Boys outside to protect themselves, do not casually into a strange pub.

Although he was a neighbor, MEG entered Titan's for the first time.

Different from the rough name, the interior decoration of Titan's tavern is quite warm, with a family pastoral style.

It was a surprise to MEG.

After all, this is the happiest pub in Romo street. It's the route of xiaoqingxin.

"Sit here. Would you like a drink?" Effie arranges MEG to sit down near the wine cabinet, looks at him with a smile and asks.

"I don't drink in broad daylight." MEG shook his head, looked at Effie and said, "I'd like to ask Miss Effie for details about the wine tasting meeting."

"With the current momentum of Mr. Hades's pub, even if you don't attend the wine tasting meeting, you can still be full." Effie sat down opposite MEG and looked at him with beautiful eyes. "But I think Mr. Hades has the ambition to let more people know his wine."

"Men, who have no ambition." MEG nodded slightly, which was a good reason.

"Yes, men are more ambitious than women. They all want three wives and four concubines." Effie said with a smile.

"Er..." McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that the turning was a little urgent.

"The wine tasting conference is an annual event for the LoDo tavern industry. Pubs in lodu and even other cities of the Los empire will come up with their best wine and compete in the wine tasting conference," Effie added.

If it can stand out at the wine tasting meeting, or even win the gold medal, the pub will also be famous and become the next star pub in the Luodu pub industry. "

"Is there a registration limit? When will it be held? " Asked MEG.

"As long as you are a tavern owner, you can sign up to participate, but you must use the wine made exclusively by this tavern. This year's event has been organized for a month. It will be officially held in three days. Today is the deadline for registration. " Said Effie.

"Well, can I sign up now?" McGonagall didn't expect that the time was so tight that it was closed today.

Effie nodded and said, "I know the organizers of the conference. If Mr. Hades wants to sign up, I can sign up for you. Just send up the sample wine today."

"That's Miss Lau Effie. The Saipan tavern is new here, and I want to find a sense of presence in this wine tasting meeting." You're welcome to MEG. You can't find such a way.

MEG got up to take the wine.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hades." But Effie reached for his sleeve.

MEG took a look at her hand and looked at her again. Could it be that this little thing would cost him his appearance?

"Titan tavern also has a wine to attend the tasting meeting, but I think the taste is a little worse. I'd like to ask Mr. Hades to taste it for me to see if there are any improvements."

McGonagall looked at Effie's sincere and serious eyes, hesitated a little, and nodded: "I don't know much about wine making, but if Miss Effie can trust me, I can still drink a little."

"Just a moment, please." With a happy look on her face, Effie got up and walked quickly to the wine container. She took a bottle of wine from the middle container and poured a cup.

"This is the signature Titan wine of our Titan tavern. Try it." Effie put the glass in front of MEG.

MEG picked up the earthenware glass and sniffed it first.

It should smell like wine, but it's so light that it's almost negligible.

Just the faint aroma of the wine made his expectations plummet.

Since the name of the wine is Titan, the taste of the wine should be as strong as the name, so as to be worthy of people's expectation of the name.

Originally a face of expectation of Effie see McGonagall's expression, heart thump, cool half.

MEG took a sip of the wine and then sipped it with his eyes closed.


There's nothing good about it.

The wine was as light as water, and MEG thought Effie had poured him a glass of cold water if it wasn't for the pungent taste and aroma.

It's hard to imagine that such a wine can even become the signature wine of a pub.

Of course, there are also things that surprised MEG.

It turned out to be a distilled wine, grape distilled wine, which made him think of brandy.

But it's a far cry from brandy.

McGonagall opened his eyes and met the uneasy Effie.

Effie had guessed most of Meg's expression, but she couldn't help asking, "Mr. Hades, what do you think?"

"Miss Aifei, do you want to hear something nice or some real evaluation?" MEG asked, looking at her.

"Nice words can be heard every day. Let's ask Mr. McGonagall to give us a true evaluation." Effie said sincerely.

McGonagall put down his glass and said, "it's tasteless, it's not palatable, it's confusing, and it dissipates quickly, and it has no aftertaste."

Effie opened his mouth slightly and looked at McGonagall a little hurt: "really... Is it that bad?"

Although no one was named on the list of five consecutive wine tasting conferences, Effie had never heard such sharp and spicy comments as McGonagall, which almost belittled Titan as worthless.

One side of the little maid is also looking at McGonagall, how can you so belittle their own young lady's hard-working wine.

McGonagall looked at Effie's injured expression and realized that he had accidentally exposed his nature. He quickly comforted: "of course, maybe the wine in other pubs on Romo street is worse than that."

Effie felt another shot in the heart.

"I'll get the wine." McGonagall felt something was wrong and was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Effie pressed MEG again. "I have another bottle of wine. Please help me to have another one."

MEG looked at her unyielding eyes, hesitated, and sat down again.

Effie went to the back of the wine cabinet, stepped on a chair, and took a bottle of wine from the middle of the top cabinet, which was filled with exquisite wine bottles.

"Miss, that's..." the little maid looked at the wine in Effie's hand and said nervously.

Effie ignored her, went to the table with the bottle in both hands, looked at McGonagall and said, "Mr. Hades, please have a taste of this bottle."


Effie pulled the cork.

A fresh and elegant fragrance floated out.

"What is this?"

McGonagall's eyes brightened. The elegant and mellow aroma may be worse than that of Maotai, but it's also surprising enough.

It's quite authentic brandy flavor, and it's also a good wine for a long time.

This special aroma will only appear if the distilled wine is fermented long enough in the barrel.

Long time Mi Xiang, it's about it.

Effie took another small glass, then picked up the bottle and poured a small one.

The wine is golden in color, slightly shaking in the cup, as bright as a gem.

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