Unfortunately, it's a lot of people's label for master Marcus.

He left so suddenly and in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to choose a suitable person to inherit the brewing skills of Titan wine, which made this wine that could have been handed down through the ages a pity in everyone's heart.

At that time, the rare bulk Titan liquor in Luodu city was sold at a sky high price, but it was still hard to get one.

Today, the smell of authentic Titan wine here really makes many old drinkers feel sorry and nostalgic.

However, as Kurt said, the bottle of wine that Effie took out may be the one she left behind. It's not in line with the rules to use such wine to participate in wine tasting competitions.

Because the purpose of the wine tasting conference is to evaluate and select all kinds of wine that can be purchased in the city of Luodu.

Sufficient quantity and purchase is the most important premise.

Everyone looked at Effie standing up, with pity and banter.

Even the boss of Reese's tavern, who had previously won high marks, couldn't help looking back at Effie.

"Thank you, Lord Kurt, for your affirmation of my father, and thank you for remembering my father." Effie bowed slightly to Kurt to thank him, then stood up straight and said in a loud voice: "this is not a solitary wine. It's a cellar wine sealed up by my father 30 years ago. The cellar can only be opened after 30 years.

I opened the cellar a few days ago. This is the first bottle of Titan. Next, Titan tavern will re launch the Titan wine made by my father. The daily supply should be about 50 bottles. "

The scene was quiet for a while, then there was an uproar.

"Titan, which has been cellared for 30 years, can supply 50 bottles a day! Master Marcus had so many good wines in his possession

"It seems that Titan tavern will be a good place in the future!"

"Master Marcus is gone, but his legend will start again!"

The drinkers at the scene are very excited, especially those who are obsessed with Titan wine. They have already made an appointment to go to Titan pub tomorrow.

Tavern owners look different. If what Effie said is true, Titan wine meets the competition standard, which is a strong opponent for the gold medal.

A lot of people's eyes are on Boris and Effie. In those years, Marcus won the gold medal twice under the pressure of REEs tavern, and was known as the enemy of Boris' life.

Unexpectedly, after many years, Marcus's daughter came again with Titan wine, and Boris's explosion wine was still on the attack.

Boris's face remained unchanged, nodded slightly to Effie, and then turned away.

"How could Marcus have left so much wine?" Kurt was also surprised, but quickly said: "in this case, this bottle of wine can participate in this wine tasting conference."

"Thank you." Effie nodded and sat down again, waiting for the judges to grade.

The host's voice was loud: "OK, please keep quiet. Next, the judges are going to start tasting wine. Let's look forward to how the judges will evaluate this bottle of Titan wine which has been hoarded for 30 years."

The audience soon quieted down.

People are looking forward to the judges on the stage.

Kurt picked up the glass, put it close to his nose, gently fanned it with his hand, and took a deep breath of the wine.

The mellow aroma is intoxicating. The aroma of grape ferments a special aroma in the oak barrel. She is so unique and elegant, which makes the previous wine pale.

When he took a sip, the wine slowly slipped into his mouth. The taste was dry and soft. The aroma lingered in his mouth, full-bodied, charming, elegant and mellow.

He seems to have seen an elegant goddess, who is adorable but dare not approach!

After a long time, Kurt opened his eyes, looked at the glass in his hand with a look of admiration, and said: "the 30-year cellar has made the wine aroma and taste more wonderful, just like a sublimation. Both the taste and taste are more charming than those of Titan.

This 30 years of hoarding time is probably the last improvement of the Titan wine by Kurt, so that the Titan wine can be further improved.

Unfortunately, he has not been able to see the change with his own eyes. "

Fergus just put down his glass and said with the same emotion: "I thought the Titan wine was at its peak, but today I know it's only a semi-finished product.

The cellar perfectly blends the aroma of oak and wine, giving Titan a new flavor. This is the most unique and delicious wine I have ever drunk.

This is Marcus' work 30 years ago, when we were surprised by his Titan wine here, but we were surprised by him again 30 years later. "

"It's really an amazing wine. It's better than Titan wine. Time has become Marcus's best assistant, completing the rest of his work for him and making this real Titan wine." Another judge also praised.

The five judges all gave very high evaluation.

The stage was quiet, and everyone was waiting for the score of Titan given by the judges who gave high evaluation.

Effie also clenched his fist, nervously waiting for the result.

Kurt picked up the number plate in front of him and said in a high voice, "I'll give you 10 points! It's a pity that it can only give you ten. "

"Me too, 10 points! Titan and Marcus are worth it Fergus picked up the number plate.

The other three judges also picked up the number plate and gave a full score of 10 points.

"50 points!"

"It seems that there has been no full mark wine in the wine tasting meeting for three years, has it?"

"After 16 years, Titan will win the gold medal for the fourth time!"

There was a commotion at the scene.

A full score of 50 is equivalent to announcing that Titan has won the gold medal again.

Titan has won this honor three times.

Effie finally burst into tears, biting her lips, trying to control her expression.

"Congratulations. I'm sure your father will be glad to know the news." MEG looked at her and whispered.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Hades." Effie wiped a handful of tears, quickly calmed down, and then responded with a smile to the congratulations from the people around her.

Titan returns with a full score of 50, just like Marcus' legendary life.

When the scene quieted down, Kurt looked at Effie and said, "Miss Effie, I wonder if I am lucky enough to buy this bottle of Titan? I think it's a very commemorative bottle of wine, and it's also worth savoring

"When my father was alive, he used to say that you were an elder whom he admired and respected. Please allow me to give you this bottle of wine." Effie said with a smile.

"Then I'm not welcome. I'll come to Titan's pub often in the future." Kurt got up, took the wine from the staff tray with the cork, covered it and put it in his hand.

"You are so quick. Why don't we have dinner together in the evening?" Fergus looked at the wine on the table and said with a smile.

"Yes, I have some nice bottles to drink, but not this one." Kurt nodded with a smile.

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