A man with a bare upper body, more than two meters high, full of fierce breath, holding a black axe, is frantically cutting the cellar cover.

Every time the axe is cut down, the light shield on the cellar cover will shake for a while, and the light will weaken for a few minutes, and it will totter.

Ju Han, you are smiling. It shows that this barrier can't last long. He will soon be able to split the cellar door with one axe and catch the two beauties hidden inside.

Think of that beautiful female boss, that beautiful body, charming appearance, tonight will belong to him, let him ravage, his energy is more sufficient.

"Damned magician!" Juhan spat and took a breath. He held the axe in his hands and held it high above his head. His muscles tightened, and the black light on the edge of the axe condensed. Then he chopped it off.


With a crisp sound, cracks appeared on the magic barrier, quickly spread away, and then disintegrated completely.

The axe fell on the cellar door without any obstruction, with a dull sound, and cracks also appeared on the cellar door.

"Yes! Ha ha ha

Juhan grinned grimly and gasped.

But the magic barrier has been cut down by him, and then it's easy.

The woman in the cellar is worth more than the gold coin on the ground.

"Marla, you hide in the innermost cellar and don't come out no matter what happens." Effie got up and pushed Mara into the passage.

"No! Miss, I'm not going anywhere. I want to stay with you. I won't leave you Marla hugged her arm and shook her head in tears, but her eyes were especially firm on her frightened face.

The magic barrier has been cut down. Effie knows that the terrible mob will come in soon.

Her hands and feet were cold, and her heart was full of despair.

Why is this

She lost her parents 15 years ago. Is she going to lose her life in the same way tonight?

She had already grasped the knife that had been hidden close to her. If that guy was insulting her, she would never let him succeed.

It may be a good destination to end her life in the wine cellar that bears her father's whole life's hard work.

Or maybe she should have left with her parents 15 years ago, so... At least Marla won't be stuck here with her.

She's still a child.

Effie couldn't bear to look at Marla.


Juhan raised his axe again and gasped for breath. If the axe went down, it would completely solve the terrible cellar door.

"This manual work must be very tiring." A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Yes, I'm tired." Ju Han nodded, his eyes were staring, and he suddenly turned to look behind him.

Behind him, I do not know when more than a young man and a little Laurie.

One leaned against the doorframe, and the other sat on a small chair. It seemed that he had been at the theatre for a long time.

"Who are you?" Ju Han was surprised and turned to look at McGonagall.

"We are neighbors. We live just across the street. We'll have a look at the clang in the middle of the night. Did miss Effie invite a construction team to change the door and clean the cellar?" MEG laughed.

"Oh, it's a neighbor." Juhan slowly put down his axe, with a kind of simple and honest smile on his ferocious face. He looked at MEG and made sure that he was just an ordinary man with weak chicken. He walked slowly towards him with the axe.

"Yes, we are all ready to go to bed. You wake us up." Amy looked at the man with a small mouth. "You're a terrible big guy."

"Listen, miss! It's Mr. Hades' voice Marla suddenly pointed to the surprise above and said.

Effie, who had been waiting for the thug to cut the last axe, suddenly raised his head, and his heart suddenly raised hope.

But she soon heard Amy's voice. Her face was in a panic again. She raised her head and cried in her biggest voice, "run! Mr. Hades! He's a thug

Effie's voice came out of the cellar.

McGonagall looked at the giant and asked with a smile, "is that so?"

"Hehe, she's right. There's a price to pay for meddling." The smile on his face disappeared, and his face was full of flesh. With a grim smile, he raised the axe in his hand, chopped it down at MEG, and roared, "die for me!"


There was a dull noise.

The giant man with the axe flew out in an instant, and then he was embedded in the wall. His eyes were full of disbelief.

"Climb for me!"

Amy led the small folding chair with one hand and looked at the giant man's voice.

"Look at you, why are you so careless." McGonagall took two steps forward, smiling at the giant man struggling to dig himself out of the wall.

"I'll kill you!"

Although he was shocked, he was also furious. He held the axe in his hands and strode towards Amy again. The black light was shining on the axe and he didn't keep his hand.


There was another dull sound of the folding chair hitting the face.

Juhan flew out again. The three red bars on his face could not hide his shock and despair.

Yes, he was patted off by a baby who looked like he was only four years old.

And it's a folding chair. It's shot twice in a row.

It's like a nightmare.

MEG looked at the Dragon coins and gold coins scattered on the ground, walked forward with a smile, stepped on the giant man with one foot, and tried to hold the right hand of the axe again.

The fingers like iron bars were directly crushed and pasted on the handle of the axe like meat paste.


Juhan uttered a scream, his face turned pale and sweat came out from his forehead.

"Come on, who sent you?" McGonagall looked down at Juhan and said with a smile, "if you don't want the other hand to be like this, you'd better not try to make any small moves."

"No one sent me, I did it myself! I know they make a lot of money today, and I'm short of it. " The huge Han low roars a way, full of bloodshot eyes stare at Mai Ge.

"I know you are short of money, but what you are short of is not the money on the ground." MEG went around to the other side, then stepped on his other hand, slowly increased his strength, continued to smile and ask, "so who promised you more money to deal with Madame Effie?"

Juhan watched in horror as his left finger began to deform at McGonagall's feet, his joints creaked, and the pain came again.

He knew McGonagall wasn't bluffing him. He would really step on his fingers.

"Black market! It's a black market mission! "

The great man cried out in horror.


His left hand was crushed, too.

"I'm sorry. I thought you'd be harder." McGonagall looked apologetically at the screamed man, took back his feet and wiped the soles of his shoes.

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