Standing at the door is a beautiful young woman with white and black tights. MEG has only seen them in movies, usually science fiction movies or some kind of drama movies.

She has blue and silver hair and light green eyes.

Tights perfectly present her figure, but make life not blasphemous at all.

Because her beautiful face is too cold, even makes people feel cold.

McGonagall didn't care how her tights were out of place with the world or how cold she looked. He only cared about the feedback from the gate of void

Name: unknown! Race: unknown! Age: unknown! Strength: unknown!


Yes, this woman is a very dangerous existence.

McGonagall has not felt the danger for a long time since he went through the disaster with kesulu, but he felt it in this woman at this moment.

"System, is this what you call the existence of high-level civilization? If we catch her, how much can you work out? " Meg said to himself.

"The premise is that you can beat her, otherwise you will be sliced." The system replied quickly.

"How much chance do I have of winning against her?"

"Five five."

"That's not a good chance." MEG frowned and immediately relaxed. Looking at the girl at the door, he said with a smile, "sorry, the pub is closed. If you want to drink, please come back tomorrow."

MEG knew that they would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

So he wanted to see if it was an accident.

"Out of business?" The woman frowned slightly and looked at McGonagall with cold eyes, showing the expression of thinking, "do you need another reason?"

McGonagall's face muscles twitched. The woman's cold and direct way of talking made him a little uncomfortable.

The other party is really aimed at him, and silk did not hide this intention.

Or she tried to hide the intention, but it was too clumsy to reveal it.

At least if the other party didn't come up directly, they just made a series of discriminatory remarks, and then took out the handcuffs to let him go, indicating that there was still room for discussion.

"Since the girl has opened the door of the tavern, please come in. I have wine and meat. Do you have a story?" Meg said, looking at the woman with a smile.

The woman just looked at him indifferently. Her delicate face was like ice that never melted. Even her eyes were cold and terrible, as if she had no feelings.

"System, isn't this a robot? A killer without feelings? " MEG asked in his heart.

"In order not to attract the other party's attention, the system has cut off all detection devices, but it can be determined that the other party is still a carbon based organism, not a robot." The system will be back soon.

"Thank you." The woman takes her eyes away from MEG, steps into the dining room, looks around, sits down near the door, and then continues to look at MEG.

McGonagall closed the door again. He was a little uneasy and showed a professional smile. "What do you want to drink, girl?"

"Wine." The woman returned.

McGonagall: "and

It's a tavern. I know you want to drink.

"The drinks are on the wall." MEG tried to smile.

The woman looked up at the wine list on the wall seriously. After a while, she said, "a bottle of Maotai, a bottle of whisky, a cold mixed pig ear, a cold mixed pig tongue, and a drunkard peanut."

"Yes, just a moment, please." MEG walked into the kitchen with his mouth slightly up.

He was a little curious about the woman's drinking capacity. Even in higher civilization, as long as it is not a robot, there are always weaknesses.

When she's drunk... Hey, hey

"A man who is somewhat obscene is an ordinary tavern, but it's 32 meters away from the start of nuclear energy, and this man is the owner of that house. Maybe we can get some useful information from him." Xi looks at the busy man in the kitchen and thinks in his heart.

In addition, she also felt an inexplicable atmosphere in the pub. She was familiar but strange, and could not make accurate judgment for a moment.

This situation is not common for her, so she did not hypnotize the human directly after entering the pub.

Of course, it's not difficult for her to get the memory of an ordinary human, as long as she doesn't violate the rules of the observer.

There is plenty of food in her equipment warehouse. The food of the ancient world is not attractive to her. Taking a seat is to learn from the behavior of new residents.

Of course, the diet survey of new residents is also one of the work of observers.

Xi calmly observed the tavern. Before long, her eyes fell on the counter.

It was a mahogany counter with a marble countertop. The countertop was as smooth as a mirror, and the side was smooth and smooth. It looked simple and low-key, but she was puzzled.

"It seems that this processing technology is made by mechanical cutting and polishing. In 100 years, the manufacturing industry in the ancient continent has developed to this extent?" Xi recorded this detail in the observer's log.

"The wine and food you want." McGonagall came out with the tray, put down the opened bottle of wine and three dishes, and then stepped aside.

"Thank you." Xi calmly replied, but his eyes were attracted by the food and wine in front of him.

The strong smell of wine came slowly from the white porcelain bottle, which made her feel wonderful even though she never drank.

And the two dishes made with ears and tongue are totally different from what she expected. They even look a little... Attractive?

Now it's Meg's turn to stand aside, holding his chest in his hands and looking at Xi calmly.

Does advanced civilization need food? What are their eating habits and tastes? All this made him curious.

Feeling McGonagall's eyes, Xi frowned slightly and hesitated. He picked up the two bamboo sticks called chopsticks and clumsily picked up a peanut.

She was able to see the energy contained in the peanut, as well as the chaotic elements, including a variety of pathogenic elements.

The new resident's diet is still not very healthy, which is an important reason why she does not like their food.

The nutritious paste with good nutrition proportion can provide adequate nutrition and ensure health.

After a little hesitation, she still fed the peanuts to her mouth.


The collision of teeth and peanuts brings crisp taste.

At the same time, spicy in the tip of the tongue bloom, crisp fragrance with peanuts in the mouth burst.

Xi's eyes suddenly widened, showing some incredible expression.

It was a taste she had never tasted, wonderful and irresistible.

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