Alden, France, was beaten by the Duke of aberham in a pub on Romo street. The news spread in the officialdom.

The dream of countless officials has been realized in a tavern.

This little-known tavern has also become a new place for many officials to make an appointment to punch in and have a drink in the evening.

Romo street has been lonely for many years, but it was their youth after all.

In those years, Luomo Street stood in front of a small house with a red light, showing beautiful ladies and sisters to the passing guests. Will this be ok?


"Peanuts with porridge?" Abraham looked at the box full of drunkard peanuts, laughed, then picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth.

Spicy and crisp peanuts can activate the taste buds instantly, and then have a warm seafood porridge.

Perfect match!

With such a peanut and a mouthful of porridge, Abraham finished his breakfast and lunch after three bowls.

"Master, it's said all over the world that you invested in this pub." The old housekeeper handed over the silk scarf and said.

Abraham wiped his hand and said with a smile, "the owner of this pub is very interesting. They can pass it on. It can save him some trouble."

"All right." The housekeeper nodded.

"Prepare the carriage. I'll go to the palace."

"To meet your majesty?"

"No, pick up Vanessa. There's no need to prepare fancy clothes." Abraham went to the door. "She'll like the food and drinks in this pub, too."

"Sir, take your royal highness to the pub... Will it be inappropriate?" The housekeeper pondered.

"What's wrong? We're going for good food." Abraham said with a smile.


Before business hours, there were more than a dozen guests waiting outside Saipan, and most of them were ministers in official clothes.

Of course, it's not that they arrived early in order to occupy a place. Most of them didn't know the opening hours of the pub, so they came early.

"Oh, look at the tavern. There are so many adults waiting before it opens."

"Yes, it's really enviable. We haven't seen this scene in Romo street for many years."

"I've heard that this pub may be owned by the Duchess of Aberdeen. They don't want to drink."

"No matter who drives it, it's good for Luomo street. We can see some live water at last."

The merchants on Romo Street gathered together and looked at the Saipan tavern enviously, whispering.

No one thought that in just a few days, the pub won the recognition of so many guests.

McGonagall didn't expect the popularity of the pub to grow so fast. After dinner and a rest, he was almost frightened by the guests standing outside the door when he opened the door.

"Come in, please." MEG opened the door and ushered in the resentful looking adults.

"If this tavern had nothing to do with the Duke of aberham, I would have to give the boss a good reproach and let an old man of mine stand outside for so long." An old man hammered his leg and complained.

"Take it easy. Yesterday Alden was a lesson. The boss is not easy to get into trouble." The official who came with him said with a smile.

"If we can't, let's drink. It's said that the wine here is really good." The old man did not tangle and said with a smile.

Everyone took their seats and ordered wine and dishes.

This Luomo street was not far from the offices of various departments and had a glorious time.

People chatting, also can't help recalling the green years.

In the rush of time, even Luomo street has changed things and people, which makes people feel sad.

Wine is really a good wine. It can afford the price of 2000 copper coins.

The food and wine is even more surprising. We can't find any more delicious food and wine in the pubs of Luodu.

Even restaurants can't find such dishes.

"It's a pub with a good cook and a good winemaker." The old man sipped a sip of wine, smacked his mouth and exclaimed.

The previous grudge had already gone away with the good wine. He only regretted that he didn't meet the pub earlier.

"Oh, why so many people today?" Abraham leads Vanessa into the tavern and looks at the tavern where most of the guests are sitting. It's a bit unexpected.

"What a strong taste of wine." Vanessa covered her nose and just stepped into the tavern to recycle.

"Come on in. When did Uncle cheat you? It's delicious." Abraham said with a smile.

Vanessa glanced around and fell on the dish ordered by the guests. The bright red salad looked like a couple's lung slice.

Watching the guest pick up a piece of pig ear wrapped in red oil and feed it to his mouth, the sound of chewing crispy bone is clear and audible, and the intoxicated expression


Vanessa swallowed.

Back in lodu, she didn't see such a beautiful red oil.

So, take back the foot of half a step and step in again.

When Abraham and Vanessa enter the pub, the original noisy pub becomes quiet.

Princess Vanessa has participated in several royal activities during this period, so the court minister is no stranger to her.

Not to mention Abraham, many of them came to the pub because he beat Alden yesterday.

When a Minister got up and saluted Abraham and Vanessa.

"OK, just think you don't know us, don't influence other people's business." Abraham raised his hand to stop you from coming forward to say hello to those who made up with you.

Hearing the words, all the people could only stop and dare not come forward to harass.

"Why? Sister Vanessa Amy, sitting behind the counter, saw Vanessa's eyes brighten, but she didn't say hello when she thought of her father's words.

"What a lovely little girl." Wenisha also noticed that Amy, a little girl in a cotton skirt, hung by the chair with her short legs, swayed softly, and looked lovely.

She also has a round, black-and-white pet lying on her back, snoring and sleeping. Her round face and big black eyes look cute.

"Hello, pretty little sister." Said Amy, looking at Vanessa.

"Hello, good boy." There was a smile on Vanessa's face. She reached out and touched the belly of the lying pet. "It's lovely, too."

The ugly duckling opened her eyes, glanced at her and went on sleeping.

"Well, he's just a little stupid. Everything else is fine." Amy nodded.

"What kind of pet is this? Is it Warcraft? " Asked Vanessa curiously. It's so cute, just like the little boss's cat called ugly duckling. If only she could have one.

"It's a panda, not Warcraft, just an animal that makes a living by selling cute." Amy shook her head.

"Can peddlers make a living?" Abraham said with a smile.

Amy raised her chin with her little hand and tilted her head. Then she said pitifully, "fat grandfather, Xiao AI hasn't eaten for three days. Can you give me some money to buy bread?"

"How much? All for you, all for you... "

"You see, peddlers can still make a living." Amy shook her purse and said with a smile.

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