Barbecue is certainly a good business.

This has been confirmed at the McMillan restaurant.

And barbecue with wine, it is also a compelling match.

But whether it's lamb kebab, beef kebab or pig eye, it's already on sale in McMillan's restaurant. Now, if Saipan pubs launch this, it's likely to be exposed.

Vanessa and Abraham are already sniffing the smell. It's better to be a little more steady.

"Because if we sell barbecues, the Saipan tavern will become a McMillan." MEG gave Amy two pieces of roast meat and shook his head.

"Oh." Amy nodded and fed a piece of meat to her mouth. After a while, she said, "can we add more wine and vegetables? It's the kind of food that hasn't appeared in our restaurant. "

"Sure, but..." McGonagall thought, "it's not easy to create a delicious dish."

"Ding Dong! Optional regional mission release: help father create a delicious dish! Mission reward: unknown. I don't know if I accept it. "

Just then, the sound of the system came into Amy's mind.

"Ding! Task release: Please enrich the pub menu and create a new dish! Task reward: get two recipes

At the same time, McGonagall's mind also sounded the system's cue sound.


MEG and Amy were stunned at the same time.

Annie looked at them suspiciously. She stretched her chopsticks and silently put a piece of roast wild boar meat in the sweet chili sauce. Then she wrapped it in fresh green lettuce leaves and opened her mouth to bite it off.

The moderate thickness of wild boar meat has long been salted and tasted, and the proper fat makes the meat still fresh and juicy after being roasted. When you chew it gently, the gravy splashes in your mouth, and the spicy and sweet spicy interweave to create a wonderful movement. With fresh lettuce leaves, you can have a full mouthful. It's really satisfying.

"Do you cook with your father? It sounds interesting. I accept it! " Amy said to herself.

"Create a new dish, Amy?" As soon as he thought about it, he agreed.

After all, the good thing of buying one and getting two free doesn't often happen in the system.

"Father, can I create a dish for the guests with you?" Amy looked at McGonagall and said, "I can't cook, but... I can eat."

You see, what a reasonable request.

"Yes, of course." McGonagall nodded, but it was a bit surprising that Amy was positive.

The little guy has always been very interested in eating, but he is not very interested in the process of cooking.

However, she may also be greedy for those failed products created by him in the process of cooking.

Now that he was on the job, McGonagall finished his lunch and began to figure out what to add to the bar's order.

Naturally, cold dishes are the simplest. After the training of cold pig ears, cold pig tongue and couple's lung slices, he now has a lot of experience in the preparation of cold dishes.

Among the cold dishes used for wine, such as preserved egg, cucumber and chicken feet are excellent.

"The tongue and ears of the cold mixed pig are greasy. How about a refreshing and delicious cold mixed cucumber?" Meg's eyes brightened and he had an idea.

Preserved egg is easy to associate with the preserved egg and lean meat porridge in Maimi restaurant. After all, there is no preserved egg in this world.

And cold chicken feet is very good, but... Trouble.

No matter how hot the chicken feet are, how to deal with the chicken feet, or how to mix the sauce, we need to keep trying.

Shooting cucumbers is different.

Shoot a cucumber. Who can't.

In this way, cucumber is really a delicious and easy to use high-end food.

Amy sat opposite McGonagall, her chin in her hands, her short legs swinging and staring at him for a long time. Finally, she couldn't help asking, "father, what are we going to cook?"

"We're going to make a cucumber shoot. Let's go and have a try." MEG rubbed the little guy's head and went to the kitchen.

The taste of cucumber varies from person to person, some people like sweet and salty, some people like spicy, and his favorite is sour and spicy.

Sour, spicy and refreshing cucumber can not only serve wine, but also be used to make porridge.

There were no cucumbers in the fridge, but McGonagall got some from the system because of the need of the task.

Straight cucumber, one hand just can hold the size.

Well, this is a very suitable pose for shooting cucumbers.

"Is this cucumber?" Amy asked curiously.


"Why are cucumbers green?"

"Er..." McGonagall choked for a moment, and was asked by the little guy about the blind area of knowledge.

Amy tiptoed to draw a cucumber from the refrigerator and waved it in her hand. "To a gavel, I'll take it to scare the ugly duckling."

With that, she went out with a cucumber and put it beside the ugly duckling who was napping on the counter.

"Ugly duckling." Amy stepped aside and cried.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling opened his eyes vaguely, turned his head and agreed, then caught a glimpse of the unidentified long green object on his side.


(キ`゚ Д ゚´)!!

The ugly duckling took off like a spring, jumped several meters high, hit the ceiling, and then fell down again.

Then he hid behind Annie, who was painting on one side, and dared to look at the cucumber on the counter with a small head.

"Negative emotions from ugly duckling + 3 + 2 + 1..."

Amy smiles more happily.

McGonagall was also dumbfounded, and a new knowledge point appeared: cats in different worlds are also afraid of cucumbers.

"Ugly duckling, you are so stupid. It's just a cucumber." Amy picked up the cucumber and shook it.

Ugly duckling watched with vigilance, still hiding beside Annie and refused to come out.

"Forget it, I won't tease you." Amy took the cucumber back into the kitchen, looked at MEG and asked, "father, how do you want to eat the cucumber?"

"In fact, if you wash the cucumber, you can eat it directly." MEG took the cucumber from Amy's hand, rinsed it with water, and then broke it into two pieces.

"Give one to Annie and eat one yourself." MEG gives Amy two slices of cucumber.

The cucumbers planted in the system are green and tender. After breaking, they have a faint fragrance, just like a kind of fruit.

Moreover, the planting process is completely pollution-free, and there are no pesticides and other things. Once the water is washed, it can be eaten raw directly.

"Can I eat it directly?" Amy took a bite from the cucumber.


Fresh and refreshing, but also with a sweet taste, Amy's eyes curved, after swallowing a bite, happy way: "cucumber good to eat."

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