Huge indescribable objects slowly rose from under the ice, the sky turned black, countless dark clouds swept by, the terrible pressure spread, even the purple Griffin was shaking slightly.

The colloidal body covered with black scales is constantly changing its shape. For example, the giant worm is moving. Just a look at it makes people feel deep fear.

After the huge bat wings are raised, it is thousands of meters high, and its huge body is still huge on the boundless snow.

But it seems to have no head, only a huge body, it is more strange.

"It's kesuru!"

Melanie said in a trembling voice, with deep fear in her eyes.

"It seems that this is the one running out from under the Dragon Island." Irina's expression also became extremely dignified, holding several one-time charms in her hands.

There is no doubt that kesulu is powerful. In the seal outside the city of chaos, dozens of top ten can hardly help it.

And McGonagall, who can barely delay it for a short time, will be dragged down by frankster.

Without the seal as the backing, even if the three of them work together, they are by no means the opponent of this guy.

With the appearance of kesulu, the ancient corpses fell into a more crazy state. Dozens of flying ancient corpses rose into the air and formed a formation to fly towards Irina.

Kesuru made a disgusting sound, and then wormed in the direction of MEG. Along the way, the glacier broke.

The struggle in frankster's eyes has disappeared, replaced by a scarlet, and the strength seems to have been strengthened, madly attacking MEG.

"You go first!" McGonagall fought and retreated, and at the same time he cried to Irina and them.

McGonagall was a little heavy. He didn't expect that he just came to investigate an ice cave and met kesulu.

In other words, this was originally a trap set by kesuru for them to jump in.

Now he is far from the opponent of kesuru, and even against frankster, he is only five to five. The problem he has to consider now is how to get away from being controlled by kesuru and become a puppet like frankster.

"Ah Zi, pick him up!" Elena raised her wand and chanted, "holy light, destroy those evils!"

Bright light swept out, dozens of flying ancient corpses instantly turned into flying ash, and the sky was clear.


The purple Griffin let out a long cry, spit out thunder ball, and fly away in the direction of MEG.

At this moment, naksulu suddenly turned to them and flapped his wings.

Countless black whirlwinds appear out of thin air, tearing the space apart, stopping the purple Griffin from rushing forward, and hunting towards it.


The Black Whirlwind, like a sharp blade, tore the hard scales of the purple Griffin. Just touching it, it tore a huge blood hole in its body.

Purple Griffin eat pain, quickly pull up turn back, avoid that almost a wall of black hurricane.

"Get around them!" Irina side to purple treatment magic, while calmly ordered.

Purple into a purple lightning, again from the side of the detour rushed to Meg, can still be blocked by the hurricane ahead, unable to break through.

"We have to leave now. When he really gives us a hand, we can't leave." Meilan uses ghost knife to kill several ancient corpses that appear stealthily behind them.

Noah jumped off the wall with Buddha in his arms. He was completely dull and became a salted fish who even forgot to shout 666.

"Take him with you, anyway." Irina looked at kesuru, who was wriggling towards MEG, and closed her eyes.

Elena's body slowly rises and floats in the void.

The golden red dot in her eyebrows began to shine, and a golden tree pattern appeared in the red dot, just like the tree of life.

A light green light came from the sky and fell on her eyebrows.

Irina opened her eyes and the momentum began to climb.

"Grandfather, why do I think she seems to have become a little different?" Noah looked back at Elena floating in the air in surprise.

"She's borrowing power." Melanie looked at Elena, equally surprised.

"God of light, please give me the strength to clear away this evil existence and clean up all filth and evil!"

Elena raised her wand.

The dark sky was suddenly torn open a crack, and a golden light fell on Elena's body, illuminating her.

Irina's momentum is rising again. Her whole body is wrapped in golden light, which makes her dare not look directly at her like a God.

Kesoulu's huge body slowly stops, and then turns to face Elena.

There was a little red light on the scaly body, staring at Elena like eyes.

"Holy light, judge this evil! Let it all be at peace

Irina pointed her wand at kesuru, and a huge holy light gushed out and hit kesuru.

The black magic Qi and the holy light make people's teeth sour in the collision. Kesulu's body is wrapped by the holy light and starts to tremble slightly.

"It works!" Noah exclaimed in surprise.

"We'd better step back and take this opportunity to bypass the hurricane." Instead of being too optimistic, melant spoke to the purple Griffin.

The purple Griffin understood what he said, suddenly dived down, almost touched the ground, found a gap in the hurricane, crossed it, and rushed to MEG.

Jie Jie——

Kesulu gave out a sound like the friction of broken glass. Suddenly, countless black demons poured out of his body, rolled out and extinguished the holy light that enveloped him.

The huge bat's wings flapped slowly, taking his huge body away from the ground. His body wriggled and turned into a black tentacle from his abdomen, stabbing at Elena who was suspended in the air.


McGonagall splits frankster with a sword, watching the tentacle stab at Elena with great speed, and his face changes dramatically.

Under the entanglement of frankster, he could not stop the blow for Elena at this time.

And Irina seems to use the power that does not belong to her to send out a blow, has not yet released from that state.

"Get out of here!"

McGonagall smashed frankster with his red eyes, then threw Tiandu sword out with all his strength.


Tiandu sword turns into a streamer and flies to the tentacle that stabs Elena like a long gun.

It's too late.

McGonagall's heart had reached freezing point.

Kesuru was faster than he was, and he couldn't cut Irina off before his tentacle hit her.

The golden light in Elena's eyes gradually dissipated, and then she saw the tentacle in front of her.

At this moment, a little silver light rips through the space and penetrates the top of the tentacle.

At the same time, a shot cut across the sky.

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