Noah was very sad. He carried him through the ice caves, fought with the ancient corpses, and the Buddha jumped over the wall. He died in the battle

But the good news is that Mr. McGrady promised to make it up to him when he went back.

There is probably no happiest thing to be able to leave the cold snow, return to the metropolis full of beautiful little sisters, and have a hot meal.

McGonagall took Noah and Melanie back to LoDo, where they were still in the same house.

Buddha jumps over the wall and naturally has no time to do it for them. He can only reward them for the appearance of two packages of instant noodles.

"Fang... Bian... Mian? It sounds a bit evil to me Noah squatted at the table and watched the mysterious package carefully.

"Do you know how to cook?" Melanie installed a dry cigarette for herself, and then puffed on one side, glancing at him.

"Boss Mai said that you don't need to know how to cook instant noodles. Just boil the water, pour everything in the package into the bowl, add boiling water and wait for a while." Noah agreed and started.

Five minutes later, the two of them were holding a bowl, looking up to finish the soup, and some unsatisfied licked the bowl again.

"It turns out that my cooking skills are so amazing that it was a waste of talent in the past." Noah put down the bowl and exclaimed.

"If you had this skill before, we would not have starved in the wild." Melanie reached out and gave them chestnuts.

Noah realized his head and looked aggrieved: "grandfather, I'm a new talent."

"There will be plenty of opportunities later." Melanie picked up the smoke again.

"But Grandpa, what are we going to do next? We can't beat kesuru. " Noah asked, clearing up the dishes.

In the past, he was full of confidence and wanted to find the devil with his grandfather. Now he knows that the devil is terrible and has no fighting spirit.

This is not an opponent at all. Even if the devil stays there and doesn't fight back, he can't kill it.

"Boss Mai is looking for alliances at all levels of the clan, and we Guizu can also do our part." Meilan put down the dry smoke, "there are no eggs under the nest. If kesulu controls the continent of Nolan, it will be completely over."


McGonagall made ten copies of the stone and sent them directly to the rulers of all ethnic groups through the channel of the city of chaos.

Then he and Irina went straight to the lodu palace.

The purple Griffin hovered outside the palace and let out a long cry.

There are more than 20 strong people's breath released immediately in the palace, and there are countless strong people coming in this direction in Luodu city.

The multiple protection array rises to protect the Imperial Palace and several main halls.

In the twinkling of an eye, the palace has entered the war preparation mode.

On top of the Imperial City, several air engines lock MEG and Elena.

Alex and Elena suddenly appear outside the palace in the middle of the night, but one of the strong men in lodu is surprised.

"Alex! What's the matter with your late night visit? " A moderate voice came from the city tower.

McGonagall looked at the armored general on the city floor and said in a high voice, "Marshal Dominic, I have something important to see King Andre. It's about the safety of Nolan. Please tell me."

"Well, just wait. I'll have it reported to your majesty." Dominic replied, giving orders to report.

Hundreds of level 9 and level 10 strong men arrived one after another and set out outside the palace. They also watched the purple Griffin and the two legendary figures on the Griffin with restraint and vigilance.

So the two sides confront each other in silence.

Luodu palace is the safest place on the continent of Nolan. No matter how strong Alex is, it is impossible to surpass the palace.

And even if there are more than 20 top ten in Los Empire, they are not sure that they can catch Alex and Elena outside the palace.

"Your Majesty has an order to invite Alex and Elena into the palace!"

Soon after, a long voice came from the palace.

"Open the gate." Dominic orders.

The Palace door opened slowly, and the guard standing in front of the door also made way to both sides.

The purple Griffin landed.

MEG and Irina jump out of the Griffin and walk into the palace.

Dominic leads several top ten people down from the tower to meet MEG and Elena.

"Follow me." Dominic said, walking in front with two people toward the deep palace.

Six ten strong men followed them, quite alert to the two.

McGonagall also did not say a word, this matter only Andre can make a decision, in order to avoid unnecessary panic, the less people know the better.

The group walked through the long palace corridor and finally stopped outside a main hall.

"General Dominic, Alex and Elena, please enter the temple!" The official waiting at the door said in a high voice.

Dominic headed for the main hall.

McGonagall and Irina looked at each other and entered the temple.

