Not to be discouraged, Effie lifted her hair to the other side, with a charming smile on her face and a slightly upturned mouth, and said, "I heard that your food is as good as wine."

"It's a rumor." MEG shook his head.


"My food is better than wine." McGonagall said confidently.

Effie looks at McGonagall with a confident smile on her face, and her expression is slightly condensed.

You're a tavern owner.

"I wonder if I can have a chance to taste your food." Effie said with a smile.

MEG looked at her and said with the same smile, "although you are very beautiful, you want to be too beautiful."

Effie: --

I want to hit people.

A little fist on your chest.

It's the kind that breaks the ribs directly.

After a pleasant exchange with her sexy and beautiful neighbor, MEG went back to her pub with satisfaction.

"I'm so angry... There are such men in the world! And he has a more beautiful wife than me? "

Effie stamped her feet in anger. A cold wind came, shivering, and she trotted back to her tavern with her hands in her arms.

It took her an hour to make up, put on her most beautiful skirt, and follow him like a wretched uncle for an hour to create such a chance encounter.

"Did you succeed, miss?" The little servant girl wrapped her cloak around Effie and looked at her expectantly.

"I sold you to Hades." Effie turned her lips.

"Really?" Little servant girl surprise way.

"False, if really have so happy?" Effie gave her a bad look

The little servant girl shriveled her mouth, peeped at Effie, and shook her head: "there is no more. I still like to stay with the young lady."

"Ha ha."


"Father, I just saw the aunt of the opposite tavern stop you. Do you know him?" As soon as Meg came in, Amy came forward and said.

McGonagall was slightly stunned, and even said: "ah... It's just a friendly greeting between neighbors. Generally, this kind of thing doesn't need to be written into the diary."

"Fright from MEG + 1"

"Ah... Is that so?" Amy nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's right. I just went to the vegetable market and bought some boar meat. We can have barbecue at noon today." MEG shook his basket.

"Barbecue! I love it As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she immediately forgot about the diary.

"Come on, let's deal with the meat first." MEG went to the kitchen.

The popularity of Titan tavern is rising rapidly. With the gold lettered signboards of Abraham and Vanessa, the tavern can not only save a lot of trouble, but also bring a steady stream of popularity.

With the hot sale of shiquanshimei magazine, the number of fans of his faith has exploded, and has now exceeded 180000.

Just when he went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, he saw an old lady who was reading his teaching of fish flavored eggplant in shiquanshi Meili. While reading it, she praised: "this young man is really handsome!"

You see, the people of lodu are so sincere.

Amy is playing downstairs, Annie is painting, and MEG goes upstairs to his study to study the ability of mind control of systematic reward.

In fact, it is more accurate to say that ability is a method of mind control.

Because he still relies on McGonagall's own mental power. The stronger the mental power is, the more powerful the skill is.

McGonagall's mental strength is very strong, better than most people in the world, including some level 10 magicians.

According to the system, this is because when McGonagall goes through time and space, his spirit is washed by the turbulence of time and space, and a part of Alex's spirit and memory are integrated.

So MEG took a look at the big stainless steel teapot on the table.

I'm not pregnant.

But the cylinder cracked.

It's a big teapot. It's cracked.

The large tea jar made of 304 stainless steel was extruded into a thin piece of iron just after MEG looked at it.

"It really depends on who is pregnant." MEG picked up the piece of iron and was amazed.

Then McGonagall took control of a book on the table and flew unsteadily. Where his eyes pointed, the book would fly, like a sword.

But for a moment, whew flew out of the window, directly across a street, and flew into the half covered window on the second floor of Titan tavern.

"This..." McGonagall opened his mouth slightly. If he had read it correctly, what should have been the precious illustration version of the plum in the Golden Vase?

Of course, it's a collection.

Serious people who look at Jin Ping Mei.


After all, this is the first of the four strange books in a strange world. He doesn't know what will happen when he flies into the homes of ordinary people.

"It's just a Book... It should be nothing." MEG comforted himself.

Because the technique is not very skilled, leading to the occurrence of this accident, it should not.

But it's also a wake-up call for MEG.

If it's not good to practice flying, you have to take a night book which is not suitable for children.

McGonagall closed the window and got a new copy of the wizard of Oz to fly.

Oh, yes.

This is the classical Chinese version.

Sure enough, I changed a Xiuxian novel, and it was very stable to fly.

McGonagall had a good time here. On the other side, sitting by the window, holding her cheek, Effie, who was still sulky, was slapped on her face by a flying book and almost died on the spot.

"Who slapped me with a brick?" Effie got up from the ground and took off the UFO that was on her face. It had three big words "Jin Ping Mei" written on it!

Oh, by the way, she can't read Chinese characters.

So what she saw were the three big characters of Jin Ping Mei, but she didn't know they were Jin Ping Mei.

Although I can't understand the three big words on the cover of the book, in addition to the three big words, there is also a picture of a beautiful woman with a crisp breast and half exposed on the cover. She is charming and stands by the window, holding a short pole in her hand and looking at a man downstairs with a smile.

Oh, it's not a serious book.

So Effie closed the door, locked it from the inside, then closed the window, and then opened the cover and continued to look.


McGonagall put the wizard of Oz back on the top shelf and went downstairs.

Feijian, in fact, he already knew it.

However, it's very different from mind control. It depends on the powerful power and the connection with Tiandu sword.

His flying sword is more like a large concealed weapon with low fault tolerance.

But if we add mind control into it, it will make Feijian more possible, and it will also make his fighting style more possible.

Of course, this has yet to be developed and practiced.

"Father, why don't we sell barbecue? If you sell barbecue, there will be more guests coming to the bar? " Amy looked at the greasy meat on the iron plate and swallowed.

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