life is full of light, and a green light is linked to the star cave like a silk thread.

The battle lasted more than half an hour before it ended. The star cave collapsed, and a purple Griffin fell into the ruins and left with Elena.

The elves dug up Helena who was seriously injured in the ruins.


"Old witch... There are still some things..." Elena lay on the back of the purple Griffin, her eyes gradually blurred, and then fell into a coma.

"Ouch ~"

Ah Zi looked back with some concern. She fanned her wings and flew to Luodu.

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