"It smells good!"

"Let me Kangkang father do something delicious again!"

Two small heads came out of the kitchen door and looked curiously at the stack of tall bamboo drawers on the kitchen top.

The smell of steamed stuffed buns mixed with the hot air came slowly.

MEG looked back at the two little guys and said with a smile, "are you ready to wash up, little guys? If not, go upstairs and wash up first, and then you can eat steaming soup bags. "

"Father, what is a soup bag?" Amy asked curiously, unable to move her feet.

"You'll see in a moment." McGonagall sold it.

"Good." Amy nodded, turned and went upstairs to wash.

Before long, the two little guys came downstairs again.

McGonagall had turned off the fire. After a while, he picked up three drawers of steamed buns and came out of the kitchen.

In the eyes of the two little guys looking forward to attention, MEG lifted the lid of the bamboo drawer.

Among the small bamboo drawers, three soup bags almost occupied the place.

The thin skin is almost transparent. It looks exquisite and full of soup, but it still keeps a round and full shape. The folds are even and beautiful, and a little crab roe in the middle is lying in the bamboo drawer, just like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Wow, it's beautiful." As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she could not help reaching out and gently poking the soup bag.

Baozi skin slightly collapsed, but the excellent elasticity of the rebound back, Baozi trembled, as if still a little angry.

"How lovely." Amy's eyes lit up.

"Those with yellow spots on the folds are crab roe soup dumplings, while those without yellow spots are ordinary soup dumplings. Try which one you like."

McGonagall picked up a dumpling with his chopsticks. The flat dumpling turned into a lantern like shape when it was mentioned. The soup was full, but it didn't explode.

"Just out of the oven, the soup inside is very hot. You should be careful when you eat it. Take a small bite." McGonagall reminded the two little guys that they each had a crab roe dumpling in their shallow plates.


The two little guys nodded their heads, but their attention was completely attracted by the soup. I don't know if they heard him.

"Play, play." Amy gently poked his soup bag with chopsticks and watched it tremble on the plate. She had a good time.

Annie looked at the dumpling curiously, looking left and right, as if she wanted to see through the dumpling.

McGonagall also put a crab roe dumpling in his pocket. He moved briskly. When he didn't pay attention to the dumpling, he clamped the fold and gently lifted it, then quickly put it into his plate.

No matter from which point of view, it has a perfect shape.

And the state of steamed bun is excellent, there is no juice leakage in the process of steaming, and there is no deformation collapse.

Eating soup dumplings is also fastidious. Gently bite the skin of steamed buns, and then slowly suck up the soup, and then eat the skin and stuffing of steamed buns.

"Watch how I eat." McGonagall and the two little guys said a word, bowed his head and gently bit the bun skin.


Hot mouth!

Just out of the oven, the soup inside is still boiling hot.

With this mouthful, MEG almost gave up the steamed bun.

Thin and thin and tough face, full of soup, mouth a bite, delicious soup will gush into the mouth.

The crab roe is fragrant and intoxicating. The soup is especially delicious. When you drink it in small mouthfuls, you can't help it.

As for that hot mouth feeling, has been completely suppressed by delicious.

The soup was almost finished, and the rest of the bun skin was stuffy.

The dough is full of juice. It's not fat and greasy. It's smooth in the mouth. With the taste of crab meat and crab roe, it's really delicious.

"This is probably the peak of crab roe soup." McGonagall couldn't help admiring him. It was the soup bag that let him down countless times.

Both of them opened their eyes wide as Meg finished eating a soup bag.


They both swallowed at the same time.

"I'll try, too." Amy leaned forward, opened her mouth and took a small bite on the soup bag. Then she stuck her mouth on it and sucked the soup.

Amy's delicate eyebrows were slightly raised, and her eyes were bright, as if she had found a new world.

After drinking all the soup, Amy raised her head and said in surprise, "it's too good to drink! The crab soup is wonderful

After that, two small hands picked up the rest of the bun skin, which was too big for the little guy. He could not grasp it one by one like McGonagall. He grabbed it like a cake and chewed it. His face was full of happiness.

Looking at the two people eating with relish, Annie can't sit any longer. She lowers her head, takes a bite on the bun, sucks the soup, and the corner of her mouth can't help rising.

The soup is mellow and full-bodied. It tastes oily but not greasy. The steamed buns are delicious. The meat is tender and the skin is thin and the tendons are soft. Such a delicate and special food is really wonderful.

The lovely appearance and special eating method of these soup pours also made her want to draw them into the picture album.

McGonagall had eaten almost as much as three soup bags, and Annie put down her chopsticks.

But Amy did not finish, carrying his plate to lick a little soup, and then looked at McGovern is looking forward to ask: "is there anything else? I think I can have three more. "

"I know you are not satisfied with three, and there are still three in the cage." MEG got up with a smile, went into the kitchen and brought out a cage of soup bags.

"Father is the best!" Amy raised her two small claws and happily reached out to pick up a soup bag from the bamboo drawer and put it on her plate. Then she continued to eat.

"Is Xiaomi's task today to learn how to shoot cucumbers?" MEG asked casually after a sip of hot milk.

"Yes." Amy answered vaguely. The system said that today is the last day. We must learn to shoot cucumbers.


Why does your father know?

Amy eats steamed stuffed buns and looks up at MEG.

"Didn't you learn half of it yesterday? Today, of course, you have to learn the rest." Meg said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded and went on eating steamed stuffed buns.

"Isn't sister Anne's picture album very beautiful?" McGonagall asked again.

"Ang, it's super beautiful. It's more beautiful than the albums we bought." Amy lights her cerebellar pouch.

"Should we print her so that more people can see such a beautiful picture album?" Meg said with a smile.

"Yes, more people will be able to be happy." Amy nodded in agreement.

McGonagall sighed and said, "but now the printing house in Luodu city can only print black and white picture books. If Anne could draw the same picture book every day, it would be tiring and wasteful of her talent. If only she had a printing press that could print many colors."

"Yes, if only there was such a machine that could draw the picture books by itself." Amy said.

"Doesn't Xiaomi have a wish well? Why don't we make a wish for a fully automatic printing machine. If we can't realize such a small wish, we'll fill in the well. " MEG took a sip of milk and said faintly, "it must be a fake wishing well."

Life experience system

I feel that this person is not right, but I have no evidence



System forum:

Life experience system release help post: novice system for small master buy a second-hand automatic color printing machine! I hope you can give me a hand. The price is more beautiful


Negative emotional system: you are losing face to our emotional system!

Lick dog system: right, the posture should be in place, all the requirements should be met, lick to the end, everything!

Shangtong Wanjie system: which one do you want? I have all of them here. The consumables can be cheaper for you, with a 100 year warranty.

Kitchen God system: laugh to death! I almost posted this post in the morning. Fortunately, I adhered to a systematic principle and bottom line.

Live system reply Kitchen God system: as long as your host plus a copper coin, this post is yours.

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