Originally thought it would be hard to escape the death of Elena, a light shield was raised outside her body to block the splashing green liquid, still a little stunned.

"It's Xi!" McGonagall's eyes brightened, and his heavy heart dropped a lot when he saw Elena safe and sound.

With one move, the sword returned to him.

For the first time in the world, he heard such a wonderful shot.

The precise and clean shot perfectly matched Xi's feeling.

A five-star warship appeared in the void. The electromagnetic gun of the huge main gun on the bow of the warship charged the kesuru quickly, and the three main guns also aimed at kesuru immediately.

"What's that?" Noah stood up slowly, looking at the super steel ship floating in mid air with an incredible look on his face!

"Whatever it is, the good news is that it's at least on our side." Melanie, too, swallowed and whispered.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The cannon began to roar!

The huge shell propelled by the electromagnetic gun collided with kesuru floating in the air, smashed its body like a hill back a lot, and then exploded.

The terrible explosion wave turned all the ancient corpses within hundreds of meters into fly ash.

The purple Griffin had already turned around to fly out, and was still pushed by the aftershocks of the explosion for thousands of kilometers.

"What a terrible power! This iron and steel giant is so terrible!" Noah's eyes were dull.

McGonagall also retreated with his sword. This was the intensive bombing of a high civilization star warship. He didn't want to be affected.

Within seconds, a round of bombing had been completed.

The hill like kesulu was blasted thousands of meters away, blackened, and there were many holes on the bat wings.

The ancient corpses within a kilometer radius are turned into charred bones


Kesuru made a series of incomprehensible roars at the huge ship and launched the ancient corpse to attack the huge ship and MEG again.

Tens of thousands of ancient corpses rushed in, almost stacked together.

And kesuru also flapped his wings and soared into the air. The holes in his wings were quickly repaired. In a twinkling of an eye, he was healing as before, and he was also flying towards the warship.

"Come up, we can't kill him. Get out of here first." There was a cold sound in Meg's ear, and the cabin opened a passage.

"Ah Zi, get in through the passage!" MEG jumps on the purple Griffin that flies to her side, and then approaches Elena, grabs her waist and plunges directly into the passage of the five-star warship.

The charged rocket gun fired an electromagnetic gun at kesulu again, and dropped several cluster bombs at the same time. With the recoil force of the electromagnetic gun, it instantly opened the distance from kesulu, tore the void, and left here.

McGonagall looked at the mushroom cloud rising on the ice sheet, which was rapidly disappearing from his sight. He was relieved. He had a feeling of survival.

"It's terrible..." Noah sat down on the ground, soaked with sweat, as if he had collapsed.

What is rare and valuable is that he still held the Buddha in his arms and jumped over the wall, but the earthen jar didn't break.

Melanie was also breathing heavily. Although he had seen countless deaths in his life, he didn't want to die in the hands of kesuru, even the corpse didn't want to fall in his hands.

At this moment, he felt ridiculous. He had been trying to find kesuru and kill him for hundreds of years,

"Are you all right?" Irina came to Meg, reached for his hand and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, just a little hurt." MEG shook his head and looked at the cut on his arm that had been cut by the tip of frankster's gun.

"What is this?" Irina asked as she worked on MEG.

This is a wide empty room, the four walls are steel walls, only towards the outside direction of the transparent glass.

"She saved us." Said Meg.

Elena was thoughtful and did not ask again.

At this moment, the door on one side was opened, and a woman in a white tights came out of the operation cabin.

Noah and Melanie turn around, look at her in surprise, and then fall into a coma.

"I'll erase their memory." Xi looked at MEG and said, then her eyes fell on Irina.

"This is my wife, someone who should know about it and be able to keep it a secret." McGonagall said.

"Thank you for saving me." Irina looks at Xi and thanks.

If Xi had not appeared before, kesuru's tentacles would have penetrated her heart.

Xi nodded slightly and took back his hand.

"Kesuru has controlled many ancient corpses, and this ice sheet may become the source of his army. These intrepid and numerous ancient corpses will bring terrible disaster to Nolan." MEG looked at Xi solemnly: "maybe the ancients have a way to kill it?"

"Kesuru is immortal. He can only try to seal it again. Even the ancients can't kill him." Xi shook his head.

Meg's heart is a little heavy. Xi and the most advanced warship of the old man are still unable to kill kesuru. This is not good news.

It is not easy to seal it again.

"The ancients once vowed that they could not enter Nolan on a large scale. You could only rely on yourself to resist kesuru and the zombie frenzy he controlled." Xi shook his head.

"No?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows.

The individual strength of the ancient corpse can not be underestimated. It is estimated that it retains about 60% of its strength. Under the control of kesuru, the ancient corpse is fearless of death and is an absolute loyal death fighter.

It's not clear how many ancient corpses kesuru controlled. If you count them in millions, even if you bet on the whole Los Empire, you can't stop them from going south.

"It's the key to stop the army of ancient corpses, but killing or re sealing kesuru is the root of the problem." "What's more, we didn't see Joe today, but today's arrangement seems to be what he did," she pondered

Xi nodded his head and said: "when kesuru was sealed, he was cut into two parts. His head was sealed at the central sealing point, and the lower part was sealed under the sky island.

His head is better at mental control. These ancient corpses are not controlled by the lower part of the body. It is more likely that the recorded head controls the puppet and then indirectly controls it. "

"I missed it today. I'm afraid it's not easy to find it on the vast ice field in the future." MEG frowned.

"I left a location tracker on him to locate him." Xi raised his hand and raised a virtual screen. A red dot was moving rapidly.

"But the problem now is not where it is, but how to seal it again and find the" brain "that really controls the ancient corpse."

McGonagall looked at Xi's virtual screen and nodded: "as long as his position can be determined, the seal array can be solved, and how to seal it again can also be figured out.

But at present, the most important thing is to unite all ethnic groups in Nolan to quickly establish an alliance against zombies and prevent ancient corpses from going south. "

After all, higher civilization can not be relied on. If they want to save the continent of Nolan, they can only rely on themselves.

The five-star warship stopped 500 miles from lodu.

Xi uses hypnotic method to erase part of the memory of Noah and Melanie, and then let MEG and them leave.

"Don't come here!" Noah sat up abruptly from the Griffin's back, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

He took a left-right look at McGonagall, who was squatting opposite him. Then he suddenly looked back and saw Melanie, who was waking up beside him. He was a little relieved.

"What's the matter?" Melanie, too, sat up and patted her head.

Previously, they encountered kesuru on the ice sheet and were in a desperate situation. When he was about to be swallowed up, he was suddenly attacked and fell into syncope, and then he didn't remember anything.

"We were lucky to get out." McGonagall lost two kettles to them. "But it's not very lucky. Kesuru has controlled the ancient corpses on the ice field. His strength has increased dramatically and he may invade south at any time. We have to establish a blocking alliance before he acts."

Noah looked up and drank half a pot of water. He looked at his hands and then left and right. He was a little disappointed and said, "did my Buddha jump off the wall?"

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