Annie's existence is special, a special existence with a kind soul split from the old dominator.

Maybe she has the power of an old dominator.

Maybe she has a long life and a strong body.

A young man must have a very high plasticity.

If Annie was taken away by the ancients, she might become such an indifferent task execution machine as Xiang Xi, or even be sliced for research.

When he took Annie home, he had determined that he would spare no effort to protect her, even if he gave his life.

So he wanted the ancients to stop this idea from the beginning, at least when he was still alive.

Xi looks at McGonagall with a slight frown. This is a stubborn human, and also a tough guy.

"She's a new life. Unlike kesuru, she should have the right to live a normal life, just like a girl." McGonagall picked up the mermaid album from the counter and threw it directly to Xi, "as well as the dream of becoming a cartoonist, this child has extraordinary talent in this field."

Xi catches up with the album. The mermaid on the cover should be from the landist nationality. The painting is very delicate and beautiful. It shows the Mermaid Girl's playfulness and loveliness just right.

She thought of the picture book that the girl had in her arms when she came downstairs. It seemed that there was a rabbit and a tortoise on the cover, and it looked lovely.

"Only you and I know about this matter at present. If you can, I hope you can keep this secret for me." MEG looked at Xi and said sincerely and seriously, "there is no evil in this world for no reason. I hope she can become a kind and interesting girl."

"I will assess the incident and deal with it." Xi put away the picture book, did not immediately express his attitude, but said: "however, now we can talk about the earthquake two days ago, which must be caused by you."

"Yes, I did." MEG nodded frankly.

"You are not an honest human being." Xi frowned slightly.

He even cheated the polygraph test, in the previous answer did not cause the polygraph response.

"The human body also has unlimited potential, and machinery has an upper limit after all." Meg said calmly.

"What's that?"

"According to the manual, it's a nuclear power printing press." Said Meg.

"Nuclear printing press?" Xi's face showed a rare surprise.

The level of science and technology of the ancients is very high. Nuclear power has been applied to many aspects of life, including transportation.

However, the discovery of a nuclear powered printing press on the continent of Nolan is a bit too abrupt in a world where steam engines are just beginning to be used.

"Where did you get this printing press? Is it foreign civilization? " Xi's expression became solemn.

The invasion of foreign civilization is an extremely serious event. When the exogods and servants such as kesulu came, they almost brought destruction to the ancients.

MEG shook his head and said, "no, it's a dilapidated equipment warehouse dug out from the bottom of the earth. There are a few machines and some scattered books in it, including the printing press."

"Can you show me those things?"

"The printing press has been transported back to the city of chaos by me. I can get other things for you." MEG turned and went upstairs, then came down with a huge wooden box and put it directly in front of Xi.

When Xi opened the box, he found two dozen old nine-year compulsory education textbooks and five-year simulated exercise books for the three-year college entrance examination, including two comic books of dragon ball, as well as some strange things such as old-fashioned CRT TV sets, old-fashioned radios, aircraft carrier models, mieba office, Panther office, Altman transformer, etc.

Looking at the terrible mieba operation, Xi's expression became more dignified. Maybe it was the concrete appearance of some god.

And the square characters written on the old books, which she can't recognize, need to be taken back for the wise people to crack.

"That's all. You can take it all if you need it." Meg said calmly.

"Thank you." Xi received the box to the equipment warehouse, and looked at McGonagall with less vigilance. "I'll find Joe and frankster as soon as possible. If you have any information about them, please contact me as soon as possible."

"Happy cooperation." MEG reached out to her.

Xi took a look at his hand, nodded his head slightly, and turned to leave.

"Oh, woman." McGonagall touched his hair and watched Xi disappear in front of the restaurant.

"System, do you think the wise of the ancients will be lost in the sea of three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation?" McGonagall closed the door and suddenly felt a little distressed for the wise men who were about to be baptized by the sea of knowledge.

"This time, you're a little skinny."

This is the system that McGonagall asked for.

"Since there is a higher civilization, does it mean that there is a God in the world? Just hiding in places we don't know? So they can connect with their heirs or clansmen in some way MEG wondered.

"At present, it is possible." The system replied.



Maotai is very delicious. It's hard to find in the underground city. And this pub also has a wine called whisky, which has a special smoke smell. After getting used to it, it's also fascinating.

However, the owner of this tavern has another identity. His real name is MEG Alex. He is now the strongest of the human race and the strongest of the major races in Nolan. He has broken the level 10 limit and can pose a threat to me.

He took part in the battle of sealing the upper body of kesuru and made a very important contribution in that battle. In that battle, kesuru was attacked by thunder and lightning. He split a part of his good soul and became a girl. "

Xi looked at half of the observer's diary, thought for a while, silently deleted the last sentence, and then continued to write.

"I contacted him and got the important information that the seal under the sky island had been destroyed. It was related to the leader of the ice dragon clan, frankster. We need to find him as soon as possible.

There is also an update on the nuclear power incident in the city of lodu, which was initiated by a nuclear power printing press and excavated by MEG Alex from a grotto.

There is also an equipment warehouse dug up together. There are many special items in it, including dozens of ancient books written in alien characters. I have obtained them and will send them back to the underground city as soon as possible for research or related to foreign civilizations. "

Observer: Xi Code: 9527

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