McGonagall was a little surprised.

This glass of wine, no matter its aroma or color, is beautiful and impeccable.

Elegant and delicate grape fruit aroma, rich aged wood aroma, golden clear liquor, all show the level of this glass of wine.

In addition to Hannah's rum, this is the second wine to surprise him on the continent of Nolan.

It was brandy, pure enough and long enough to be cellared, very different from the Titan that Effie had just poured to him.

He took a sip from his glass.

The wine slowly slipped into his mouth, soft taste, sweet taste, accompanied by elegant and mellow wine.

McGonagall closed his eyes and savored the joy of the wine.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, lingering fragrance, is a very elegant, comfortable experience.

McGonagall looked at Effie and said sincerely, "it's a wonderful wine. It tastes mellow and sweet. It's full-bodied and charming. After drinking it, it's mouth and teeth fragrant and intoxicating."

Effie's face finally showed a smile, slightly raised his chin, proud way: "this is Titan wine."

"Is that fake wine I just drank?" MEG looked at the bottle by the side.

Effie's face froze.

"That's my lady's wine! How could it be fake wine? " The little servant girl interposed.

"And this one?" MEG looked at the bottle in Effie's hand.

"This is my father's wine, more than 30 years ago." Effie said calmly.

McGonagall looked at Effie and was silent for a while. He comforted: "it doesn't matter. Not everyone can inherit his father's career."

Effie's delicate eyebrows were slightly raised, but she couldn't help getting angry?

"Miss Effie, don't get me wrong. I mean, talent is decided by heaven. If something really doesn't suit us, we can give it up properly." MEG explained.

"Well?" Effie's body trembled slightly.

"No? Just like this bottle of wine, even if it's about your age, you still can't make half of its delicacy so far. " MEG went on to explain.

"Say it again! Say it again Effie's eyebrows were about to rise.

"Do you want to continue?" MEG had an innocent face.

Effie took a deep breath, calmed down and forced out a smile. "You little mouth, it's like honey."

"Very few people praise me that way." McGonagall said sincerely.

The corner of Effie's mouth twitched. If it hadn't been for years that she had developed a good temper, she would have gone wild.

"This is a very good bottle of wine. If Miss Effie takes this bottle of wine to the wine tasting meeting, she should be able to get a good place Meg said, pointing to the bottle of wine in Effie's hand.

Moreover, with the quality of this bottle of wine, the business of Titan tavern should be more prosperous, and it can even fly to Romo street.

"Yes, this bottle won the gold medal of the first wine tasting conference 28 years ago." Effie nodded.


"Fifteen years ago, my parents died in a robbery. The murderer entered the pub after the business ended, killed them and took all the money. Since then, no one has been able to make authentic Titan wine Effie's eyes were reddish, but still calm.

MEG was silent.

There was also a change in Effie's eyes.

Most of the parents who died took the lead script.

Women like Effie mostly take gongdou Niang's script.

It seems that the name has deep meaning?

Of course, McGonagall sympathizes with Effie.

"I'm sorry. I apologize for my reckless words." MEG apologized.

"Never mind, Mr. McGonagall is telling the truth." Effie shakes his head and smiles again. "As you said, compared with my father's Titan, my wine is not worth mentioning. It even insults his reputation."

McGonagall's silence was true.

"Miss, I don't want to have Titan in the world any more. Do you know how hard she has worked these years? She had never brewed wine before the death of the master and his wife. " The little servant girl said with a red face.

"Marla, stop it." Effie shook her head at the little maid.

"So... Is it really a blind brew?" McGonagall asked at last.

A little girl who lost her father when she was young and had no experience in wine making started a pub on her own. It sounds very inspirational.

But throw away the mask of inspiration, isn't it nonsense?

Wine making is no better than cooking. It's not something that can be stewed in a pot. If the steps and methods are wrong, wine can't be brewed. Just the storage of liquor is quite a good thing.

"It's not a blind brew!" Effie blushed, her broad chest trembled, and said excitedly, "my father left a wine book, which records all the wine he can make. I learned to make wine according to that book!"

"That's it?" McGonagall frowned. "I didn't learn the essence."

"I'm... I'm still learning." Effie stressed.

"The learning cycle is not short." MEG nodded.

"Sooner or later, I will make Titan reappear," Effie said with firm eyes

MEG looked at Effie, shook his head and said, "you're going in the wrong direction. You can't make real Titan in your life."

Effie was stunned. She looked at MEG, pursed her mouth, red eyes, but held back her tears.

Marla looked at her young lady and MEG with a little anger.

"If Miss Effie can trust me, take me to your winery." McGonagall looked at Effie and said.

He is a good person, but he is easy to be soft hearted.

Of course, he also has a little bit of wine mind.

It's a pity that such a good wine will be cut off in this way.

"Of course." Effie nodded. Although he didn't know what McGonagall wanted to do, he led McGonagall to the back of the pub.

McGonagall was able to make a wine no less than Titan, and her defense was gone.

Titan's is twice the size of Saipan's, and there is a large winery behind the business area.

As soon as you enter the winery, the most attractive one is the distillation unit in the center.

There is a faint aroma of wine floating in the air, and a small wine cellar beside it.

McGonagall looked at the seemingly old distillation unit and soon found out why Effie's wine was so light as water.

"What's the problem?" Effie saw MEG shake his head and asked.

"When Miss Effie makes wine, is it cloudy and fragrant?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, my young lady was magnificent when she was making wine." Marla nodded a little triumphantly.

"Mara." Effie glared at her, looked at McGonagall, nodded slightly, "Titan wine brewing is like this."

"No, only when you make Titan." MEG shook his head with a smile.

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