The atmosphere of freedom is gradually spreading in the forest of wind.

Almost every elf felt the change.

Slaves have become a fading word, at least in the city of life.

Only those conservative and stubborn lords, who are far away from the city of life, are willing to give up their higher status.

However, this situation also began to be impacted during this period.

The elves in the territory already know what is going on outside. They are as eager for freedom as all the people who have been enslaved for more than 100 years, and they are willing to pay a high price for it.

The Brewster family's territory is located in the southwest of the wind forest. With Sally becoming the new princess of the elves, Eliot's status has increased, and the Brewster family's territory has more than doubled.

The Brewster family, which has been in charge of the food supply of the elves for many years, is far away from the city of life and has a large number of slaves and servants.

These slaves were engaged in the most hard work, supporting the food supply of the whole windy forest, but they were always short of food, and they were often bullied, beaten and scolded by the Brewster people.

The voice of slave liberation has been heard through the wind forest, but the territory surrounded by iron thorns is still silent, and absolute obedience suppressed by force.

All the slaves were heavily shackled, but their labor did not decrease.

They were strictly forbidden to communicate, and all freedom related information was banned.

Once the slaves violate the law, they will suffer inhuman abuse and even lose their lives.

On the high railings of the farm, there was a body that had been pecked by vultures.

"We should get Joe's body back. He's so kind. If it wasn't for the sake of saving his comrades in arms, his leg would not have been broken, and he shouldn't have picked flower dew here for a hundred years, and finally he was hanged on the railing by his own people. "

In the dark and damp slave dormitory, an old spirit turned over, the shackles on his feet made a sound on the board. Through the sparse cracks of the board, he looked at the lonely body hanging on the railing in the night, and his voice was low.

Ten elf slaves lived in the dormitory, but all of them were silent.

"But the door is locked from the outside, and there must be someone guarding Joe's body."

"They want to hang more bodies on the railings to let us know the end of resistance, which I heard at noon."

"It's a trap."

In the dark, someone said.

I don't know who sighed.

The atmosphere became a little sad and desperate.

"So what? I just want my old friends to return to the embrace of mother earth with dignity, instead of being insulted by those disgusting birds." The old man who spoke before sat up from the bed and his eyes seemed to shine in the dark: "when he bravely rushed to the demons who invaded the wind forest, he never thought whether he could come back alive."

"I'm going to get his body back, or let me hang it with him, so at least I'll be more comfortable."

The old man got up and stood on the narrow corridor, looking at the people who were enveloped in darkness, as if waiting for something.

Silence, silence again.

The old man laughed and turned to the door.

"I think you need someone to kick the door open for you." A big elf jumped from the second bunk.

"The railings are too high. I'm afraid you can't climb them. Let me do this." A skinny monkey like spirit skilfully jumped down, even wearing heavy shackles to the ground did not make a sound.

The old elf looked at the two elves, and finally felt a little relieved with a sad smile on his face. He nodded with a smile and said, "good."

"Step back. I'll kick the door. After you go out, I'll run west and lead them away. You go and get rid of Joe's body." Said the strong spirit.

"I'll lead them away. I'll be flexible." Said the thin elf.

"No, Albin, after you put down Joe's body, go straight over the railing and leave. I know the iron thorn wall can't stop you." The strong elf grabbed the thin ELF's shoulder and said with a smile, "take a look at the outside world for me. We haven't left the farm since we were born. The outside world must be more wonderful."

"Joe used to tell us about freedom, but we've never seen it. Maybe we can see it when we leave the farm." Anton reached out and rubbed Albin's head. "Remember, don't come back."

"Anton..." Albin choked.

In the dark, there were several whips.

Anton takes back his hand, takes three deep breaths, and then takes a big step. He rushes forward, side by side, into the wooden door.

The strong wooden door and the door frame were directly knocked out.

"For freedom!"

Anton turns back and shouts at the whole row of slave dormitories, piercing the darkness.

Shackles rang out in dozens of slave dormitories, but they were still silent.

"Go Albin wiped a handful of tears, and the cat ran out of the door with his waist. Three or two times, he collapsed into the trees beside him. Like a flexible monkey, he walked through the treetops and rushed to the railings where Joe's body was hanging in the distance.

Anton takes a look at Albin's direction, strides in the opposite direction, picks up a long stick and smashes it all the way.

The sound of breaking the door awakened the guards of the slave dormitory, and the harsh whistle sounded.

One after another, the torches light up the yard. The guard quickly takes control of all the main roads and finds Anton in the rush.

A low-level ice cone, penetrating his leg.

Before Anton can wave his stick to the guard in front of him, he falls to the ground.

The guard came forward, raised his iron bar with a ferocious expression and hit his other leg heavily.

With a dull sound, the leg was directly bent.

"For freedom!"

Anton looks up and shouts, lying on the ground, the stick in his hand still swings out suddenly, hitting the guard's leg heavily.


The stick broke into pieces.

And the leg of the guard spirit was also broken by a direct blow.

The guard spirit covered his legs and fell to the ground, whining and yelling at the guards behind him: "kill him! I want him dead! "

The guards agreed and rushed forward with their swords and sticks to greet Anton mercilessly.

"For freedom!"

"For freedom!"

"For... Freedom..."

Anton's voice gradually disappeared, until only the dull sound of the blade on the body was left.


Albin climbed to the top of the railing and watched the scene with split eyes. He broke the hemp rope hanging Joe's body.

Dozens of slave dormitories, which witnessed all this, finally began to stir.

They clapped at the railings and boards, shouting in anger and despair.

"Shut up

The guards smashed the elves who tried to put their hands out of the dormitory with iron bars, trying to control order.

"Someone stole the body! Get him

At the same time, a guard found Albin standing on the railing and yelled angrily.

Two flying mounts have taken off and are coming in the direction of Albin.

"Albin, go The old elf carried Joe's body on his back and cried to Albin.

Albin looked at the familiar farm, without any warmth, just like a man eating monster, only infinite fear.

He turned to look at the world beyond the railings, the vast sky, endless green fields, free air, and

The purple Griffin in the sky.

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