Instead of rushing back to the pub, MEG went to Sean's house.

Standing in the darkness of a street corner, looking at the luxurious mansion not far away, he frowned.

There are two breath of level 10 strong, which can't stop him.

But tonight is not a good time to kill Sean.

Joe has died socially, and now only Sean is left as Andre's heir to the throne.

As for the third prince, a little boy who likes to work as a carpenter, he is not in Andre's consideration at all.

If we kill Sean now, he's not sure what kind of crazy moves Andre will make.

Sean is on his death list, and he doesn't care if Andre has an heir.

Because Andre will eventually die in his hands.

He threw a piece of wood into the mansion and turned away.

After a while, a level 10 strong man rushed out with a group of knights, searched around, and came back in vain.

In the study, Sean looked pale at the stone carved with a terror demon.

"Send it to the Palace tomorrow morning and report it to your father." Sean looked back and ordered in a deep voice.

As the crowd retreated, Sean's face gradually calmed down and murmured to himself, "well, you are Joe Xiu. You can't protect yourself. You still have to threaten me. I hope you can hide better and don't be found by my people..."


The city of chaos.

The big square in front of the textile factory in the north of the city.

Standing on the high platform, Irina said in a high voice: "it is an eternal truth that power comes from the barrel of a gun. We should abandon our illusions and prepare for the final battle with the diehards headed by Helena. We should liberate the wind forest completely, save our compatriots from fire and water, and rebuild the wind forest!"

"Down with Helena!"

"Rebuild the forest of the wind!"

Tens of thousands of elves shout at the same time!

His eyes twinkle with light, that is yearning for freedom!

"I'm going to select one of you to form an elite night elf force. I hope it's a heavy blow for Helena, but I don't want you to suffer unnecessary casualties.

From now on, Ashley will be in charge of this matter on a voluntary basis. I hope you can take an active part in it. " Irina continued.

There was another round of cheers.

Irina nodded slightly to Ashley, who was standing by, and then walked down the stage.

"After this mobilization, it is tantamount to another declaration of war in the windy forest. Have we arranged our people in the windy forest?" Irina returns to her office and looks at Ashley as she comes in.

"Yes, the staff are in place." Ashley nodded. "The internal division of the wind forest during this period has given us many opportunities and won the support of more powerful people."

"Princess, one more thing." Ashley looked at Elena, hesitant.

"Go ahead."

"In fact, the attitude of her majesty is the most important concern of the Chinese people. I wonder if you can still communicate with her majesty now." Ashley said.

Irina shook her head slightly and said, "I can't get in touch with the queen now, but it's about the fate of the elves and the future of all the people. The attitude of the queen is not important. What matters is what we really think."

Ashley's eyes gradually clear, solemnly nodded: "I will convey this to the people."


McGonagall went back to the pub. Instead of rushing to sleep after washing, he went to his study.

As far as he knows, the most advanced printing plant in Nolan is also using block printing, so the album is mainly black and white.

Of course, there are also some high-end picture albums that are hand drawn, and the colors will be more colorful.

However, the price of this kind of album is very high, and it is usually customized by the private. For example, some rich people like to see the colored album, and they may customize a hand-painted album to the painter.

If his exquisite "Jin Ping Mei" did not fly away, with the classic plot and exquisite illustrations, it should be able to sell at a very good price.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking in the direction of Titan tavern.

Titan tavern has just closed. The window facing it is closed, but the light is on inside. Occasionally, I can see people walking by. It should be the boudoir of the landlady.

"Fortunately, it's the Chinese version. I can't understand the words. Should it be ok?" MEG murmured to himself, a little guilty.

Taking his mind back, McGonagall thought hard for a while about the manufacturing plan of the printing press.

He has a drawing of the color printing press in his mind. The technology of this thing is not particularly complicated, but in a different world, if you want to solve all the problems, such as pigments, electronic components, etc., you can't get them in a year or two.

Steam locomotive is a huge investment, deployment of a lot of human and material resources to launch so quickly.

In order to print a picture book, it's a bit too complicated to build a printing press.

"System, is there a second-hand printing press to sell?" MEG asked in his heart.

"Host, please pay attention to the words, this system is..."

"I'll give you more money."

"How much more?"


"No matter how much you add, this system, as a kitchen god cultivation system, will never easily buy and sell second-hand printing machines!" The system is strict.

"Forget it, you're not the only one. I'll go to Amy's system tomorrow and go whoring for nothing." McGonagall curled his lips and said leisurely.



The next morning, MEG got up half an hour earlier than usual.

It's not that he's more diligent. He's just worried about what kind of love breakfast task Amy's broken system will release to her.

Of course, another reason is that he plans to make a different love breakfast for Amy and Annie.

Take out the dough kneaded in advance last night from the refrigerator. After the temperature is set, it is in the perfect state of fermentation.

The dough was trampled on the chopping board, and his hands were in a simple way, constantly deformed in Meg's hands.

It's been two days since MEG learned how to make soup dumplings. MEG is not in a hurry to show them. Red oil hand copying has become Amy's standard breakfast. Today, he's going to change their taste.

When the dough is rolled out, MEG takes out the jelly that was cooked last night from the refrigerator.

Jelly is the thick soup made of pig skin, which is put into the refrigerator to freeze.

This is the difference between guantangbao and ordinary baozi, and also the soul of guantangbao.

Before learning how to make soup pouches, McGonagall always thought that the juice in soup pouches was injected with a needle.

In addition to minced meat, half of the stuffing is added with fresh crab meat and crab roe.

Crab roe soup, which is hard to refuse delicious.

Crab meat, crab roe and spices are stir fried in the pot to make crab oil. Then they are mixed with the stuffing. Before the package is started, people can't help swallowing the spices.

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