"It's a very special tavern. The human man who looks a little obscene has cooked a kind of food called 'drunkard peanuts', which has an amazing taste!

I can't describe the taste because I've never tasted it.

It's so charming, so irresistible.

Sorry, the observer shouldn't describe it like this, but I really haven't found a suitable adjective right now.

In addition, there is also the liquor called "Maotai", which has an elusive name. However, it tastes mellow, smooth, delicious and sweet. The alcohol content is very high, which can reach 58%. It has a certain hallucinogenic effect. It can also be called "drunkenness".


Observer: Xi Code: 9527


[it is found that the existence of higher civilization in Nolan continent, gender: unknown, race: unknown, strength: unknown.

The appearance is similar to that of a human woman, wearing a combat suit made of unknown metal.

It can eat human food normally and has good resistance to alcohol.

This higher civilization level is higher than 2050 on earth, which is due to the unknown race in Nolan continent, no reference information, or related to the battle of fall.

The host is too weak to capture.

The system permission level is too low to capture.

It has been marked and will be followed up continuously

Kitchen God cultivation system report.


McGonagall watched as she finished a whole bottle of Maotai with peanuts, then opened the bottle of whiskey calmly.

"Has the amount of alcohol in higher civilization also evolved?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows and felt that he had made a mistake.

"Maybe their bodies already have the ability to break down alcohol quickly." The system replied.

Xi poured a glass of whisky, took a sip, frowned slightly, looked at the wine in the glass with some doubts, and then looked at MEG.

"The light smoky flavor is the characteristic of whisky, not the quality of the wine. When you accept this setting, you will find that the wine is also fascinating." MEG explained with a smile.

It doesn't matter how much you drink. It's powerful to drink Maotai whisky with it.

Xi, if thoughtful, still looks up and drinks the wine in the cup.

Squinting slightly, feeling the faint smell of scorch and smoke, just like a wild horse running in the heart, it really has a different feeling and drinking experience from the previous bottle.

"Whiskey, not bad." Xi nodded slightly, put down his glass and looked up at MEG.

McGonagall also watched her calmly.

"Excuse me, did you start any high-level machinery in the room 23 meters away from the tavern yesterday?" Xi asked, his voice like a cold electric current.

"Mechanical? What is machinery? " McGonagall's face was puzzled, showing the cognitive level of an alien people.

Xi stares at McGonagall's eyes for a while, confirms that he is not lying, frowns slightly, and can only explain: "machinery is a tool device that can help people reduce the difficulty of work or save labor. It should be a large machine made of steel. According to the reflection of the surrounding residents, there was a ground movement yesterday, didn't you feel it?"

"Of course, the earthquake was felt, the house was obviously shaken, and officials came to inquire." McGonagall nodded and said, "but you're talking about the house next to ours, right? It's really my room, but it's always vacant. If you want to see it, girl, I can open the door for you. "

"No, I've seen it." Xi shook his head slightly, but he was puzzled and hesitant about whether he needed to search the human memory.

The lie detector shows that he didn't lie, which shows that he really knows nothing about the "nuclear" power machinery. An ordinary human can't cheat the lie detector.

"You are very rude." McGonagall's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the subconscious contempt of higher civilization for lower civilization was exposed.

However, she was attracted by the nuclear power printing press, which relieved him.

Fortunately, McGonagall left a hand and let the system transfer the printing press to the city of chaos.

Then Xi stopped talking and quietly finished the bottle of whisky and three drinks and dishes.

Although her expression kept a high cold appearance, McGonagall could see from her frequency that even the existence of higher civilization could not resist the temptation of delicious food.


Xi, who was going to check out, belched a lot, which surprised her a little.

As an extremely self disciplined person, eating too much has not happened to her for many years. I didn't expect to eat too much in a human pub.

"Check out, please pack me a drunkard peanut." Xi took out the gold coin and put it on the table. He looked at MEG and said.

"All right." McGonagall gave him change and packed him a drunkard peanut.

The other party drank two bottles of high alcohol, and then carried the packaged drunkard peanuts to leave.

MEG Leng did not ask a word.

He is not 100% sure to keep her, nor is he sure that she will not send the information back in real time in the process of fighting.

Xi walks to the door with the drunkard peanuts packed in kraft paper bags.

There was a sudden step on the stairs.

MEG side head, looking at Annie appeared in the stairway, a sudden heart, dark way bad.

Xi stops and suddenly turns around. Her light green eyes stare at the girl standing at the stairway with a picture book in her arms.

Annie also noticed Xi and saw her staring at herself with a polite smile.

"This is my daughter Anne. She can't speak, but she likes painting very much. She's lovely, isn't she?" McGonagall said with a smile that he naturally walked up to her and made sure that he could respond to Xi's behavior in the first time.

"There's something wrong with you." Xi's eyes fell on McGonagall again, and a black heavy sniper full of science and technology appeared on his empty right hand.

McGonagall's eyelids leaped wildly. It was a more exaggerated heavy sniper than Barrett's. The strong lines were like the dark luster that could absorb the light.

Without a bracket, she was held by this thin woman alone.

A woman in white body armor, carrying a bag of drunkard peanuts in one hand and a black heavy sniper in the other.

This picture seems a little funny, but McGonagall felt a very strong danger.

He was not sure whether his sword was faster or her gun was faster.

Annie was beside him. Amy was still upstairs. He couldn't get back.

"I'm just a wine seller. I don't understand what you're talking about." Meg said as quietly as he could.

"No, you've seen kesuru. You're dirty." Xi shook her head slightly, her eyes fell on Annie's body, and her brow slightly frowned: "she also has the smell of kesulu, and it's very rich."

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