This is a meeting hall, where Andre discusses with his close ministers. Alex was a frequent guest here at that time.

McGonagall and his family visit late at night. The hall is brightly lit, but only Andre sits on the throne.

However, as soon as McGonagall entered the hall, he was locked by several powerful men.

McGonagall glanced at the shadow behind Andre's side, frowned, and soon regained his composure.

Dominic sat down on Andre's left.

"Alex, Elena, please sit down." Andre raised his hand with a smile.

MEG and Andre sit down in the last row.

"Why did you two come late at night?" Asked Andre, looking at MEG.

"This is what we experienced today on the snowy far north of the Los empire. The king can see it first." MEG took out a picture stone.

Andre raised his hand for a moment, and the waiter quickly stepped forward to take the photo stone from McGonagall's hand, and soon played it on the equipment of the meeting hall.

This is the image of MEG recorded by the system during the battle, including the ancient corpses disappeared in the grottoes, the battle picture between him and frankster, and the picture of kesuru climbing out from under the ice and ordering countless ancient corpses to attack them.


When Andre and Dominic see this picture, their faces change greatly.

Dominic rose abruptly from his chair.

"This... What is this?" Andre's voice was a little trembling. Although it was just a picture, the glue like indescribable thing covered with scales still had a great impact on him, and even felt the fear from the depth of his soul.

"This is kesuru, the devil from hell, who broke the seal from the Golden Dragon Island, a monster that can't be killed." McGonagall said calmly.

"It controls the ancient corpses? Let them fight for him? " Dominic asked, looking at MEG.

"Yes, it controlled these ancient corpses in some way, and let them keep 50% or 60% of their strength, and be able to be brave and fearless of death, and resolutely carry out orders." MEG nodded.

Dominic's face was heavy. As the Grand Admiral of the Empire, he knew very well what such an undead army meant.

Even the most elite northwest cavalry of the Empire could not guarantee that every soldier would be brave and resolute in executing orders.

"They're going south?"

Andre, who had regained his composure, looked at MEG and asked.

"I don't think it's for the sake of holding a party for the dead on the ice to bring them back to life." Meg said with a smile.


"It seems that your previous judgment is correct. The seal under Golden Dragon Island is related to frankster, who has sold his soul to the devil." Dominic said in a deep voice, looking a little sorry.

As one of the toughest men in the world, Dominic has a good impression of frankster.

But from the previous images, frankster has indeed lost himself and become a puppet of the devil.

"There is still a trace of consciousness in frankster, and he has not been completely controlled." McGonagall retorted, but did not mention Elizabeth.

"If the devil wants to take the undead army south, what's your plan?" Asked Andre, looking at MEG with a deep look.

"When the devil and the undead army went south, the first one was the Los Empire, which could not be avoided." McGonagall looked at Andre. "I've come to tell you to prepare for the fight so you don't get caught off guard."

Andre stares at MEG for a moment, but he doesn't have a second word.

"Do you want us to fight the demons and the legions of the dead with the power of one country?" Andre frowned.

"If we can't carry it, the first one to be destroyed must be the Los empire." MEG nodded.

Dominic was silent and went all the way south from the Arctic plateau to the Los empire.

If the devil and his legion of the dead want to go south, the only choice is to start from the Los empire.

The Ross Empire has no choice.

Andre's face sank and said, "what about when the Empire of Los is destroyed? Other races will survive? "

McGonagall looked at him calmly and said: "this is not the problem that I should consider. Even if I am willing to connect all races to form an alliance to deal with the demons and the undead, it is you who are in power that can make the final decision."

"You should know better than anyone that this is about the fate of the whole continent of Nolan!" Said Andre, looking into Meg's eyes.

McGonagall asked, "if there is no peace agreement, do you think the tribes will send troops to help the Los Empire to stop the demons and the legions of the dead?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm just telling you that it's no use threatening me at this time." McGonagall pointed to the final frame on the screen of kesuru, "if you think the Los empire can handle this guy, the world is yours."

Andre looks at MEG, silent, silent again.

McGonagall looked at him calmly and said nothing more.

"Sire, we need the help of all races." Dominic broke the silence, got up, looked at Andre and said in a deep voice.

As the marshal of the Empire and the commander of the three services, he must clearly tell his majesty what kind of difficulties and enemies the empire is facing.

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