
This is Kurt and Fergus in the taste of whisky after the heart of the most profound feelings.

This first smell is like a failed wine. Under the scorched and smoky smell, there is a shocking and fascinating delicacy.

He is just like a wild man with rough appearance, but he has shocking outstanding knowledge. When he talks about it, people can't help indulging in it.

After a long time, they put down the empty wine glass at the same time.

"If this is the wine presented at the wine tasting meeting, how many points will you give back?" Fergus asked, looking at Kurt.

"10 points, no doubt." Kurt took it for granted.

"We should be glad that Mr. Hades has brought Maotai, otherwise we don't look good when we hit ourselves on the stage." Fergus said with a smile.

"The younger generation is formidable. In Luodu City, we really have a wine making genius." Kurt couldn't help exclaiming.

"Not only the wine is good, but also the food and wine are so delicious." Fergus swallowed the ear of the cold pig in his mouth, and then grabbed a few peanuts and threw them into his mouth.

The two have been completely convinced by McGonagall.

He is not arrogant, but has the perfect match strength.

They were eating delicious food and wine. Before long, a bottle of whisky and a bottle of Maotai wine were all eaten.

"I... we... Would you like... Two more bottles?" Kurt asked, squinting across the table with one hand.

"Here... Cheers..." Fergus agreed vaguely under the table.

McGonagall went out, called in the coachman and servant, and carried them away.

"See, I said they didn't need another bottle." Amy put her chin in her hands and looked at the two people who were carried away. She said with a smile.

For the world, Maotai and whiskey are absolute spirits.

On weekdays, those who boast that they are not drunk are all fruit wine with almost no alcohol. As long as the urinary system can keep up with them, it is no wonder that they are not drunk.

Today, there are many new customers in Saipan tavern. Those who have not experienced a high degree of alcohol training soon get drunk.

Fortunately, he could afford to drink a bottle of wine with 2000 copper coins. When he went out, he would take the coachman and servant with him, which saved MEG a lot of trouble.

The Saipan tavern is in harmony.

Titan's is not so good.

The Titan tavern, which has been reopened, has updated its wine list. Now the only wine sold is Titan wine stored in the cellar for 30 years, with a unit price of 3000 copper coins per bottle.

Titan, which used to be low in price and large in quantity, disappeared, along with some low-cost wines that used to be sold by other distilleries.

This is tantamount to directly abandoning all the familiar customers of Titan tavern in recent years and rejecting them at a price they can't afford.

This caused a lot of regulars to drink dissatisfaction, which gathered at the door, to Effie they a statement.

Effie walked out of the door, looked at more than a dozen acquaintances around the door of the tavern, bowed to them first, then straightened up and said, "sorry everyone, thank you for your support and love all the time, but Titan tavern is going to be upgraded. In order to uphold my father's will and make Titan the best pub in LoDo, I have to return it to its original position and try to keep it going. "

The guests were silent.

"Madame, will you not sell us wine in the future? 3000 copper is too expensive. We can't afford to drink even if we don't drink for a month. " A middle-aged man said with a bitter smile.

"Yes, even a cup of 1000 copper coins is too expensive." Others echoed.

Effie looked at the crowd, pursed her lips, and couldn't bear it.

"This is the wine that just won the gold medal. It's the Titan wine that master Marcus brewed and cellared for 30 years.

The boss is willing to take it out and sell it at the price of 3000 copper coins per bottle, which is already the price of conscience.

If any of the five major pubs in Luodu had no ten thousand copper coins, you would not have a drink. " One of the guests who just came out of the pub stopped and looked at them with a bit of intoxication: "you should be content. After all, you used to be decent people who drank Titan every day."

That person finish saying a word, then sing a little song, stagger on the roadside of a carriage, go away.

When people heard that you look at me and I look at you, they suddenly felt bored and dissolved on the spot.

Effie looked at all of a sudden the end of the acquaintance, heart Dun time and space, there is a sense of loss.

"Miss, don't think so much. The guests come and go like this. It's just cheap." One of the guests watching was relieved.

Effie turned around and looked at the man. He felt that the middle-aged man in front of him was a little familiar. He was stunned for a while. Suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "you are Mr. pasaka."

"I didn't expect you to recognize me." The middle-aged man was also a little surprised.

"In those years, you came to the pub almost every day to drink, and always sat in the position near the door. Besides drinking, your favorite dish was my mother's radish sticks." Effie nodded with a smile. "At that time, you often asked me to add radish sticks for you and give me some tips, so I remember you."

"Yes, the radish sticks made by your mother and the wine made by your father are the most unforgettable memories for me." Pasaka nodded with emotion.

"I heard that at the wine tasting meeting yesterday, you took out Titan wine that your father had hoarded for 30 years, and you can still supply a certain amount of it every day, so come and have a look today."

"Yes, please come in. There are about ten bottles left today." Effie said with a smile.

"Then make sure you keep one for me." Pasaka's eyes brightened, and then he entered the door. Seeing that the seat at the door was just empty, he sat down.

After a while, Effie came with a bottle of wine and a plate of radish sticks and put the food and wine in front of pasaka.

"Although I don't brew as well as my father, I learned how to make radish sticks from my mother." Effie said with a smile.

Pasaka picked up his chopsticks, took a golden radish and bit it.


The crisp taste, slightly salty with sweet taste, let pasaka's eyebrows pick, showing a happy smile.

"I always think that you are like your mother. Even the craft of making radish sticks has been inherited. It's very delicious. It's the original taste." Pasaka put down his chopsticks and gave Effie a thumbs up.

"Thank you. Enjoy yourself." Effie turned away, smiling.

Yes, guests always come and go like this. Only taste can make a guest feel long.

Even though it has been more than ten years, I still want to come and have a look for the taste in my memory when I just hear the news.

All of a sudden, Effie knew what she was going to do.

Let the guests who come to enjoy themselves come back.

That's what she should do.

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