McGonagall thought that this was a level 10 Warcraft under the control of kesulu. He gained some abilities after being demonized, including the ability of rapid self-healing.

Looking at the giant snake that had been smashed half of its head and still took off again, he felt that he had underestimated the snake.


The serpent let out an angry roar.

"Don't show your teeth to me, or I'll blow up the rest of your head." MEG took a look at his other two heads.

Sometimes, the pacification of the strong is so effective.

The snake immediately put away his teeth, but his four eyes were still staring at MEG, and the red vertical pupil began to rotate slowly.

McGonagall fixed his eyes on the vertical pupil, and his eyes seemed dull.

After a while, MEG suddenly laughed.

"You are far from good at this skill." McGonagall's eyes had recovered, but the snake's eyes had become dull, and his wings were flapping unconsciously.

When the snake launched mental control on him, McGonagall turned away from the guest and successfully controlled the snake with his powerful mental power and ability of mental control.

"Come on, what are you? Why did you come to me? How did you find me? " Asked MEG.

"I'm the terror Hunter under Lord kesuru. I feel the breath of Lord kesuru in you. I want to know if you know the whereabouts of Lord kesuru." The big snake replied numbly.

"Servant?" McGonagall frowned. This guy is not a Warcraft simply controlled by kesuru.

"How many servants does kesuru have? Is the terror Hunter your name, or a race? " McGonagall asked again.

"The great Lord kesuru has numerous servants, and we, the terrible hunters, are just inferior servants under his command." The snake replied.

McGonagall's face became dignified, and he said in a deep voice, "where are those servants now? Are you still alive? "

"Di... Di..." the snake's eyes suddenly twinkled, and it broke away from Meg's control. The vertical pupil recovered, and a roar came towards MEG.

"It's a pity." McGonagall sighed with regret, raised his two swords and cut off the two heads of the snake, leaving only the one in the middle who was still recovering slowly. He knocked it unconscious with one sword.

Sitting on the Griffin's back, McGonagall takes out Xi's messenger and tells Xi that he has caught a terror hunter, and then he is waiting in place.

About three minutes later, the void shook, and a five pointed star shaped spacecraft appeared, hovering over the bamboo forest.

The door opened and Xi came out. He first took a look at the three big snakes who had been beheaded and fainted. His eyes were slightly fixed. Then he looked at MEG sitting on the Griffin's back.

From the scene, it was a one-sided battle.

The terror hunter was not even able to make any effective counterattack.

This man is really strong.

"This is the terror hunter, one of the servants of kesuru." Xi said, "how did you find it?"

"I didn't find it, he found me." MEG shook his head and said, "he said he felt the smell of kesuru in me, so he came to me and I brought it here from lodu."

Xi nodded slightly, fell to the ground, went to the terrible hunter's body, and put his right hand on his only broken head.

A blue and silver light came from the palm of her hand and wrapped the head of the terrible hunter.

Just when McGonagall thought she was going to heal the guy, Xi had withdrawn her hand, and in the palm of her hand was a fist sized crystal ball, in which there was a small three headed flying snake.

The flying snake, which is frantically colliding in the crystal ball and trying to break through the limit, is obviously a reduced version of the terrifying hunter.

"Terror hunter, you have violated the first code of the underground world and come to Nolan. Now you will arrest your soul and send it back to the underground city for trial!" Xi cold sentence, and then put away the crystal ball.

"The underground world, the first code, the underground city..." McGonagall felt that he had gained some new information.

"I want to know how many more like this? Where are they hiding? " MEG looked at Xi and asked.

"I have no authority to inform you of these problems." Xi answered coldly.

McGonagall frowned slightly, feeling that this guy was like a human system, old-fashioned and indifferent.

"Do you ancients have a way to eliminate, or hide, the smell of ksuru in us? It's not a very good feeling that there are always strange things coming to the door. "

Xi looked at MEG and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "you are a qualified and attractive lead. Maybe kesuru will come back to you."

"Then I am a tool man?" McGonagall's eyelids beat wildly.

"No, you're just a bait." The system corrected.


"A green plant." System harmony supplement.

McGonagall looked at Xi and said, "I can keep my breath, but only if you help to hide Annie's breath, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will receive its soul before you arrive next time."

Xi takes a look at the body of the terror hunter on the ground, thinks for a while, takes out a ring from the equipment warehouse and throws it to MEG.

"Let her wear this ring, no one can feel her abnormality except kesulu."

McGonagall looked at the silver ring in his hand, which was engraved with a string of mysterious runes. It felt cold and could not see anything strange.

"Thank you." MEG solemnly put away, although the feeling of this woman is a robot without feelings, but should not cheat him in this kind of thing.

"I'll leave it to you. I'll go back first." McGonagall didn't expect any more information from her mouth. He patted ah Zi and ran away.

Of course, the job of washing the land has to be done by the police. He is just a bait without human rights.

Xi looked at McGonagall, who had run away without a shadow, looked at the mess around him, frowned slightly, and turned to return to the spaceship.

The spaceship was suspended above the body of the terror hunter. A beam of light came out from the bottom of the spaceship. The body of the three headed snake disappeared immediately, and the fierce pit on the ground was backfilled.

The spaceship made a circle over the bamboo forest and disappeared into the void again.

The bamboo forest is still in a mess, but it looks like the traces of a fierce battle between two Warcraft.

"Is this braised meat really that delicious?" Xi was lying on the suspension chair, looking at the shining braised pork in the picture album, and her throat rolled.

After a while, she put down the picture book, got up, took a wine glass from the shelf, poured herself a glass of wine, grabbed a handful of drunkard peanuts from the box, sat by the window and drank alone.

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