"Annie, take Amy upstairs to bed first. We have something to deal with." MEG took off his apron and put it aside, looking at Annie.

Annie nodded cleverly. Without asking anything, she took Amy's little hand and went upstairs.

"What happened?" Amy asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Annie shook her head, but gave her a smile and a hug, saying she would protect her.

"System, what happened?" Amy asked in her heart.

"There's a powerful and terrible unknown creature outside. Please be careful!" The system replied quickly.

"Bad guy?"

"It's an unknown creature that is different from any recorded race in Nolan. It's powerful. It's not the existence that the little Lord can deal with at present." The system replied.

"Can you do that?"

"This system is auxiliary to the small master. It can't attack any creature."

"Then you can't beat it, stupid." Amy rolled her eyes and could not help worrying about her father and mother.

"You protect the two children. I'll take that guy out of here first." MEG and Irina said, put a mask on their face and flashed out of the door.

Titan tavern closed down. There was no light in Romo street. It was quiet.

And in the void above the Saipan tavern, there is a giant floating in the air.

It was a three headed snake with huge bat wings, similar to a dragon's head. It was ferocious and terrifying. Its scarlet eyes were like red lanterns in the dark. The venom slipped from its sharp teeth and dropped on the ground, which immediately eroded the bluestone ground into deep pits.

As soon as McGonagall went out, the three strange snakes had already watched him.

"Hiss - hiss -" the serpent spat out and leaned over MEG.

"Is it really for me? Then I'll show you around Luodu. " Meg's mouth turned into a shadow and rushed to the Yamen not far away.

The serpent made a turn and followed MEG.

At first glance, this giant snake looks like some kind of Warcraft, but the magic of its body is what McGonagall cares about.

He was sure that this was not a simply controlled Warcraft, but a Warcraft with its own intelligence.

McGonagall walked between the Yamen houses. After the giant snake failed to catch him in several dives, he began to attack.

The fiery fireball spits out from the snake's mouth and falls on the houses. It suddenly collapses into pieces of buildings and causes a fire.

It was late at night, and there was no one in the Yamen.

However, it's very close to the palace, and MEG has already felt the breath of several strong men approaching here.

McGonagall took the snake to destroy the offices of several departments, and then chose a less crowded route and turned to the direction outside the city.

Before leaving the city, the snake was stopped by two level ten knights and a great magician.

MEG hid his breath and stopped to see the play not far away.

"Who is the devil who dares to make trouble in our Luodu city?" The leading Knight of level 10, holding the Epee, looked at the big black snake blocked by the ice wall and yelled.

The other two magicians and knights also had a dignified look. During this period, there were 20 or 30 level 10 strong men in Luodu City, and they were asked to stand by at any time.

Previously, there was a strong wave of fighting near the palace. Except for the strong ones who stayed at the palace, the three of them were the first to arrive and stop the assailants.

During this period of time, rumors about the devil spread wildly, and the ugly guy they stopped exuded a frightening smell of the devil, which was somewhat consistent with the devil they imagined.

Suspended in the air, the giant snake is 100 meters long. It has three terrible heads and a pair of giant bat wings on its back. It is the embodiment of ugliness and terror.


The giant snake looked down at the three people standing on the ground, and made a sharp roar. Its huge tail swung and patted on the ice wall in front of him.

With the sound of air being pumped out, the thick ice wall turned into ice crumbs.

At the same time, the three snakeheads opened their mouths at the same time, spitting out three huge fireballs toward the bottom.

"Join hands to stop it and wait for support!" The leading Knight gave a deep drink and stepped on the ground. His body disappeared in the same place. In a twinkling of an eye, he appeared above the giant snake. His sword had already come out of its sheath and cut it down.

The most powerful means of level 10 knights is sword skill. Their understanding of the rules enables them to exert their power far beyond the limit of their body.

The white rainbow runs through the sky and cuts down irresistibly, as if to cut off the giant snake with one sword.

The magician patted several protective amulets on his body. As he retreated suddenly, he held up his magic wand and sang magic words.

Another level 10 Knight also rushed to the giant snake with his sword. The giant snake was a little strange, not like the powerful Warcraft that mistakenly entered lodu. For the sake of safety, it was necessary to join hands.

Three fireballs fell on the street and exploded into three pits several meters deep.

It was not hit, and was besieged by three strong men of level 10. The giant snake seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, its wings suddenly flapped, two hurricanes suddenly started, its body moved backward, its tail turned, and rolled towards the knight who wielded the sword downward in mid air. At the same time, another head opened its mouth and bit him.

It was a fierce battle. When the other strong men arrived, there were only three seriously injured level 10 strong men and a mess.

"Out of the city to the West..." the leading Knight only left a word, then turned dizzy and fainted.

"You five, follow me!" A general jumped on the flying mount, ordered five strong men and chased West.

On the other side, McGonagall, riding violet, was leisurely sliding the giant snake to the East.

The strength of this giant snake is higher than that of ordinary level 10 strong men. After seriously injuring three level 10 strong men, there is still more strength to pursue him.

"That's about it, violet. Stop it."

Five hundred miles east of the city, the purple Griffin stops over a bamboo forest.

"Who's coming?"

McGonagall stood on the back of the purple Griffin, carrying his hands, quietly forced.

The giant snake stopped 100 meters away, and its body was also injured. One eye of the snake head in the middle was blown out, but the area where the black magic gas enveloped its eyes seemed to be in rapid repair.


As soon as it opened its mouth, MEG had disappeared on the Griffin's back.

The next moment, McGonagall appeared on top of his head, holding the epee and patting it heavily.


The giant snake fell to the ground, overturned a large piece of bamboo, and made a deep hole in the ground.

"Why? Can it talk? "

MEG fell on the back of the purple Griffin, looking at the pit below, a little surprised.

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