McGonagall was overwhelmed by the task rewards issued by the system one after another.

It's like getting a windfall, or a lot of income after sleep.

McGonagall ordered a large gift bag of noodles, which includes: soup dumplings, sliced noodles, hot and dry noodles, red oil hand copied noodles!

Four quite comprehensive pasta, red oil hand is Meg's heart.

These four courses of pasta can enrich their breakfast and provide more choices for guests.

For example, when you don't want to eat, you can have a bowl of hot and dry noodles or two hot soup pours.

The system is surprisingly generous.

Then MEG looked at the so-called mind control skills.

It sounds like a shame skill that can compete with time stop.

Fortunately, it was in the hands of a man of integrity like McGonagall.

However, after in-depth understanding, this is not so much mind control as a short-term vertigo skill, as well as the ability to have a strong mental skill immunity.

That's it?

Time control, that's it?

It's a long way from the end of time, isn't it?

MEG was a little disappointed.

However, this is an upgradable skill. As long as the mental power of the host is strong enough, the skill can become more powerful.

Of course, McGonagall is more concerned about the immune effect of psychiatric skills.

When he can chop over the world with a kitchen knife, the only threat to him is the old dominator.

And mind control is the ability that the old dominator is good at, and it is also the most troublesome ability.

Even McGonagall, now, would worry that if he didn't pay attention to it, he would start.

Tentacle + mind control.

You see, this natural abnormality is so invincible.

As for the mysterious rolling pin.

In fact, it is a mallet that can be waterproof and adapt to various scenes.

Of course, McGonagall didn't know why the system had to specially mark the waterproof property.

However, there are so many pasta to be made next. Rolling pin is the basic tool and indispensable.

"Father, mother, sister Anne drew a picture book yesterday. I'll show it to you." After breakfast, Amy said suddenly.

"Oh? Really? " McGonagall was a bit surprised.

Annie gave a shy smile and nodded slightly.

Elena looked at Annie expectantly: "has Annie learned to draw? Then I want to see it. "

"I'll get it." Amy turned and ran up the stairs. Soon she came down with a picture book in her arms.

The cover of the album is a beautiful mermaid. The huge blue tail is gorgeous, the big red wavy hair is curly, the beautiful face, and the shadow of Gina can be seen. Leaning against the reef, the rippling ocean spreads away.

The story of the mermaid

This is Anne's favorite fairy tale.

"Wow." McGonagall's eyes lit up. The mermaid painted it.

But he has no culture.

A word of "beautiful" goes all over the world.

"It's much better than most of the album covers I saw that day, and it's very good." Irina also praised.

McGonagall took the picture book and opened it. It was the story of the mermaid.

The rippling sea, the magnificent boats sailing on the sea, the flying gulls, the dolphins leaping out of the sea

Both the scene and the characters are excellent.

If there is any flaw, it is that the sub mirror is slightly weaker, which makes the plot look less smooth.

However, for a beginner, there are many shortcomings, and the degree of completion is shocking enough.


The day after learning to draw, Annie completed a complete Mermaid by herself.

what is it?

That's genius.

Amazing talent for painting, and the envy of all cartoonists tentacle strange hand speed.

Such a talent bonus has doomed her to become an excellent cartoonist.

"The painting is very good, beautiful, interesting, and tells a good story." MEG looked at Annie, full of relief, as if he had found a good child laborer.

The smile on Annie's face became more and more bright. It seemed that she had never been so happy.

McGonagall put down the album, looked at Annie and said, "but if only a little prince could be added to cook for the little mermaid, which could explain why the little mermaid fell in love with the little prince and loved him so deeply."

Anne tilted her head to think, her eyes brightened, her head nodded with a smile, and agreed to Meg's proposal.

But Anne soon asked MEG in sign language, "what's the little prince going to cook?"

"Spicy roast fish?" McGonagall didn't think about it.


Anne and the three look at MEG.

"It's not suitable, is it..." MEG pondered for a while and said, "then make braised pork."

"Why braised meat?" Amy asked.

McGonagall said with a smile: "because the mermaid has never eaten pork, and has never seen a pig run, so when she ate braised pork, she was astonished and fell in love with the little prince."

"But Gina's favorite is Jiaohua chicken." Irina raised her own doubts.

Annie and Amy nodded in agreement. Sister Gina likes to eat Jiaohua chicken most, even gnawing at the mud shell.

"It's a literary work. It's not very elegant for the beautiful mermaid to nibble at the mud shell." MEG shook his head.

Of course, he is mainly worried about the high-end food of Jiaohua chicken, which people can't learn at all.

Just a layer of mud shell on the chicken paste, it is estimated that it will cause many rollovers.

As for braised pork in brown sauce, Kwai Chung is a simple and quick dish.

Yes, after seeing Annie's finished painting, he has decided to put an advertisement in the mermaid.

He was promoted two grades in a row by a whole food beauty magazine and won many awards, which gave him a taste of sweetness.

So I'm more interested in improving my belief value. It's a good income after sleep. The input-output ratio is amazing.

McGonagall's plausible explanation succeeded in persuading the three.

Annie decided to add the little prince to the cartoon.

McGonagall was very interested in this, and specially showed Anne the detailed method of simplified version of braised pork on the spot. At the same time, he madly hinted that Annie was the soul of the whole cartoon. To strive for authenticity and detail, it was better for the audience to learn and reproduce through the cartoon.

At the same time, he also tactfully pointed out some of the problems in the cartoon.

McGonagall is not a cartoonist, but he grew up under the influence of various cartoons, and his appreciation ability is still online.

Annie went upstairs to continue her creation.

What a diligent little cartoonist.

"Is this one of your plans to try to expand your influence?" Irina looked at MEG with a smile.

McGonagall said with a smile: "I just want to add a little core competitiveness to children's comics, which no one can imitate."

Yes, a very valuable braised meat menu.

McGonagall wants to expand his influence with the help of Annie, at the same time, he also gives Annie's comics a powerful core.

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