When she recognized Annie's origin, McGonagall knew it was impossible.

The existence of higher civilization should not be underestimated. Even he could know that he had seen kesulu, and he could find out Annie's identity in an instant.

You know, as a magician of Irina light, you still don't find Annie's abnormality.

"Actually, I'm curious who you are, God? Or is it just like the sealed ones? " MEG stood in front of Annie, looked at Xi and said.

Xi raised his heavy sniper and aimed at MEG. He said coldly, "I'm Xi. I'm from an ancient man, not a God, not a sealed invader, but an observer. Now, you're under arrest."

"The ancients?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking of the ancient race with the spindle like head of a starfish in the myth of ksuru.

Obviously, this woman, who calls herself Xi, has a more human aesthetic appearance and an unimaginable technological civilization.

What's more, her words also revealed a very important message - "the sealed intruder."

The old dominators are defined as "invaders" in their civilization system.

From her previous reaction, the ancients should have a strong hostility to kesulu and other sealed old dominators.

Her identity is "Observer".

Listen, this title has the superiority of higher civilization over lower civilization.

If it were to be a fantasy novel, it would be something like "walking around the world.".

"If your target is the same guy who has escaped the seal, maybe we can sit down and talk, instead of separating life and death first." McGonagall calmly looked at Xi. Tiandu sword appeared on his side. The tip of the sword pointed to Xi, "I know you are very strong, and I am also very strong. Before you kill me, I am sure I will kill you."

Xi looked at the sudden appearance of the black Epee with a dignified look.

The Epee has no edge, but it makes her feel sharp at the moment, and vaguely has the feeling that Qi is locked.

This kind of feeling is not unfamiliar to her. When she raises the heavy sniper in her hand, she can instantly lock each other's Qi.

And when this human man took out his sword, he did the same.

He's really strong, that's the truth.

"Is that what kesuru gave you?" Xi asked, looking into Meg's eyes.

The upper limit of the strength of new residents appeared thousands of years ago, and those who exceed the limit of level 10 can no longer appear, and their strength has obviously exceeded this limit.

MEG shook his head slightly. "No, it's my ability to seal him again."

"Re seal?" Xi's eyes flashed slightly, and a trace of surprise finally appeared on his cold face. He looked at McGonagall and said, "did you seal kesulu in the central seal area again?"

"I'm just a participant, it's not something that one or two people can do." McGonagall shook his head and said sincerely, "I'm McGonagall Alex, a knight. I don't know what the ancients are, but if you also regard those evil beings in this seal as enemies, we can be friends in this respect."

Xi looked at McGonagall and was silent for a while. He said, "you know what I care about."

"Anne, go upstairs first, don't let Amy come down." McGonagall said to Annie.

Annie looked at MEG and then at Xi. She hesitated for a moment, nodded her head cleverly, and turned upstairs with the picture book in her arms.

Confirming that Annie had gone upstairs, McGonagall looked at Xi and said, "I did meet kesuru. It's not strange to face up to my opponent. Moreover, I almost lost myself and exchanged my soul with her."

Xi didn't speak, just looked at him.

"It was Annie who rescued me at the critical moment, and that lightning separated her from kesuru. She is the embodiment of kindness. There is no evil in her, just like a newborn baby. So I adopted her as a daughter and hid her origin from everyone. " Said Meg.

"The incarnation of goodness?" Xi's eyes showed some thinking.

She has received professional training, but has never heard of such a statement.

But McGonagall didn't seem to have betrayed her soul to kesuru, otherwise she would have found out the first time she saw him.

And the girl has the smell of kesulu, but pure as a piece of white paper, which also makes her puzzling.

"I can't fully trust your statement now, and I can't accurately judge the girl's situation. I need to take you back and let the elderly judge." Xi looked at MEG and said.

"Sorry, I can't accept this offer. Annie is my daughter, not something to be evaluated." MEG shook his head, looked at Xi and said seriously: "maybe the ancients are of a higher level. You have great strength, but please don't underestimate a father's determination to protect his daughter.

She's not a devil, she's just a little girl who has just started to contact the world and has a good vision for everything. "

Xi looks at MEG.

MEG looks at Xi.

The gun to the sword, the atmosphere cold to the extreme.

After a long time, Xi first put down the heavy sniper in his hand, looked at Meg's voice and said coldly, "do you know where to find the lower part of kesulu's body escaping from the seal?"

"I don't know." MEG also put down his sword. "But I should know something you don't know."

MEG was relieved.

"You are my brother." The system is also said in McGonagall's heart.

"I'm your father. Don't make a mistake about seniority." McGonagall returned.

MEG and Xi had a brief and peaceful exchange.

If Elizabeth's coldness is the coldness of rejecting others, but after understanding it, she has a kind of feeling of love, then Xi's coldness is the real indifference.

McGonagall felt like he was talking to a killer who had no feelings. He communicated mechanically without any emotion.

"Dragon, frankster, I'll find him." Xi nodded slightly, which was the only valuable news she got from MEG.

"He's a friend of mine," he hesitated. "If you find him, even in the worst case, you'd like me to see him again."

"I can't guarantee it." Xi replied coldly.

Fortunately, MEG is used to the way she talks.

"Even if I don't take that girl, I'll take part of her hair or nails back. We need to study what kind of existence she is." Xi looked at him and said.

MEG shook his head and said solemnly, "I won't give you anything from her. I hope you don't try to make up her mind. Otherwise, even God, I will kill you."

"The world is not what you can see. Your strength is relative." Xi warned coldly.

"The power of the ancients is limited, isn't it? Otherwise, how can we let those seals age for thousands of years and sit back and do nothing? " McGonagall asked with a smile.

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