The Titan wine brought by Effie pushed the wine tasting conference to a climax.

A bottle of wine brewed 30 years ago has crossed the river of time and once again bloomed in the wine tasting conference.

The full score means that the golden prize of this wine tasting conference has lost suspense.

No one thinks that the remaining ten groups of wine will be able to compare with Titan wine.

Including five judges.

But Effie doesn't think so. He knows how unique Maotai is and how talented MEG is.

She even thought, if there are two full marks of wine at the wine tasting meeting, who should be awarded the only gold medal?

This has never happened in the 30-year history of wine tasting conference.

One group of wine was sent to the stage, perhaps because Titan wine was so amazing that the judges did not slow down for a while, or the quality of the wine behind was really worrying, and there was no wine in four groups for 30 minutes.

Kurt yawned and rubbed his eyes. His side head and Fergus whispered, "I feel a little out of shape. This group is finished. Let Gera come up for me."

"Well, you have drunk a lot today." Fergus nodded.

"Group 55, start tasting." The host's voice is a little hoarse.

McGonagall yawned. He was also a little sleepy. When he looked aside, his eyes fell to the round wine bottle held by the staff. As soon as his eyes brightened, he suddenly felt energetic.

I've been waiting all morning just to wait for his Maotai debut.

Did not expect that luck is not good, was ranked in the countdown position.

"Here we are." Effie, too, suddenly perked up and became nervous again.

Although we know that Maotai is a hard to find good wine, we still expect it to get a good place in this wine tasting conference.

The staff came to the stage with a round wine bottle. People just took a look and lost interest. Most powerful pubs have been commented. Explosive wine is the strongest, but it is still inferior to Titan wine.

The staff studied for a while, removed the red cloth wrapped on the bottle cap, and then pulled out the bottle stopper.


A strong aroma of wine soon poured out, and quickly spread around.

"The wine smells good!"

The people sitting near the high platform first smelled the fragrance and raised their heads in surprise.

Tired with a bit drunk judges, eyes are also bright, surprised to see the staff holding the round wine bottle.

Strong aroma, more powerful than previous Titan.

If the aroma of Titan wine is an elegant lady, it is more like an irresistible hurricane.

Compared with the aroma of grapes, her fragrance is more mellow and secluded. When you savor it carefully, you can't tell how many kinds of aroma she has, but you become more and more addicted to it.

"What kind of wine is this? How can it be so mellow and fragrant? " Kurt, who had planned to step down, suddenly looked up at the staff who were pouring wine, with a look of surprise.

"It's good wine when you smell it. It seems that new wine will be produced at this wine tasting conference." Fergus, with his eyes shining, said to Kurt with a smile.

It's definitely the first time that this wine appeared at the wine tasting meeting. Otherwise, they can't recognize it with their experience. They just wonder which pub this wine came from and which master's new work it is.

The fragrance of the wine spread, and there was also some commotion under the stage.

Even the audience sitting in the last row of the church could not help but craned their necks and watched. This was the first time they smelled wine today.

Those present were not the tavern owners, or those who had been drinking for many years. They were all experts.

As soon as the aroma of the wine comes out, you can tell the good from the bad.

Others have begun to ask whose wine it is, wondering whether it can compete with Titan.

McGonagall sat quietly, silent, with an indifferent smile on his lips, ready to be forced.

The staff began to pour the wine. The pure and transparent wine was poured into the crystal cup, as bright as a pearl.

A cup of wine was brought to the judges.

The five judges looked at the wine in front of them as if they had got the most precious things.

Fruit wine and grain wine are generally dark, which is difficult to avoid in the process of wine making. Such pure and transparent wine is extremely rare.

And the opposite of the clear wine color is the fragrance. It's hard to imagine that this clear and transparent liquid like a mountain spring can emit such an attractive wine aroma.

As far as the aroma of wine is concerned, none of the more than 200 kinds of wine today can be compared with it.

"This should be grain wine. It is brewed in a way similar to Titan wine. The wine has a strong aroma, with the aroma of soy sauce and cellar, and a light mellow and sweet mixture. The aroma is very unique." Kurt fanned the wine with his hand, commented, and sipped.

Kurt closed his eyes, frowned first, and then slowly spread out. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a satisfied smile. His mouth was slightly open, showing his relaxed state.

"The wine tastes soft, crisp and sweet. It's mellow and full-bodied. After drinking, it has a long aftertaste. It's a rare wine in a hundred years!" Kurt opened his eyes after a long time and couldn't help exclaiming.

As a true wine lover, whether it is the establishment of the wine association or the organization of wine tasting conference, we all want to discover more wine and better winemakers.

But in the past few decades, there are not many wines that can make him amazing. Marcus' Titan is one, and today's one is the second.

However, the Titan wine that Marcus brought to the scene 30 years ago can't be compared with this wine. It is only after 30 years of hoarding that it has been endowed with a unique soul and has the qualification to compete with this wine.

It's a perfect wine, or one that goes beyond the limit of what he can teach.

He had nothing to say but praise and wonder who had secretly made such a good wine, and he knew nothing about it.

Fergus raised his head to drink all the wine in the glass, smacked his mouth, put down the glass and nodded his head. Then Kurt said, "everyone smelled the wine, and Kurt also said, I can only say that this is one of the best wines I've ever drunk in my life, and can rank in the top three. Now I'm very curious about who made this wine, and who can keep it so mysterious. "

Kurt and Fergus gave a very high evaluation, and even pushed the wine to a historical level.

People were curious to guess which tavern presented the wine. Maybe it could compete with Titan.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hades's Maotai is really extraordinary." Effie looked at MEG and said with a sincere smile.

"What I'm curious about now is, can there be two gold medals at the wine tasting conference?" MEG frowned slightly.

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