Annie went upstairs to continue painting. Although Elena's injury was not serious, she was still weak.

So the family canceled the travel plan, put down the hidden movie screen, and started the home theater mode.

"Oh, oh! This Nezha looks like me. I also have wind and fire wheels! "

"But her master is so fat, just like that pig."

"Is that long white snake?"

"That's the dragon."

"Is Nezha a a woman?"

"It's a boy."

"Isn't she raw? Will the ugly duckling be like her? "

"I don't think so."

"Ha ha ha..."


After painting three movies in the morning, McGonagall put away the big screen and let the little guy rest his eyes. Then he got up and went into the kitchen to make lunch for everyone.

MEG saw the rolling pin on the shelf, which could be big or small and waterproof.

It's golden. It's just that there are no other lines on it, and there's no Ruyi golden cudgel on it. It's a pity.

MEG picked up the rolling pin and whispered, "small, small, small..."

The one foot long rolling pin was sure to get smaller, and finally it became the size of an embroidery needle.

"The great sage does not deceive me." MEG looked at the golden mallet in his palm and resisted the urge to put it in his ear.

Can't put it. In addition, perforation of eardrum should be no problem.

"Da Da..." McGonagall continued to read. The rolling pin, the size of the embroidery needle, began to expand and soon rose to the height of three meters, smashing the kitchen.

"It's kind of fun. It can be a jack when you need it." MEG nodded, changed it back to the size of a rolling pin, and put it back on the shelf.

So far, he has not found the mystery of the rolling pin?

This name, which is full of confusion, is probably the most mysterious.


"The wine last night..." Abraham sat by the bed, letting the beautiful maids dress. He dressed and washed, and still savoring the wine he drank last night.

He was brought back last night, and he just had a drink.

According to the usual experience, this morning should be very uncomfortable.

But unexpectedly, when he woke up, he felt refreshed and had a good sleep.

"What was the name of that pub last night?" Asked Abraham, looking at the housekeeper waiting by.

"Back to my master, that pub is called Saiban pub, which is on Romo street." Answered the butler.

"Saipan tavern?" If Abraham had thought.

"Sir, I've prepared some porridge for you. Would you like to have dinner now?" The housekeeper continued.

Abraham stood up, looked at the housekeeper and said, "their food and wine should be good. Send someone to buy some food and wine for me."

"All right." The housekeeper promised and turned to go out.

Abraham suddenly stopped him and said, "by the way, if their house hasn't opened yet, we should be civilized."

"All right." The housekeeper replied with a smile, "I'll go myself."


MEG had just finished a table when there was a knock outside.

"Well?" McGonagall put on his mask and went to the door. He looked through the door. There was an old man standing outside.

The old man looked familiar. He was the old housekeeper who usually followed Abraham.

"Hello, what's up?" Meg, open the door and get out.

"Excuse me, boss. My host likes your food and drinks very much. I'm sending someone to buy some from you. I don't know if it's convenient." The old housekeeper said with a smile.

"This gourmet really knows how to eat. Ordinary people can't do the operation of buying food and wine in a pub." McGonagall's brows were slightly raised.

However, for the sake of Amy's success last night, Abraham said, "the pub is open at night. The cold dishes have not been prepared yet, but there are still some drunkard peanuts. Just a moment, I'll get some for you."

"Well, thank you very much." The housekeeper said busily.

After a while, McGonagall came out with a piece of drunkard peanuts packed in a wooden box and gave it to the housekeeper.

"How much do you need, boss?" The housekeeper took out his purse.

"Last night your master helped us out of the siege of the tavern. This peanut is a little token of my gratitude." MEG smiles and shakes his head.

"I can't help it. I heard that you didn't take the money last night. You've already scolded the old slave. If you let him know that we're taking it for nothing, you'll have to drive him away." The old housekeeper took out a silver coin and gave it to MEG. "Take it. The master likes the food you cook. He will come back in the future."

McGonagall tossed the silver in his hand and watched the old housekeeper get into the carriage and leave, turning into the tavern.

"This man, it's really hard to understand. Even the Duke of Abraham can get on the line. What's his identity?" On the second floor of Titan tavern opposite, Effie peered through the half closed window.

"What are you looking at, miss?" The maid's voice sounded from behind.

Effie was surprised. She quickly reached out and closed the window. Her pretty face was flushed. She coughed to hide her embarrassment. She said, "the window has a crack. It's a little cold. I'll close it."

"Oh." The little servant girl did not doubt him. She put down her food box and took out the hot food she had just bought. She said, "Miss, I heard that the business in the opposite tavern was very good last night. Moreover, the wine in their house was very expensive. A guest had to spend at least 1000 copper coins."

"Well." Effie replied absently.

"Miss, why don't we raise the price of wine? Each of our guests is less than a hundred coppers Little servant girl doubts a way.

"Stupid, our guests have no money. Ten copper coins for a glass of wine is too expensive. Is the price going up? It's impossible to keep up with the increase. " Effie didn't have good spirit of stretch out green onion finger to flick the small servant girl's brain door for a while.

"People... People just talk about it." The small servant girl eats painful, Wu wears the forehead some grievance way.

Effie rolled his eyes and said, "people dare to sell two thousand copper coins for a bottle of wine. That's because people's wine is really good. Let's take the head and follow it."

"Well, we'll sell their wine, too." The little servant girl has a flat mouth.

"Give you to the owner of the opposite tavern, and exchange wine from him?" Effie laughed angrily.

"I... I..." the little servant girl thought seriously for a while, "if the boss wants, the servant girl is willing to sacrifice."

Effie: --

"I mean... He certainly won't want me." The little servant girl shook her head and looked at Effie again. "But if it's a young lady, I don't think he can refuse it. In this world, there's no one who can refuse a young lady."

"I'm sorry, there's one on the other side." Effie sighed in her heart. She had already been rejected once.

No other.

He has a more beautiful one in his family.

Women, it's too hard.

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