"A total of 178642 copper coins! Miss, we are rich

Marla put the last copper coin into the money box and looked at Effie with surprise.

She has been with the young lady for more than ten years. She has been watching her set up a tavern by herself, selling cheap drinks. After a hard day, she has only two or three thousand copper coins.

But today they started business again, and they collected so much money all at once.

She had never seen so much cash in her life.

Effie took out a dragon coin from the money box, blew it gently, and put it in his ear to listen to the sweet sound of money. He also said with a smile, "in the future, there will be so many days every day. Our good days are coming."

No one would think that too much money is a worry, would it?

"So much money, where are we going to put it?" Mara asked.

In the past, there were only a few thousand copper coins a day, which were easily carried upstairs, only enough to maintain the operation of the tavern.

Now that there is such a huge sum of money suddenly, it is unrealistic for them to carry it upstairs. They have to move back and forth several times to finish it.

And it's not safe to put it in the room like this.

Effie thought a little: "put it in the cellar for the time being. When you have a million copper coins, you can change it into a silver bill from Warren Buffett's Bank."

"All right." Mara picked up the box full of dragon coins and gold coins, ready to move the most valuable box to the wine cellar first.

"Dong Dong!"

At this time, a heavy knock on the door suddenly sounded.


Effie and Mara were stunned and looked in the direction of the door.


The wooden door that had been blessed by the magic barrier was knocked open. A man with a face full of flesh and a huge axe jumped into the door and looked at Effie and Mara with a grim smile.

"Who are you?! What are you doing? " Marla yelled.

"Run Effie looked at the strong man, his face white, grabbed Mara and ran to the back of the pub.

The money box in Mara's hand didn't hold firmly for a moment, and the Dragon coin and gold coin were scattered all over the ground, making a clanging sound.

"Hey, hey, where are you going! Give me all the money and let me have a good time. I won't kill you! " The strong man grinned grimly and strode towards Effie. All the way, all the tables, chairs and benches were knocked away.

Effie took Mara into the winery, opened the cellar door, pushed Mara in, and then jumped down directly, trying to pull down the heavy cellar door.

The moment the cellar door fell, she saw a huge axe raised high, and then fell.


A muffled sound reverberated in the cellar. Effie's hand was numb and quickly released the hand holding the handle.

Marla sat down on the floor of the cellar, her face faded, her voice trembled and said, "little... Miss... What is he going to do?"

Effie looked at the triggered defensive array. His face was a little slow. He got down from the escalator, squatted on the ground, put his arms around Marla, patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't be afraid, it's safe in the cellar. He can't get in."


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull collision sound comes from the position of the cellar door. The defense array shakes in the uncertain light and dark, and the silt particles fall down from the gap.

Effie held Mara with a dignified look and a pale face.

The memories of the past, which she had forgotten, came back again.

It's still this cellar. In those years, she was put into the cellar by her father, and then blocked in front of the cellar with her body.

It was the most terrifying scene she had ever seen in her life. His father was cut to death by the thug with an axe in front of the wine cellar. The blood penetrated into the analysis and dropped into the dark wine cellar.

Then the thug also smashed the cellar door like now. It lasted for more than ten minutes before he was unwilling to leave.

At that time, when she was young, she could only curl up in the corner and cry in fear, hoping that someone could open the cellar and rescue her from here.

Fifteen years later, the same thing happened when Titan tavern was about to get back on track.

The light of the shield is getting dim, and the sound of smashing the door is getting louder and louder.

Effie hugs Marla tightly, letting her cold fear come again.

Unlike 15 years ago, she was no longer a child. There was a dim yellow light in the cellar and a trembling Mara in her arms.

"Miss, he... Does he want to kill us?" Marla asked, looking up at Effie, her eyes full of horror.

"It's OK." Effie held her tighter.

She knew that the man outside was really aiming at them.

All the money is outside, full of 170000 copper coins.

If he comes for the money, he just takes it away.

But he is here to spend time and effort of the impact of the cellar, obviously his goal is not only money, but also them.

If she fell into the hands of such a ferocious and terrible man, Effie's heart was cool.

They nestled up to each other in the cellar, praying that someone would hear the sound and scare away the thugs outside.

However, there are no residents around the tavern. It will be a dead night. I'm afraid no one can hear the sound here.

Effie thought of Mr. Hades, who lived opposite, but on second thought, she gave up the idea.

Although Mr. Hades is a man full of wisdom, he is not a strong man, and he has two children and a beautiful wife.

She absolutely didn't want him and his family because she was hurt in any way.

She knew that such a mob would not care who was in the pub.


"My father, it seems that someone is making trouble in the tavern opposite?" Amy in bear's pajamas pulled back the curtain, looked at the Titan tavern opposite the door, and said.

"Well, it seems that some bad guys have gone in. Should Xiaomi fight bad guys together?" Meg, in his bathrobe, wiped his hair with a towel and asked with a smile.

He had just foamed himself and noticed the movement from the opposite side.

However, he confirmed that they had entered the wine cellar, and the murderer had not yet broken through the magic cover of the wine cellar, so he was not in a hurry to perform the drama of saving beauty naked. Instead, he quickly took a shower and put on a bathrobe for himself.

"Yes, yes! Xiaomi likes to play bad guys Amy's eyes lit and her head lit.

She looked around, picked up the little folding chair in the corner, waved it, nodded with satisfaction, looked at MEG and said, "let's go!"

MEG took a look at her folding chair. Her eyebrows were slightly raised. The mother and daughter's preferences were very similar.

"OK, let's go." MEG stepped on a pair of slippers, pushed open the window and jumped straight down the second floor.

Amy took the folding chair and jumped down from the second floor.

The father and daughter in pajamas walked into the broken Titan tavern.

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